In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

~John McCrae

Thank You!

Hi Everyone!

Thanks to our wonderful village of supporters, we have raised the necessary funds for last week’s hay run. We are so truly blessed by your love and support.

Theresa & Miles

Guess what everybody? A special day called Valentine’s Day is coming! It’s is a day when humans show appreciation for loved ones, family, and friends by giving them Valentine’s Day cards. Some also give candy, flowers, and other gifts but it would be okay to give things like treats and hay too!

It would make all of our herd really happy if each one of us were someone’s Valentine. Can we be yours? You could choose any one (or more) of us! Just send an email to mommy Theresa stating which horse, donkey, dog or kitty cat you would like to have as your valentine and she will place a heart next to our name(s).

Valentine’s Day kind of crept up on us this year – it’s only days away so we didn’t ask for cards. But, if you could help by sending a suggested donation of $5 per Valentine (or any amount) we’d really appreciate it! Donations can be sent by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button below. If you can’t donate at this time, it’s really okay but we still want each and every one of you to be our Valentine because you’re all very special to us!

Thank you!

Aaleyah Belle, Beauty, Buckshot, CaryLou, Chloe, Dancer, Ebony, Frodo, Hope, Jazzy, JoJo, Jo, Lily, Lucy, Luiji, Magic, Mishka, Mo, Nadia, Nash, Nicky, Oasis, Peaches, Peggy Sue, Penny, Remi, Ruby, Valley Girl, Venus, Warrior, Shadow, Presley & Oreo

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

This is a story I share every year at Christmastime – it’s near and dear to my heart. Some know it as, “The Old One” and some as “Because of Love”. Either way, it’s a powerful reminder about why we do what we do. Too many “old ones” are discarded after giving years of love and service to their humans – oftentimes, put out to pasture or “on the back 40” where they eventually wither away to nothing.

In many rescue cases that we’ve worked – where horses needed to be removed from a property and when humans were given the opportunity to go in and take one or more – the younger horses are usually scooped up. They are more quickly rehabilitated and re-homed while old ones are often left behind. My heart would never enable me to do that, they are all deserving.

My first question when I become involved is usually, “Who needs us the most?” regardless of their age.

Our three recent arrivals, Aries, Nicky, and Raz are “old ones”. They are all Thoroughbred mares in their late 20’s. Aries and Raz are full sisters that have always been together and we simply could not separate them – they are very bonded. Nicky, blind and deaf, was in very poor condition and may not have lasted another day. We were not prepared to take in more horses at this time but we couldn’t just turn our heads.

We went on faith and a prayer that support would come that would enable us to help them. With your help, we can accomplish much and make a difference to many.

We’ve been blessed to have had many “Old Ones” pass through our gates. While some are with us now such as Venus, Nadia, Jo, Dancer and others, some that have gone to Rainbow Bridge include Betsy Rose, Little E, Gentleman, Brea, Cricket, Grandma Bones, Nina, Casper, Solace, Matilda, Granny Jewels, Frosty, and many more. Watching the “old ones” and the unconditional love and wisdom that they offer to others in the herd and to humans is an amazing experience that words can’t adequately describe.

If only all humans would take time to open their hearts to see the beauty within these precious souls, then perhaps they would understand why we do what we do – because of love.

Only because of love.

Wishing one and all a Blessed Christmas.


‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the farm,
All the equines were stirring, even those in the barn.
The stockings were hung on the stalls with great care,
In hope that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The horses & donkeys were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of peppermints danced in their heads.
All were so hoping to find lots of fine treats but together agreed
That the wish at the moment was to take care of their needs.
Refilling the Medicine Cabinet is a must at the farm,
To keep our equines healthy and free from all harm.
Our prayers will be answered if our wishes are fulfilled
And our Velvet Nosers, of course, will be totally thrilled.
Please consider a donation in this season of good cheer,
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!

God bless us, everyone!

Our Year End Campaign got off track with the arrival of little Hope (she is still in the hospital) but we need to get back on track for the others here. We have many needs but we are going break them down instead of putting them all in one email. We need to restock our medicine cabinet with necessary supplements, supplies, and veterinary items which will address the needs of the Beauty’s Haven herd.

This portion of our campaign focuses upon the current necessary items which appear in the image above.

If you would like to help, you may do so by forwarding a donation via a variety of ways here on our website simply by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below. Please be assured that all donations are so greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

P.S. If you shop on Amazon, please click the button below where you can find some of our other needs on our Amazon Wish List. Thank you!


Hey Everyone!

Thanks to you, all of us ‘Velvet Nosers’ at Beauty’s Haven, have Valentines today!

Sending Hugs and Kisses xoxoxo,

Aaleyah Belle, Beauty, Bouie, Bria, CaryLou, Chloe, Cricket, Ebony, Elyza-Rose, Emma, Frodo, Jazzy, JoJo, Kaliko, Lily, Little E, Lucy, Luija, Magic, Mishka (pictured), Mo, Nadia, Oasis, Peaches, Peggy Sue, Penny, Ruby, Tilly, Venus, Warrior, Zahara, Shadow, Max, Presley, Kitty Cat & Oreo.