Here are some pictures taken of Baby Ray and Legacy spending some time together before Baby Ray left this past Friday.
Silver Belle, Amadeus, Baby Ray, Legacy, Aaleyah Belle – all running and playing.

The return trip. Legacy pretty much always let Baby Ray run ahead of him when they would play – like he was big brother.

Six out of eight legs off the ground!

A little one on one time with Baby Ray before leaving.

This is one of the hardest things to do – letting them go. But this is what we want for all of them. Baby Ray is at wonderful foster home where he will get training, lots of TLC, and this will likely lead him to a forever home. Baby Ray will always be a part of us, a part of the rescue, a part of many human hearts.

And now a trip down memory lane…
Our darling, brave, strong, lovable Baby Ray. He came home in our mini-van. Malnourished, blind, and very sad.
He was so depressed – he wanted his mommy. So, we found her and brought her home. Baby Ray found peace and contentment and grew stronger.
Then we raced against time to get him stronger (mentally and physically) for surgery – his odds were better if it could be done before he was 6 months old.
Arriving at UF for his initial examination. He was a very brave boy at the hospital for his surgery.
Baby Ray and Legacy’s first time playing together – December 2009. And their first birthday celebration in May 2010!
Casper trying to keep up with “his boys.”
And they continued to grow and have fun together.
Still growing! And their first lesson in loading – they actually went for a ride around the block – Legacy was in front.
And then there were the water games – they both love water! Baby Ray would often try to get Legacy up when he wanted to nap.
Our baby boys have grown up. While Baby Ray is now at a foster home getting lots of TLC and training, Legacy is still here and is in line for training. I know when the time is right they will both make their forever humans very proud. Their original owners had thrown them away like they were trash. Although they arrived here separately as babies, each was alone and very sick from neglect, they never gave up and we never gave up on them. They overcame all odds. They are precious and priceless and always will be – I will always be very proud of them.
And I thank all of you for being there to support us and what we do – helping those that can’t help themselves. Miracles do happen – God bless you all!
Paso Case – Almost 40 Horses
The day was very productive and I think much was accomplished. Yesterday we made a trip out to look at a herd of 30+ Paso Fino’s that need homes – their owner was murdered several months ago. Today we focused on getting the horses hay for the next few days as well as providing them with grain and salt/mineral blocks. Feed tubs, waterers, and stalls were cleaned. The studs were all locked up in stalls at the barn – they have been there for a long, long time. While the mares are thinner than most of the studs – the feet on the studs were worse than the mares – the mares constantly move – they are out on several acres with no protection from the elements. The studs had been getting some grain while the mares got none.
Here are a few pictures from yesterday.
And today…. It was really nice to meet new people – working together we got a lot done! I’m going to post some pictures tonight – will have to post more info tomorrow. It’s been a very long day. But I want to thank everyone for caring and for helping! These horses need homes but at least for the next few days – they have food. And the studs got out of their stalls today for the first time in ages – if only for 10 minutes or so – and it was great watching them. And when they went back into their stalls they were clean.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Click here to make a tax deductible donation.
Click here to help BHFER via Life’s Abundance Pet Food
Harley Update
Tried to get an update out earlier today but I’m having computer problems that are still not totally resolved. So, this is a quick update to share good news about Harley – Dr. Ryan was out to examine his eye today.
“But I don’t want Dr. Ryan or anyone poking around my eye anymore! It’s better and I want it to stay that way! I’m not moving!!”
I told to Harley that Dr. Ryan was there to look at his eye and hopefully would remove the lavage and that he may not have to get the eye meds any longer. I explained to him that it wouldn’t hurt and that if he would cooperate it would get done much faster. That’s all it took – a simple explanation and request and then he complied!
“Ok Dr. Ryan – I’m ready for this shower thing in my eye to come out – I really am tired of the meds. If you take it out I’ll lower my head for you, ok?” J
Well – the eye looks good! Harley was very happy to get the lavage out an I’m happy that I don’t have to medicate his eye any longer. And I’m very happy that it appears that they got all of the cancer! Only time will tell – but it really does look good!
It’s only because of help from others that we were able to help Harley – thank you all for caring about this wonderful horse! God bless you all!
Update on Pony – He’s Here!
Well, the darling little pony is here. We picked him up this evening and he has settled in – I wouldn’t have been able to sleep tonight had we not picked him up!
Welcome home – let’s get rid of that halter! He got a bath before I first met him this morning – he does have a nice winter coat.
It will take some time for him to put on needed weight and grow stronger but he will. He’s now on his road to recovery – thanks to many. And what a sweet boy he is!
He’s got much kindness, gratitude, and light in his eyes – his name is Ghost.
Thank you to everyone that made it possible for this sweet pony to come to the rescue! Please forgive me if I haven’t responded to your emails or posts on FaceBook (which I’m still learning how to use) today – once the wheels were put in motion to help Ghost the day was non-stop! I’ll try to get caught up tomorrow. But please know that we appreciate every one of you and your support. It’s only because of others helping us that we can help those in need like little Ghost. Donations are greatly appreciated – no amount is too small and all donations are tax deductible.
Update on Harley: Dr. Ryan stained his eye yesterday and changed his eye medication to include Dex. If we don’t see an improvement in a week it may not be a good thing. Please pray for Harley.
Update on Haley: Today was the first day we’ve seen her feel even a little bit better. She got a good medicated bath for a skin condition and she was started on medication to treat EPM and is also getting some homeopathic remedies. The day Dr. Jackson worked her Haley we were told that we should see an improvement in her by Monday so we’re 2 days ahead of schedule! Please pray that we continue to see Haley improve.
Update on humans: Tired!
I’ll update more tomorrow – it’s been a really busy day. Have a blessed day tomorrow!
Baby Ray and Legacy
Here are some pictures taken of Baby Ray and Legacy spending some time together before Baby Ray left this past Friday.
Silver Belle, Amadeus, Baby Ray, Legacy, Aaleyah Belle – all running and playing.
The return trip. Legacy pretty much always let Baby Ray run ahead of him when they would play – like he was big brother.
Six out of eight legs off the ground!
A little one on one time with Baby Ray before leaving.
This is one of the hardest things to do – letting them go. But this is what we want for all of them. Baby Ray is at wonderful foster home where he will get training, lots of TLC, and this will likely lead him to a forever home. Baby Ray will always be a part of us, a part of the rescue, a part of many human hearts.
And now a trip down memory lane…
Our darling, brave, strong, lovable Baby Ray. He came home in our mini-van. Malnourished, blind, and very sad.
He was so depressed – he wanted his mommy. So, we found her and brought her home. Baby Ray found peace and contentment and grew stronger.
Then we raced against time to get him stronger (mentally and physically) for surgery – his odds were better if it could be done before he was 6 months old.
Arriving at UF for his initial examination. He was a very brave boy at the hospital for his surgery.
Baby Ray and Legacy’s first time playing together – December 2009. And their first birthday celebration in May 2010!
Casper trying to keep up with “his boys.”
And they continued to grow and have fun together.
Still growing! And their first lesson in loading – they actually went for a ride around the block – Legacy was in front.
And then there were the water games – they both love water! Baby Ray would often try to get Legacy up when he wanted to nap.
Our baby boys have grown up. While Baby Ray is now at a foster home getting lots of TLC and training, Legacy is still here and is in line for training. I know when the time is right they will both make their forever humans very proud. Their original owners had thrown them away like they were trash. Although they arrived here separately as babies, each was alone and very sick from neglect, they never gave up and we never gave up on them. They overcame all odds. They are precious and priceless and always will be – I will always be very proud of them.
And I thank all of you for being there to support us and what we do – helping those that can’t help themselves. Miracles do happen – God bless you all!
“I AM Zaynah” Match Game Almost Over!
Two for One! 24 Hours Remaining
Hi Everyone,
I will happily match the next FOUR ticket purchases for the
‘I AM Zaynah’ portrait fundraiser.
For every ticket purchased, you will receive an additional chance to win this
beautiful portrait of our beloved Zaynah!
Please note that this Fundraiser ends in just 24 Hours!
Thank you all for your love and support.
Baby Ray Video and a Paso Fino
Well, take look at this short video. It will make you feel good – every horse deserves their own little girl!
Yesterday was her birthday and look who arrived yesterday afternoon!
This young lady and her family will be taking very good care of Baby Ray. They will train him and help us to find him a great forever home.
Also – I’m going to look at a 15 year old Paso Fino gelding this am that I got a call on. He needs a home. I’ll know how good, or bad, his condition is once I get there. Will report when I get back. Would there be anyone interested in a Paso gelding?
Haley and Harley Need Prayers – 01/22/12
I’d like to ask for prayers for little Haley and for Harley. When cleaning Harley’s eyes this morning I saw something new in the corner and felt the need to call Dr. Ryan out to look at it. He took pictures back to the hospital – I should hear back from him tomorrow morning.
And little Haley isn’t doing well. Dr. Jackson was out yesterday and treated her. She definitely has neurological issues but we don’t know why. It could be trauma (it’s thought she may have flipped over backwards) or it could be an autoimmune issue or it could be both. It was hard to get good pictures yesterday – we had the windows in the barn closed. The weather was horrible – it was cold and rainy all day long. Haley pretty much stands in one place all day and looks like she feels bad. I don’t like seeing her this way.
We’re going to have to move Kami to another paddock tomorrow – she is just too much for Haley right now and is causing her stress which isn’t helping. Her momma is sick and doesn’t feel like playing.
Please keep Haley and Harley in your prayers.