We have a bit of a serious issue…

The mower broke and while the paddocks look beautiful and the horses and donkeys are happy, there’s simply too much grass! Long grass puts equines at risk for founder which is the last thing any of them need. Bugs are more plentiful and it also puts horses at risk for eye issues, scratches, etc. I’ve included some photos of what a simple grass seed pod can do – JoJo and Beauty have both had eye injuries from grass seed pods. Eye injuries are uncomfortable for the horse/donkey and we humans have to treat the eye several times a day, 24/7. Prevention saves a lot of stress, discomfort, time and money.

JoJo says he has a fix and the paddocks don’t need to be mowed, but they really do – the sooner the better! The cost for the mower repairs is $1421. Of this, $770 has already been raised which leaves a balance of $651. I know we keep asking for help (which I don’t like to do) but we operate totally from donations. If you can’t help financially, we completely understand, but you can still help by sharing this out – invite people to our website and Facebook pages where they can learn about us – perhaps they may even be able to help!

Please consider a tax deductible donation to assist with this emergency. Donations can be made via various means on our website at bhfer.org/donate or via our PayPal address bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘Mower,’ and if you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Our PayPal.me account is paypal.me/bhfer. All donations are greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

On behalf of our ‘Velvet Nosers,’ thank you, all, from the bottom of our hearts!

The really long grass is beautiful but it’s something none of the horses and donkeys need as grass seed pods can cause eye injuries and grass can cause founder.

A mower is essential to keep the paddocks safe for the horses and donkeys.

JoJo has his own idea…

“Wait! Please stop! You don’t need to mow because all of us donkeys and horses will take care of it by eating it!”

Bob is still recuperating from open heart surgery but he’s looking forward to getting back to work.

JoJo had an eye injury caused by a long piece of grass that became lodged under his lower eyelid.

You could clearly see the injury once Dr. Ted stained it.

Beauty also experienced an eye issue a few years ago. Dr. Ryan, upon examination, discovered a seed pod stuck in her eye, but even after removal, the damage had already been done.

Beauty’s ulceration had to be treated several times a day around the clock, but sadly, her eye remains permanently scarred.

[social_button button=”twitter” ttext =” We have a bit of a serious issue… The mower broke and while the paddocks look beautiful and the horses and donkeys are happy, there’s simply too much grass!” tcount =”horizontal” tvia =”BHFER_EquineRes”][social_button button=”facebook” furl=”https://bhfer.org/a-serious-dilemma/” fsend=”on” flayout=”standard” fshow_faces=”on” fwidth=”450″ faction=”like” fcolorsheme=”light”]

July 15th, 2018

The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart. ~ Rumi

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization is currently experiencing a ‘rough patch’ due to unforeseen circumstances. Theresa’s husband, Bob, the co-founder of Beauty’s Haven, is scheduled to undergo aortic aneurysm repair surgery on Friday, July 20th. Although this procedure could have been performed at a later date, both Theresa and Bob believe that it is in their best interest to have the surgery as soon as possible in order to alleviate additional stress. On a positive note, the doctor expects Bob to make a full recovery and after six to eight weeks of recuperation, he will, once again, be able to perform his daily tasks. As most supporters are aware, Theresa simply does not like to ask for assistance, so on her behalf, I am seeking your support during this most challenging time.


Returned Horses and Forever Homes

Beauty’s Haven recently rescued Rosie, a mini who may be in foal, and Joie, a mini filly. Both came from a feral herd. About a month ago, we also rescued a pair of hours old, orphaned baby goats, Ginger and Snap. Bottle babies require around the clock care but it has been worth every second as both are now flourishing and were just yesterday, delivered to their adoptive home where they will be forever treasured. Theresa will truly miss these precious babies for they were such a joy to behold and their antics always made her smile.

Sadly, however, three horses recently returned from their adopters, which put a strain on already strained resources – financially, physically, and mentally. ‘Rescue’ means much more than helping a horse in dire need by bringing them to safety. Rescue is a commitment to each horse for the rest of his or her life; a commitment that they will receive routine care which is quite costly. Routine care includes vetting, de-wormers, dental and farrier care, vaccines, hay and grain, special diets and supplements. And there are also unexpected emergencies. Sponsoring a horse to assist with his or her daily care is a most helpful way in which to make a difference in the life of a precious equine. There is no set dollar amount required to help sponsor a horse – any amount helps.

A number of beautiful horses are currently available for adoption and are patiently awaiting their loving forever homes. Many equines with special needs comprise the Beauty’s Haven Sanctuary Program where they will forever remain safe.



Horses are much more attractive to potential adopters once they have been trained and we are truly grateful to Dan who has done a fantastic job working with Kiana. Kiana now accepts being ridden and will one day, be a wonderful trail horse for a potential adopter. Kiana’s training has been made possible by Lynda and her family’s most generous sponsorship.

Zahara, the rescue’s very own, ‘Black Beauty,’ is a stunning, healthy Thoroughbred mare. She is presently eligible to receive much needed training at an off-site facility, but she needs sponsors in order for this to occur. The cost of this training is $700/month for a minimum of two months which includes training and full care. The training spot is open as of August 1st and we don’t want Zahara to miss this amazing opportunity. If anyone would like to assist with the cost of Zahara’s training, we would be forever grateful.



Beauty’s Haven has a wonderful, albeit small, group of hands-on volunteers who come on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9 am until approximately, 3 pm, as well as a volunteer who works with a special needs volunteer on Friday mornings. Another volunteer works for three hours on Friday mornings cleaning paddocks, and on occasion, other individuals stop by to assist. Beauty’s Haven’s volunteers are absolutely priceless and each and every moment that they spend at the rescue is so greatly appreciated.

Most unfortunately, since the rescue is experiencing a major shortage of volunteers, Theresa and Bob have been tirelessly working, on average, sixteen plus hours per day caring for their beloved herd and attending to the routine tasks of maintaining the farm. Theresa will do her best during this most challenging time but she simply will be unable to perform her duties while taking on Bob’s tasks as well. We therefore, need to hire someone temporarily who will assist Theresa and perform many of Bob’s daily chores, starting immediately.

The major impetus in procuring an adequate number of individuals to assist with the thirty plus horses that comprise the Beauty’s Haven herd, is the distance one must travel as the rescue is located in a rural area, approximately thirty-five miles from Ocala and Gainesville. This is the primary reason why Beauty’s Haven needs to relocate closer to Gainesville, once the perfect property is found that would best serve the needs of the rescue. If anyone knows of a property, or can help in any way, please contact us at bhfer_admin@gmail.com.

The rescue also has other needs which need to be addressed – repairs to fencing and manure spreaders, replacement of tires on the rescue’s vehicle, repairs to the flatbed trailer that is used to transport hay in addition to many other farm related needs.

Beauty’s Haven has a wonderful village of supporters who always rise to the occasion whenever a need occurs. Please consider making a onetime donation or creating a monthly recurring donation of any amount to help the rescue at this critical time.  If you would like to donate to our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ gofundme campaign, please click here. Contributions may also be submitted via PayPal: bhfer@earthlink.net, via various means on our website or via PayPal.me/bhfer.  Please make certain to mark your donation, ‘Beauty of the Heart’ when donating via PayPal. Please note that all donations will be reflected on our gofundme page. If you are unable to assist financially, we truly understand, but perhaps you would be willing to assist us by spreading the word about our wonderful rescue. This could lead to new supporters, donations, homes for horses, and even new volunteers. Lastly, a dear friend and supporter has most generously offered to match the first $1000 in donations to our ‘Beauty of the Heart’ campaign which would specifically be designated to hiring someone to assist with chores during Bob’s period of rehabilitation. This would also be a wonderful opportunity in which to double your contribution!

Beauty’s Haven is the fulfillment of Theresa’s lifelong dream, a dream of helping our beloved equines, especially those in dire need, with the promise that all of their tomorrows, will be everything that their past should have been.  And Bob has remained by Theresa’s side throughout the years, supporting her all the way. They have truly made a significant difference in the lives of countless horses as well as humans, and they are eagerly looking forward to helping many more.

In the words of Theresa…

“Don’t give up just because of the obstacles. Regardless of what obstacles face you, just keep going! Go through, go around, or go over or under – but never give up!”

Please keep Bob, Theresa, Katie and Joshua in your prayers.


Jeanne Bartsch
Board of Directors
Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit

June 9th, 2018

[dropcaps] T [/dropcaps] hese two beautiful souls that arrived at Beauty’s Haven a few days ago, are a prime example of irresponsible breeding at its finest. The baby appears to be approximately six months old and she hasn’t been handled. The mare isn’t her mom but she was exposed to a stud and may be pregnant – she’s thin but she has quite a tummy coupled with a bag.  Neither of these precious horses want anything to do with humans – they are going to be a project. I can’t wait to get that horrible coat off the baby.  She must have been miserable during our recent, “feels like 108 degrees” days.  Once we get her coat off, she’s going to be thin, too, but not for long! Both the mare, and baby, are currently in quarantine.

If you would like to sponsor either of these sweet little ones or contribute to their initial veterinary, farrier and/or dental expenses, you may do so via various means at https://bhfer.org/donate/. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to: ‘New Arrivals.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no contribution is ever considered as being too small.

Thank you all, for always being there for the Beauty’s Haven herd.


I was blessed to be able to spend some time with this awesome lady and dear friend of the rescue one day last week. We had all been looking forward to Linda Jenny’s visit! Beauty wasn’t in the best of moods, however, as the farrier was working on her feet while she’d rather have been out grazing with Jazzy.

We hope to see her again at our annual trail ride fundraiser next year, if not before.

Mishka always loves extra attention! It didn’t take long before Starbuck decided to play the “me first” game – he’s such a kid at heart.

Elyza Rose is doing great – she also loves all of the attention she can get. She’s a very sweet mare.

CaryLou greeted Linda, strutting with his “big man” attitude, while JoJo was hoping she’d take off his fly mask! lol

Peaches got some extra attention too – I thought she was going to fall asleep in Linda’s hands!

Another dear friend of the rescue has entered Beauty’s Haven in the Shelter Challenge so please support our beloved herd by voting for us every day! This is a wonderful opportunity for our rescue to win Shelter Challenge grants which fund shelter, food, and care for our horses. Just click here to cast your daily vote and please share amongst family and friends as well.

New Pony Mare

It seems like forever since I hugged Betsy Rose. I’ve asked myself many times – what could we have done differently? But I know there was nothing more that we could have done. Betsy wasn’t a “normal” pony. She was angelic with a divine presence and there are just no words to describe her essence. This may not make sense to some, but when Betsy left, I felt lost and abandoned. Why did she have to go so soon? Why our Betsy Rose? How do I keep going? How will things ever get back to normal? I know Betsy is still here with us in spirit, but it’s not the same – I can’t touch and hug her. I miss her whinnies. I miss everything about her. When she went to the Rainbow Bridge, I wanted to melt into nowhere or go anywhere where the sense of overwhelming loss and hurt wouldn’t follow me. But there is nowhere.

As we announced at the end of December, we made the decision to downsize until we relocate closer to Gainesville where we would get more volunteers which are desperately needed. But then, I received a message – “Please can you take her? Some of her pasture mates didn’t make it – she needs your special care.” And then came a photo which knocked me to my knees and took my breath away. I went into a panic – emotional overload hit me like a freight train.

I put my phone away, ignoring the message and hoping it had been my imagination. But, later, when I checked my phone, she was still there and I just lost it.

I prayed about the request and at first the answer didn’t come. Well, when the answer finally came, I’m ashamed to say, I tried to bury it. But I couldn’t.

Betsy Rose and I had a very strong connection and before Dr. Specht helped her to the Bridge, I promised Betsy that her legacy would live on. I know Betsy Rose would want us to help this little mare – perhaps she even had a hand in this. I do believe, sometimes, that God puts people, and animals, in our lives just when we need them (or they need us) the most. Bob will be returning with this mare in a couple of hours. My emotions will be all over the place but I’m going to be #BetsyRoseStrong. Just like the promise we made and kept with Betsy Rose – we will make all of this mare’s tomorrows everything her past should have been.

We need help from our amazing village of supporters. The vet will be coming this evening to do a full physical on this little mare. She needs both her teeth and feet taken care of, etc. We still have a Match Game in progress for other needs, but now we have an additional need to help this mare. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Donations can be made through PayPal at bhfer@earthlink.net and there are various ways to contribute via our website at bhfer.org. Please mark your donations for “Pony Mare” and know that we appreciate your help. And I’d appreciate some good thoughts and prayers for all of us as well.  Thank you.

#BetsyRoseStrong #believe #bhfer

Feb132018 Blog Post

I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to come up with a fundraiser to help with some urgent and time sensitive needs. All I’ve ended up with is a headache. So, I’m just going to put this out there.

  • The manure spreader broke and needs a new agitator part. The cost is $185 plus with shipping (about $25 – $30). Bob can install it.
  • When Bob went to get hay, he had to get the rescue truck jump started twice due to the battery needing replacement. The cost is $163.
  • Dr. Bess is coming on Wednesday to do dental work on some of the horses. I’m sure there are  more horses that need to be done than time allows but If we get donations to help, whatever  is not  used (if any) on Wednesday, will be put aside and applied towards her next visit. My estimate  for  this visit is approximately, $750.
  • A horse that was adopted out a few years ago recently came back due to his adopter’s unexpected  change in life circumstance so he will be needing sponsorship. He’s a big boy with a big appetite.  We had to pay for part of his last month’s board bill as well as transportation back to the rescue for  a total of $457.
  • *One of the farriers will be here at the end of the week – $150.
  • *Elevate Maintenance Powder from Kentucky Performance Products – $60.
  • *Cetyl-M Complete Joint Action Formula – $110.
  • *We need to make a hay run by the weekend which will be at least $800.
  • We need to make a shavings run as well – $84.
  • And I’m sure there’s more that I can’t remember at this point as it’s been a long day.

If anyone would like to help with any of these needs, it would be greatly appreciated. Our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net and if you select the tab ‘For family or friends,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Donations may also be made via various means on our website at bhfer.org and credit card donations can be made over the phone. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. We don’t receive any local, State, or Federal funds – we operate solely from donations from the public.

Match Game!

Two wonderful friends and supporters have joined forces and are offering a $750 Match Game so every dollar donated – up to $750, will be matched and once we reach $750 in donations, they will morph into $1500! Donate Now.

SunState Federal Credit Union’s ‘Charity of the Month’ contest

Please also remember to vote for us every day in the SunState Federal Credit Union’s ‘Charity of the Month’ contest. It runs through the end of February and with your help, we could win $1000 which would be applied toward hay for our beloved herd.  Please also share and ask family and friends to vote daily and share as well. An organization can only win this contest once a year and we were most fortunate to have been one of the twelve recipients of the ‘Charity of the Month’ prize, for the past two years. I know that we can do this! Just click here to cast your vote!

Thank you all for your continued love and support.
#sunstate #vote #forthehorses #believe #betsyrosestrong #beauty

Feb102018 Blog

Marie and Lynda are wonderful and dedicated volunteers (and friends) who come on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This past Tuesday, Jessie (from PA) also spent the day with us and the horses absolutely loved the extra attention!

It was great to see Jessie and Ron again – looking forward to next year already! And next week, we get to visit with Linda Jenny! I hope the weather remains this nice!

#AaleyahBelle #Sisco #Chloe #Kiana #Beauty #Ruby #Mishka #Starbuck #Magnum #Rosita #Zahara #Magic #gratefulforvolunteers #BetsyRoseStrong #beautyneedsprayers

Beauty isn’t any worse – so that’s a good thing. She could use some good thoughts and prayers. – with Jessie Lotrecchio.

Rosita, Mishka, and Zahara are all beautiful! – with Jessie Lotrecchio and Lynda Oakes O’Toole.

Ruby is a barn resident during the day. She goes out during overcast days and nights. – with Jessie Lotrecchio

A trio of trouble. lol – with Marie Riordan.

Kiana absolutely adores all of the attention she can get. – with Jessie Lotrecchio.

And then there is that tongue! Aaleyah Belle is stunning just like her momma – Momma Sue. – with Jessie Lotrecchio.

Magic even enjoyed scratches! Go Magic! – with Jessie Lotrecchio.

Sisco and Chloe hang out with Aaleyah Belle. – with Jessie Lotrecchio.

We are currently in first place in the SunState Federal Credit Union Charity of the Month Contest. A vote per day through the month of February, could help us win $1000 which will greatly assist the rescue with the purchase of hay and/or other needs. Just click here to cast your vote and please share amongst family and friends. Please note that you will be prompted to “Like” SunState’s Facebook page prior to casting your vote and you must be a Facebook member in order to do so.

We are still awaiting the results of the Eagle Rare Life contest – the winners will not be announced until March.

#BetsyRoseStrong #believe #wecanwinthis #bhfer

Pray For Beauty
January 31st, 2018

Our beloved Beauty was having a great deal of discomfort in both front feet yesterday. Dr. Ted Specht came out last evening to examine her and to do x-rays. I was worried sick because Beauty has a history of founder. Currently, she has a compound issue – her soles are a bit too thin and she’s having a laminitis flare-up. We’re doing everything we can to manage this – the good Lord knows my heart hasn’t recovered from losing Betsy Rose and I’m not sure I ever will. Beauty is my heart horse and the reason this rescue came to be. Please keep Beauty in your prayers.


January 24th, 2018

For those who know Magic’s story, you’ll understand how big an accomplishment this is, and for those who are unaware of his history, I hope that you will gain a better understanding of his very sad past.

Magic is an Arabian stallion that was used as a tripping horse. Most horses don’t survive this horrific abuse and if they do, they are so mentally messed up, that they are most often, deemed crazy and sent to slaughter.

After surviving his “charro” life, Magic ended up with someone who beat him with a 2 x 4 because he would not take a saddle. I received a call from a young lady who had witnessed this repeated abuse and asked if we could help. From the moment I saw Magic, I knew he’d be coming home with us. He was very untrusting and petrified of people, ropes, boards, etc., and understandably so.

I was very blessed that he accepted me from the very beginning and we have a relationship built on trust. It took a few years, but now he will approach other humans for scratches. I do tell everyone who goes into his paddock, however, that Magic lives life on his terms. Nobody is allowed to try to “catch” or halter him – he feels threatened if they do, and runs away.

Magic accepts me haltering him, treating injuries, putting a flymask on him, and more. If he needs a vet, I sedate him and put a soft towel over his eyes and once the vet arrives and does what he needs to do, and then leaves, I remove the towel.  It’s worked great.

Magic has had melanomas for years which had not caused an issue. However, one recently got very angry after he rubbed it raw against a board. I cleaned and treated it daily. There really wasn’t a way to keep the flies from the sore so I considered putting a sleazy on him to protect the area. Well, I tried and was pleasantly surprised when he stood perfectly still and let me do so!  I was so proud of him! I opted to leave the sore open and continued to keep it clean and treated and thankfully, it’s so much better now. But the sleazy was a major milestone for him!

To learn more about the horrendous practice of horse tripping, please click here but please be aware that the images may prove to be quite disturbing.


The barn just isn’t the same without Cookie and Betsy Rose. Ruby gets more attention now but I’ll bet she, too, wishes her four legged friends were still with us.


SeAnna has found her loving, forever home!  She is a pasture pal to a blind gelding.  The first time they met they clicked!  Both appear to be very happy!


Kiana is another beautiful girl that is looking for a forever home as a trail horse. She’s getting some training sessions in with Dan Rexroad!


Penny, a 30+ year old blind Belgian, looks gorgeous in her cold weather blanket. And believe me, it’s been really cold!


I miss her so much.


We always look forward to when Carien Schippers, the talented artist who has photographed many members of our beloved herd, visits the rescue. She has photographed many of our horses over the years. Carien is currently offering a discount on her art to benefit Beauty’s Haven. Please click here to view Carien’s lovely images. If you wish to purchase a piece, please use code EGPSNY for a 15% discount which is applicable through February 1, 2018.

Thank you, Carien, for your love and support.

Photo by Carien Schippers.


Thank You_

[button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://bhfer.org/donate/” target=”” button_color=”#002c8b” ]DONATE NOW[/button]

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Betsy Rose Pink Olden

The horses were happy to get out of their blankets on Monday. We’re happy the temps are up a bit but it is predicted that the cold weather will be returning this weekend.

Aaleyah Belle and that tongue! All she wanted to do was slime me!


Cricket really seemed to appreciate her blanket last week during the cold temps and freezing rains.


CaryLou showing off and strutting his stuff in his Betsy Rose poinsettia bows.

We got Betsy a new pack of bows this year – they always looked so cute on her. Sadly, she never got to see them but I didn’t think she would mind if some of the others wore them on Christmas Day.


Precious Lucy, our mini with big head disease, showing off her Poinsettias.


Jiminy sure is looking good!


Cricket was giving me advice on how to unload the hay that weighs much more than I do!


Love it so much when the horses are very happy with their hay. Every horse in this photo is looking for a forever home.


JoJo is one of the most intuitive and caring donks I’ve ever known. This was taken a couple of days after Betsy Rose left us. He just wanted hugs.


I walked out of the feed room to move Beauty back to her paddock for the evening. I looked up to the sky and found a beautiful surprise.


[button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://bhfer.org/donate/” target=”” button_color=”#002c8b” ]DONATE NOW[/button]

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero and 2017 Eagle Rare Life Award for Heroism. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.