A few pictures from last week – everyday has been very busy. The weather has been a bit better and we’re thankfully, starting to see the paddocks turn green! This week we’re getting ready for the trail ride on Saturday.
Pictured in Row One
(L to R) Valley Girl seems appreciative of having been relocated to a paddock where she has hay. Valley Girl, Jo, and Dancer are all in their 30’s and get multiple meals a day along with hay that’s available 24/7.
Kali and Flint were moved down to a paddock with Amira and Valley Girl was moved into the main paddock with Jo and Dancer. Since Amira cannot have hay due to her history of choke and her pasture mate, Valley Girl, was losing weight, we felt that it was in the girls’ best interest to separate them. These horses all get fed at least four times a day and they are on grass 24/7.
Mishka and Willow just enjoying one another’s company while hanging out beneath the tree.
Pictured in Row Two
(L to R) Beau getting a hooficure on his front feet only – he was a bit unsure and uncomfortable. He still has mental cobwebs that need to be cleared out. I feel so badly for any horse that has been mistreated. He wants to trust but it’s just going to take some time, consistency, and TLC. He’s pretty vocal – he lets us know when it’s meal time or if he’s out of hay. He still has a cough but his nasal discharge has cleared. If the cough is no better in another week, we will have the vet back out to scope him.
Magic taking a rest after a rather chilly night.
Peaches is still doing ok. She’s twenty-five years old now and since she has very few teeth remaining, she cannot have hay. She, too, is fed multiple times a day.
Pictured in Row Three
(L to R) Frodo gets his hooficures with the assistance of the sling. He took an indirect lightening strike a few years ago which caused him some permanent issues. His hoofs grow at least an inch every two weeks!
Danni and Tobias are both very sweet. Danni loves to give kisses and Tobias is happy with every bit of attention he receives.
Bouie and Frodo are both special needs boys. Bouie has metabolic issues and is prone to founder. We are very careful with their diets. They live around the barn where they have access to their stalls throughout the day.
We hope you enjoyed your little tour of a day at the farm!