End of the Year Campaign

As #GivingTuesday 2023 is now behind us, our fundraiser has morphed into our End of the Year Campaign. We continue to pray for your support to assist us with the numerous ongoing expenses involved in running an equine rescue organization, expenses that are necessary to ensure the overall safety, health, comfort and well-being of each and every member of our beloved herd, many with special needs. Broken gates and fence boards need to be replaced, repairs to shelters and equipment are needed, the supplement and medication cabinets must be restocked – the list is seemingly, endless. Some horses sadly, are without sponsors to even cover their daily expenses.

As Beauty’s Haven is also actively engaged in TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), the most effective and humane method for managing and subsequently, reducing the population of the numerous feral and stray cats that frequently find their way to our farm, your donation will also assist greatly with the veterinary and overall care expenses of these precious cats and kittens, who, sadly, find themselves alone and unwanted through no fault of their own. As some of you may know, Midnight, one of our released TNR kittens, was severely injured recently and has transitioned to Rainbow Bridge. I am most certain he is once again  happy and pain free as he lovingly plays with all the precious kitties who have gone before him.

Our $500 Match Game is still ongoing, so hopefully, it will soon be met. All donations are tax-deductible, so this is a wonderful opportunity in which to forward your 2023 end of the year contributions while, at the same time, honoring each and every member of the Beauty’s Haven herd, both past and present. Contributions may be forwarded by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button below, or, if you prefer to donate directly to our End of the Year Campaign, you may do so by clicking on the image above.

Thank you, in advance, for honoring the legacy of all the precious members of our beloved little herd, especially those who we have sadly, lost this year – Beauty, Ruby, Oasis, Nadia, Venus, Minnie and little Midnight. May they forever remain in each of our hearts.


It is so hard to believe that summer is fast approaching, which of course, brings yet another round of hooficures. Almost all members of our beloved little herd of 30 are due for a hooficure. Farrier visits have been scheduled beginning yesterday, June 9th, and will be ongoing until next Friday, June 16th, in hope that each of our ‘Velvet Nosers’ will have ‘Happy Feet’ by the very first day of summer.

While donations toward basic needs such as farrier care and hay may seem trivial to many, they are vitally important to the overall health and well-being of our equines. Please be assured that each and every dollar designated for these needs brings us great relief and an inordinate amount of gratitude.

The average cost per hooficure is $45. If you would like to sponsor or donate any amount toward a hooficure, you may forward your contribution simply by clicking on the ‘DONATE’ button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you, all, for your love & support!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time


Let’s Fill Up the Hay Trailer!

The weekend also means that it is time for yet another hay run. Although we do have grass, we must still continue to feed hay to our ‘Velvet Nosers’ in order to keep our grassy areas from turning into sand paddocks.

We estimate this week’s purchase will be approximately $1,000, so if you would like to contribute toward this need, both horses and humans alike would be forever grateful. Just click on the donate button included on this post. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever to small.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Here we go again! The “feels like” temperatures are dropping below freezing, and coupled with the high winds, it becomes nearly unbearable to say the least. We need to get a load of coastal and some alfalfa hay ASAP which will cost about $925.

If you can pitch in, please click the “Donate” button below, or visit our Donations page for all options to contribute.

I know the horses would really appreciate it, digesting hay helps them stay warm!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

“Did you know temperatures are dipping down really super cold for the next few nights?

Did you know Mommy Theresa is sick with something called Covid and she’s really worried about us staying warm? She’s been in isolation now since Tuesday and is anxious to get out.

Did you know that if we have hay it will help us stay warm? It’s not too late for us to make a run to the hay store by tomorrow.

Could anyone help us raise $2,005 for ten bales of orchard hay, one ton of alfalfa, two big half pasture bales as well as some coastal hay?

And guess what? Two of my very special aunties have joined together and will match all donations up to $1,150, so not only will you be helping me and my fiends here at Beauty’s Haven, you will double your donation as well!

We don’t even have to fill up the whole hay storage trailer – if we just get it half full, it will last us until Monday.

So, please help if you can. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small!

Have a very Merry Christmas!”


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Hi Everyone, Benjamin here!

Mommy Theresa is busy taking care of all my horsey friends, so she asked if I could come on here to help with our hay needs. We still need to raise $$529 which is creating much worry for Mommy.

Won’t you please help by sponsoring a large half pasture bale @ $180 per bale?

Your donation is really going to a very good cause and will be so very much appreciated by everyone here at the farm. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and please remember that no donation is ever too small.

Pretty please and thank you!


P.S. I hope Mommy thinks I am a very good boy!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Hello from freezing Florida! And it’s is going to be another really cold one today – the winds here make it pretty bad, but at least it’s not raining. Last night it dipped down to 19°. Thankfully all the horses were warm and snuggly in their blankets. Many thanks to Jenny, Avi, and Cindy for helping to blanket the 30+ horses yesterday!

Did you know horses burn 30-35% more calories to stay warm when the cold temps arrive? This means they need more hay!

We need to make a run as soon as possible for four large compressed 1/2 pasture bales for the horses in our four southern paddocks so the horses will have them for tonight. Each bale weighs approximately 500 pounds. This will cost at least $525 to procure these four bales. Can anyone help with this need? We have enough of the regular size bales to last us for a couple more days.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

No amount is too small and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Momma and baby seem to be adjusting very well to their new environment. Candace has taken some nice long naps, her little body is very weak and the rest will do her good. Sophia has also laid flat on her side for some good REM sleep a few times. They are drinking well and enjoying their hay. Both girls like to stay under their shaded shelter where there is usually a breeze that comes through the side windows. We monitor their temperatures, manure (which is much better formed, albeit there is still evidence of sweet feed passing through their systems), how much they eat, the baby’s joints to see if there is any heat, water intake, etc. So far, their body temps have been normal or pretty close to it. However, they were somewhat elevated this evening.

It truly is amazing that Candace survived in this condition, she wouldn’t have lasted much longer, that’s for certain. It says a lot about her will to live but she is far from out of the woods. Foals can crash pretty fast so we will be regrouping with Dr. Emily in the morning.

Some have asked if we know how to feed and care for horses that are in such poor condition and if we have any experience doing so. We have noticed many new names following our efforts – we welcome new friends and followers as well as their questions! We invite you all to peruse the other posts on our blog and read about many of the horses we’ve helped since we established of Beauty’s Haven in 2006.

Our re-feeding program is based on the UC Davis Refeeding Program and yes, we do have many years of experience doing this. It’s a group effort and we truly are blessed to have an awesome, experienced, compassionate, and committed care team. Our vets, farriers, equine dentist, and volunteers are all key players. And we couldn’t do what we do without support from others – we appreciate all of you.

Please keep these precious girls in your prayers. Thank you.


Since Mother’s Day is this weekend, me and my friends decided to surprise Mommy Theresa with something she really wants – a trailer load of hay! She always puts us before her own needs so we thought that surprising her with a gift of hay would truly make her heart sing!

Since we have only one bale of hay left, this will be a pretty big order. We hope to raise $1438 by Sunday, so if anyone would like to help us surprise Mommy Theresa, please click on the ‘Donate’ button below. And, if anyone would like to offer a Match Game, it would make us all so very happy!

Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day to all our Aunties!

Sassy Pants & the Gang

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Elvis and Ford have hit the jackpot! They have been adopted into a wonderful home with someone who has adopted from us in the past. It’s a true blessing! We really did not want to separate them. Ford is 13 years young and really loves his little pony, Elvis, who is approximately 30 years young. They have had many changes in their life recently, but now, they have sunny days ahead in their new, loving, forever home. Enjoy the sweet video below of the boys happily prancing about in their lovely new paddock!

Thank you Maggie!


The Grass is Getting Greener!

Thanks to all of you we are almost 1/3 of the way to reach our goal for this past weekend’s hay run. The good news is that the grass is getting greener and our hay needs will soon lessen considerably!

If anyone would like to assist us with the remaining balance of $333, please click on the ‘Donate’ button below. Or if you would like to offer a Match Game, it would be so greatly appreciated by both horses and humans alike! Just email us at bhfers@gmail.com.

Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Just Five Days Remaining!

Please help us win $1000 for the horses by clicking on the ‘Vote’ button below each day throughout the month of April. It’s free & easy! We’re currently in 1st place with just five days remaining! Thank you!!!

MacGyver and Valley Girl, here, helping Mommy Theresa with another hay run! The current need includes 4 bales of Alfalfa (our favorite), 21 bags of Coastal, and 24 bales of Orchard for a grand total of $1078.

So, if you would like to help, it would make our tummies happy and give us a chance to test out our “new” teeth! Dr. Templeton (thank you Dr. T!) worked on our teeth yesterday and took care of some sharp points and other things so it’s much easier for us to chew now! Nicky had to have a tooth pulled and Peaches got an adjustment, too. Jo and Dancer also were done but Mommy Theresa will have to tell you about that at another time.

Please CLICK HERE to choose from a variety of ways to donate.

All contributions are very much appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

P.S. If anyone would like to start a Match Game to assist with this need, we would be forever grateful!

Thank you!

MacGyver & Valley Girl