March 6th, 2017

I was really disappointed that I was unable to attend the AMVETS Post 444 Poker Run fundraiser for Beauty’s Haven.  Our family had already planned a get-away for the same weekend.  But we hear that it went very well and we truly appreciate their support – they do awesome things for the community!

AMVETS Poker Run

March 9th

A very special five minutes today – Emma was able to go out and graze! She was so happy.  Emma has been getting hand walked throughout the days, but today, she was on her own!

Emma Out


Emma’s bandages are off, staples and stitches are out, and she’s sporting her new socks from Sox For Horses! These socks are a great alternative to bandaging and they’re easy to use and maintain!

I have no feeling or sensation in my hands so leg wraps/bandages are difficult for me to put on the horses. I don’t have to stress anymore! Silver Whinny’s are easy to put on and take off! They are a breathing antimicrobial knit that allow airs in, permits free motion of the joint, and inhibits the growth of bacteria, fungi and mold – they create a great environment for wounds to heal! They protect the legs from flies and you can even bathe your horse while they’re wearing these incredible socks.

Many thanks to Sox for Horses for helping Emma! This isn’t the first time we’ve used this amazing product (Silver Whinny’s) and it won’t be the last! Learn more about them at this link – your horse will thank you!

Emma's Silver Whinny's

Emma totally enjoyed a brief walk outside today. It helped her mental state of mind, I’m sure.

We had to call Dr. Lugo today as Emma experienced a choke. Thankfully, it was cleared. Dr. Porter will be out on Tuesday to examine and likely scope her. The issue could be due to facial nerve paralysis as per the following quote from Dr. Lugo: “The facial nerve might get better with time but it is unknown. I removed a bullet fragment close to the nerve in the hope that it will help. The nerve paralysis is secondary to damage done to the nerve by the bullet.”

Emma Grazing

We are very appreciative of Deputy Wells’ (Levy County Sheriff’s Office) support in Emma’s case. He checked on her again today. It’s encouraging to have someone at LCSO assigned to AG cases who cares about the animals and is committed to doing a good job. We want to raise awareness in the community – if you see or experience an animal in distress, call on Deputy Wells and he will respond! If anyone has a minute – please visit the LCSO’s page, look for Emma’s picture, and leave a “Thank you” comment regarding Emma. 

Emma Deputy Wells LCSO

Emma was really good for Dr. Porter (PHD Veterinary Services) today. He came out to determine why she was coughing. She’d been treated for a mild choke a few days before.  Learn more about Dr. Porter and his services at his website.

Emma Dr Porter 1

Dr. Porter ultra-sounded Emma’s lungs – she has pneumonia. She also has facial nerve paralysis (caused by the bullet) causing upward displacement of the soft palate. He said the paralysis may resolve – to give it six months.

Emma Dr Porter 2

Emma still has moments when she’s reactive when someone approaches her or she hears a loud sound – almost in a panic. But once she has a moment or two to process what is going on, she calms. However, I ask humans that go into her stall to visit with her to go slow and, if Emma retreats or turns her head away, to stop and let Emma give thought to the moment – she will come around in a minute or so. It saddens me to think about what happened to her and how she must have felt – it had to have been terrifying. It’s very sad that any human would hurt any animal.

Hopefully, Emma will overcome her reservations and her unpleasant memories will fade. She is certainly loved, very much. It’s easy for this little filly to grow on you. She makes me laugh when she nuzzles up to my cheek or wraps her neck around me as if to give a hug. We are holding our annual Celebration of Life in April in conjunction with the ASPCA Help a Horse Day – we invite you to come meet Emma and the other members of our beautiful herd!

Emma Cobwebs

#justiceforfillyemma #nevergiveup #believe #rewardoffered #lcso #hsus #bhfer #share #emma #helpahorse #openhouse #celebrationoflife #share


Bolero Horse Adoption Network, sponsored by, is composed of Bolero Gaited Horse Adoption Network and Bolero Appaloosa and Spotted Horse Adoption Network. Their members network gaited and spotted horses that are in kill pens destined for slaughter, as well as those that are currently, in horse rescues. The groups were named for Summer’s Bolero, a registered Paso Fino, who ended up in a kill lot in Pennsylvania where he would soon depart for Canada to be slaughtered for human consumption. Because of the efforts of Omega Horse Rescue and over 200 Paso Fino lovers, Bolero was saved from a horrifying death and Bolero Gaited Horse Adoption Network was born.

Emma SpanishHorseTack

We are so very grateful to Tracy Stevens, the owner of, for bringing Emma’s story to the attention of Bolero Gaited Horse Adoption Network and Bolero Appaloosa and Spotted Horse Adoption Network, whereupon the members, subsequently, voted to select Emma as one of their monthly donation recipients. Beauty’s Haven is so very honored and blessed by Bolero Horse Adoption Network’s most thoughtful and extremely generous support of Emma, our precious little filly who was so cruelly shot, multiple times, while grazing.

To learn more about this amazing network, please click on the following links:

Bolero Gaited Horse Adoption Network:

Bolero Appaloosa and Spotted Horse Adoption Network:

Sponsored by:

Friday, February 17th, 2017

Emma is feeling better this evening. I was concerned about her yesterday as she refused her breakfast and didn’t lay down for a nap which was quite unusual as she generally does so a few times throughout the day. She ate some of her lunch and all of her dinner. Then the coughing began. Her temperature was normal and she was drinking normally. When her  bandages were changed yesterday, she wasn’t as cooperative as she normally is – I think she may have been uncomfortable. Perhaps she had strained her knee in the early morning hours.

Last night, Emma didn’t lay down. This morning, she ate breakfast and later laid down for a nap. And nap she did – she snored!  It made me feel better. The way she was laying looked quite uncomfortable to me, but when she awoke, she looked so much better.

Emma Nap1

The way she was laying looked quite uncomfortable to me, but when she awoke, she looked so much better.

Emma Refreshed

Emma coughed approximately four times throughout the day. She ate her lunch and dinner. Tonight, as I was taking Cookie out of the barn, I saw Emma from the corner of my eye, two hooves in the air – she looked like she was doing the “Hi Ho Silver” move! I kept walking and as I got halfway to the gate to turn out Cookie, I heard a big bang. Then I heard the sound of rushing water! Emma kicked the wall hard enough to break a water pipe! I couldn’t help but smile – she’s feeling better! But then I thought, “Oh gosh, she could have hurt herself!” She, thankfully, seems fine and her appetite is great tonight.

Emma K Tape

Emma drooled more today than usual due to facial nerve paralysis. Time will tell how this resolves. Here is a excerpt (quote) from her hospital report:

“The facial nerve might get better with time but it is unknown. I removed a bullet fragment close to the nerve in the hope that it will help. The nerve paralysis is secondary to damage done to the nerve by the bullet.” There are multiple bullet fragments and debris embedded in soft tissue structures in different areas of her body. It may do more harm than good trying to remove them.”

Emma Skull1

The reward funds for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for shooting Emma are now up to $7000. We are so very grateful to the HSUS as well as to Diane and Kathy for assisting us with this. Please share this news in hope that justice will be served.

Emma Dep W

We are very grateful to the Levy County Sheriff’s Office. Deputy Wells (AG Deputy) has been out a couple of times to check on Emma. It’s quite unusual to get this kind of support, but now that the county has an AG Deputy, I do believe support for horses and livestock has taken a turn for the better! Deputy Wells really cares and I’m looking forward to working with him on future cases, albeit I wish there were none. The County is very limited in resources when it comes to abuse/neglect cases, but with help from the community, perhaps we can help to change that!

#justiceforfillyemma #rewardoffered #hsus #bhfer #lcso

February 16th, 2017

Emma – the 3 year old filly that was shot.  She has undergone surgery to remove bullets and fragments and is currently recuperating back at the rescue.

Emma Eye

Emma is really good for her bandage changes as well as taking her medications. So far, all looks good. The swelling in her knee has actually gone down a little. She’s such a good girl!

Emma Bandage Change 1

Dr. Julia Simonson came to do accupuncture on Emma yesterday, but Emma is still too sore. We didn’t want to stress her, so we opted to wait another week. But Dr. Julia did use Kinesiology tape. Sometimes, the physical therapist uses it on me and it really does help.

Emma Tape

Emma loves to stretch! She does her daily stretches and she stretches each time her bandages are changed!

Emma Stretch 1

Emma was great for her interview with WJCB’s Kelly Gonzalez yesterday. Please click here to watch the interview.

Emma News Interview

Emma now has her own Facebook page!  We hope you join us there for updates and photos. Help us spread the word that there’s a $2000 reward offered for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) who assaulted Emma.

Emma Banner

If anyone would like to make a donation to help Emma or other horses here our PayPal is  There are other ways to donate via our website.  No amount is too small and all donations are greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

#justiceforfillyemma #rewardoffered #bhfer #share

February 14th, 2017

When I said we’ve been busy working on finding a path to justice for Emma, I meant it. This little filly suffered and it wasn’t shotgun pellets that got her – it was bullets. When I met with the surgeon, read his report, and saw the evidence – I was overwhelmed with sadness and anger. I had to step back for a bit and regroup. But Emma is healing and it’s time to move forward.

We want to thank Deputy “Bubba” Wells of the Levy County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) for his time and effort in working this case. And a huge “Thank You!” goes out to the LCSO for not closing the door on this case – they are doing the right thing and we commend them. We are a small, rural community and resources are scarce – we are very grateful that they are standing behind Emma and pursuing the case. I know it’s not likely the person(s) that did this to Emma will be identified but I also know it’s not impossible. I choose to believe that we will.

We also want to thank Dr. Sausville for reaching out to us to help Emma – she’s a very special little filly. He saw that she wasn’t going to give in or give up. She’s not “just a horse” and he gets it.

A reward in the amount of $1200 is offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction person(s) involved in shooting Emma. We are offering $1000 and a donor is chipping in $200. However, by the end of the week we expect the reward to be increased to $6200. What happened to her was cruel and totally inhumane. If you have any information regarding this incident please call the LCSO or Deputy Wells at 352-486-5111.

I’m going to start sharing some of the issues that Emma had to live with for almost a month before coming to us. We will be publishing a Facebook page just for Emma and everyone is invited. I’ll post a link when it is ready which, hopefully, will be tomorrow.

I’ll never forget when I saw Emma in the first photo – lazy ear (due to nerve damage) and head down. To see her now, head held high with bright eyes, it’s just a wonderful feeling! Believe…

Emma Down Up

If anyone would like to make a donation to add to the reward amount please contact us. #justiceforfillyemma #believe #bhfer #horsesareheros #eaglerarelife

February 7th, 2017

Leaving Emma at the Ocala Equine Medical Hospital on Monday afternoon was one of the hardest things ever, even though I knew that their veterinarians and staff are absolutely wonderful and would do a great job.

Emma at Hospital

Her surgery was in the morning and took quite awhile.  Here they are sewing up the front leg and proceeding to work on the back leg.

Stitching Her Up

After surgery, Emma settled back in her stall. It’s going to be quite a long journey to recovery but she’s on the healing path now. And she’s a tough little girl.

Emma Post Surgery

The “Mom take me home!” look she gave me melted my heart.  She’s a very brave girl.

Emma Take Me Home

Emma was munching on hay when I left her after a change in her bandages. Since Betsy Rose insisted that Joe Camel go along with Emma to keep her company, I knew that she would not be lonely during her stay. It’s going to be a long haul for her – only some of the issues were addressed during surgery.

Emma Joe Camel

We were very disturbed to learn the severity of the injuries after her surgery. Injuries that include a fractured splint bone, a bullet on the knee that fractured bone and possible contamination of the knee, multiple bullet fragments in her head, a bullet that fractured her first cervical vertebrae (C1), and more.

Humans did this to her and I feel terrible about it. I wish we could take back everything that was, or wasn’t, done to and for her but I can’t. We can only promise to make all of her tomorrows the best that they can be. She’s young and so very sweet. I know she appreciates everything that we are doing to help her.

February 8th

Emma is on her way home!  Please keep the prayers coming – she’s got a long road of healing ahead of her.  Helping Emma would not be possible without help from our wonderful village. Thank you, all, so very much.

Emma On Way Home

#prayersforemma #bhfer #believe #justiceforfillyemma #donate #nonprofit


February 7th, 2017

“Mommy Theresa I’m ready for this! I’m a little scared but Dr. Lugo says I’ll be asleep the whole time. And you’ll be there, right? He says he’s going to take away the things in my legs that are making them hurt and that once it all heals, I’ll feel much better! It’s a beautiful day – please go tell him I’m ready, ok? I believe it’s all good!”

Emma Believes

I’m with Emma – I believe!

She’s going to be ok. She will get through the surgery just fine and overcome infection. She will. Please keep her in your prayers. I’ll update as I can. Thank you all.

#prayersforemma #justiceforfillyemma #bhfer #believe #nonprofit #equinemedicalcenterocala #shesabravegirl #imwithemma #quarterhorse #filly #shot

February 6th, 2017

Our attempt to pick up the filly yesterday evening was unsuccessful. She wasn’t bearing weight on her left front and when we were told that she had not received her pain medication for the past two days.  We made sure that she received it before we left. Since she was too uncomfortable to load onto the trailer, and we ran out of daylight, we decided that it would be in the filly’s best interest to try again in the morning. When we returned on Sunday morning, this sweet girl loaded, with a little support and encouragement, in less than ten minutes. Believe…..

Emma Loaded

Finally home! Upon our arrival at Beauty’s Haven, Emma unloaded, looked around, walked to her stall, and proceeded to introduce herself to everyone. She’s a talker and is absolutely precious!

Emma Arrives

February 7th

Our sleeping beauty this morning. We are getting ready to go to the hospital.

Sleeping Beauty - Emma

For those who don’t know her story – Emma, was shot with a shotgun while out grazing and sustained multiple injuries. A pellet hit her upper jaw. She took a pellet to the cheek that shattered inside and lodged in the roots/sinus area. There’s a pellet behind her right ear that is right on top of the spinal column. A pellet grazed her just below the eye. A pellet lodged in her distal cannon just above the fetlock on her left hind and there are others in the front. Her front left splint bone is fractured. Her left front knee joint has an infection along with fractures from a pellet that is still lodged in the joint. I know it sounds bad, but her vet, Dr. Sausville, and the surgeon, Dr. Lugo, both feel she has a really good chance of recovering from her multiple wounds. She is bright eyed and sweet. She’s not running a temperature and her appetite is great.

Emma Stall

We are taking her to Ocala Equine Hospital today where Dr. Lugo will perform her surgery on Tuesday. We’ll keep everyone updated as we can. We’re still very busy here – Magic is still getting eye meds several times a day and, now, Cookie has an ulcer in her left eye. With so many special needs horses here, well, there’s just never a planned day – but we love them all anyway!

We would like everyone to give a big shout out to Dr. Sausville for all he’s done for Emma – we appreciate him very much! We would also like to give a huge shout out to our amazing village of supporters for joining together to help us, help Emma! Thank you, all, for sharing Emma’s story and offering kind words of encouragement. Thank you, too, to our wonderful Match Game sponsors and to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser, making it a complete success.

Please continue to send Emma good thoughts and keep her in your prayers. We believe that she will be okay. We invite you, to ‘Believe,’ too.

Emma Believe

UPDATE 02/07/17:  It was learned during surgery that Emma was shot with bullets, not buckshot.

February 5th, 2017

A vet contacted us about a three year old Quarter Horse filly that was shot – he does not want to euthanize her and we are her last hope. She has multiple buckshot fragments lodged in her.  The vet found her with blood from her nose and mouth from the wound over the upper jaw.  The wound on the cheek shattered the inside – the pellet lodged in the upper cheek molar roots/sinus area possibly may need to be removed. There is a pellet wound behind her ear – that pellet is right on top of the atlas of the vertebral column.  There’s a wound where a pellet grazed just below her eye.  A pellet is lodged into the distal cannon above the fetlock on the left hind along with ones in the left front and there are other leg wounds.  The split bone is shattered.  A big concern is infection and the damage done to her knee which is pretty swollen.


The filly needs constant oversight and care, medications, and a stall which she presently, doesn’t have. She’s turned out on many acres with other horses which puts her at risk for more injury and infection.  And she needs surgery ASAP.

We had a surgeon look at her x-rays today and he feels that she’s got a good chance of recovering – surgery can be done this coming week. But we need your help to make this happen. We need $2500 to $3,000 for her immediate needs/surgery. We don’t know how much aftercare will cost but we do know she needs help now if she has a chance. We were not planning to take in any additional horses until some here are adopted out – we are maxed – but I’ve met this filly and she’s determined to overcome.  She’s full of life and deserves a chance. When the vet says, “You’re her last chance,” and you see the life in her eyes, well, we just can’t walk away.

A wonderful friend and supporter has offered a Match Game to help with the surgical/medical needs of this sweet girl so all donations up to $500 will be matched! Donations are tax deductible and can be made via various means on our website at website or via our PayPal address: If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘QH Filly.’ If you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution.

Please help us give this girl a chance. We want to get her here ASAP in order to provide her with the care that she so desperately needs.

Thank you, as always, for your continued love and support.

* * * * * * * * * *

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) grassroots Non-Profit Organization registered in the state of Florida (EIN: 20-4783950). We are not funded by Local, State, or Federal funds. We operate totally from donations from the public. Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to help the horses. No amount is too small and all donations are very much appreciated. Donations are tax deductible.

Beauty’s Haven was awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) in 2012. GFAS is the only globally recognized organization that provides standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries. Awarded November 2014 Equine Hero. A Guidestar Exchange Silver Participant and a GreatNonprofits Top Rated Non-Profit 2014, 2015, and 2016.