

Hey Everyone!

Mishka here! With the cold weather upon us, me and my horsey and donkey friends go through much more hay than we do during the warmer months so I just want to let you all know that it is time for another hay run! We are in need of two tons of orchard hay ($610 each) and three large compressed bales of hay ($110 each) for a total of $1550.

I have some wonderful news though! A very special Auntie has offered to match all donations up to $1000 so for each dollar donated, your gift will double!

There are many ways in which to donate. You may forward your donation via various means here on our Website or via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Hay Match Game.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Thank you!
