CaryLou Today 4/4/13
This morning Dr. Hughes said they decided against scoping CaryLou at this time – he is just so small. She thinks his trachea is the issue – the cartilage rings may be deformed (they may be flattened rather than round) or weak. She hopes that with time the issue will correct itself. If not, he may need surgery. The problem with surgery is that they would have to put a stent in his trachea but it would not expand as he grows. When he makes the funny noises, it is likely when his trachea falters which affects his breathing and makes him a bit anxious which, in turn, increases his heart rate and respiration.
Dr. Hughes wanted to keep him again tonight to see how he does. If he is no worse he will come home tomorrow with his IV meds. I won’t deny that I’m worried. If the area of the trachea affected is within the chest, surgical access is very hard. There could be complications like scar tissue forming around the stent that could cause airway obstruction and aspiration pneumonia. Once he is home we will be monitoring him closely and praying that the issue resolves. I can’t imagine anything happening to him. He’s so full of life and is otherwise healthy – he’s built like a tank with a personality that is just so positive and bright!
This was how I found CaryLou this morning – napping with his mom standing over him.
“I’m proud of my spots mommy Theresa – just look at them!”
He’s cute and he knows it!
Here is a link to a short YouTube video of him and Twinkle this morning:
Here he is being a brave boy getting his medications. His mom came over and stood by me and watched – she loves her baby!
Please keep CaryLou in your thoughts and prayers. I’ll update again tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Praying for this little sweety and his momma.
Donna Powell