As we reflect upon the past year, we are filled with gratitude to have such a wonderful little village by our side.

Because of your most thoughtful generosity, you have enabled us to provide the very best of care to our beloved little herd: quality feed, top-of-the-line medical, dental and farrier care and love beyond measure. And because of each and every one of you, we have been able to fulfill our mission of rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for equines and other sentient beings in need.

Because of you, we were able to rescue and provide extensive rehabilitation for Gabriel, Misti, and Mindi, together with our newly rescued mare who is currently, embarking on her long and winding road to recovery.

Because of you, we were able to provide loving care to Benjamin, our ‘Golden Boy,’ a multitude of TNR kittens and even a baby squirrel who all, miraculously, found their way to Beauty’s Haven.

Over the course of the year, we also found loving, forever homes for a number of our equines and welcomed back several horses whose adopters, sadly, were no longer in a position to provide adequate care.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and dedication to the Beauty’s Haven herd.

Wishing you all a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.

Theresa, Bob, and the Beauty’s Haven Family

“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.”

Guess what everybody? A special day called Valentine’s Day will soon arrive! It’s is a day when humans show appreciation for loved ones, family and friends by giving them Valentine’s Day cards. It would really make all of us ‘Velvet Nosers’ so very happy to be someone’s very special valentine.

You could choose any one (or more) of us to be your valentine and all you have to do is tell Auntie Jeanne or Mommy Theresa which horse or donkey that you would like to have as your valentine and a heart will be placed next to our name(s).

And, if would like to send a suggested donation of $5 for each valentine (or any amount), we’d really appreciate it! Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below. If you can’t donate at this time, it’s really okay. But we still want each one of you to be our valentine because you’re all so very special to us!

Aaleyah Belle, Beauty, Belle Star , Bouie, Candace, CaryLou, Chloe, Dancer, Derek, Ebony, Frodo, Gabe, Jazzy, Jo, JoJo, Komanchee, Lady Sophia, Lily, Lennie, Lucy, Luiji, Magic, Mishka, Misti, Mo, Nadia, Oasis, Peaches, Peggy Sue, Ruby, Sassy, Simba, Valley Girl, Venus and Warrior

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

As we near the end of 2021, we have so much for which to be thankful.

We are thankful to our wonderful village of supporters as well as our amazing team of volunteers, who worked tirelessly to afford us the opportunity of granting a second chance at life to these 21 precious souls who have brought us such an inordinate amount of happiness and joy: Valley Girl, Buckshot, Remi, a precious newborn donkey; Allie, our mischievous Marmalade Tabby; Simba; Elvis and Ford; Miles, who without a doubt was sent to us through the intervention of our beloved Penny; Scooter; Kiah, the sweet little pup who was found scared and alone in the middle of the night with a badly injured paw; Ace, our beautiful Selle Francais; Belle Star; Lady Sophia and Candace; Piper, our sweet little dumpster kitten; three precious bunnies; our Christmas saves, Lennie and Michele; and lastly, Shai, our final rescue of 2021.

But as in the Circle of Life, our joy was tinged with sadness when our beloved Penny, Ace, Nash, Haley, Jasmin and Cleo, a precious newborn kitten, transitioned to Rainbow Bridge, where we know deep in our hearts, that they are all now happily romping about with the Heavenly Herd.

Beauty’s Haven unfortunately had a number of horses returned to the rescue this year, through no fault of their own. We are thankful that they are home with us and we have promised them that they will always be forever safe and loved.

We are so truly honored by your love and support which enables us to be the voice of those sweet and innocent souls who are unable to speak for themselves. And for that, we remain eternally grateful.

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time


Every year, we try to help a horse in need over the holidays. This year, we are once again asking for your assistance to help two precious souls that have been stuck in a very bad situation for over a year now. Their owner and the ‘system,’ have failed them terribly, for they should have been removed from their home long ago.

One is a gray 22 year-old Thoroughbred mare who won several thousands of dollars during her racing career. She was neglected and starved repeatedly over many years, but she managed to survive. Sadly, some of her herd members were not as lucky.

The other is an older donkey who is very thin and has foundered at some point in the past. She recently had her baby weaned from her. It’s so terribly sad that she was intentionally bred with her feet being in such poor condition.

Both of these sweet girls need everything – a vet exam, bloodwork, x-rays of their front feet, and supplements. They also need an appointment with the equine dentist and farrier.

It is with great hope that x-rays will determine the path we must take in order to help this sweet donkey. I’m concerned that findings may lead to a poor prognosis, but I’m praying for a miracle which will give us the opportunity to make her comfortable and thereby grant her a good quality of life. She’s in good spirits, but obviously quite uncomfortable.

A wonderful friend and supporter has just come forth and has offered to match all donations up to $300 to help them. Initial needs for each will be at least $500 but it may be more depending upon how many x-rays are needed. They also both need ongoing support for their care. You may help by clicking the button below, please note that your contribution is for “Christmas Saves/Match Game.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

All donations are greatly appreciated and please be assured that no amount is ever too small.

Thank you,

With gratitude for your continued love and support. Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving.

The Beauty’s Haven Family

“From every mountain side
Let Freedom ring.”

~ Samuel F. Smith