Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla convallis egestas rhoncus. Donec facilisis fermentum sem, ac viverra ante luctus vel. Donec vel mauris quam. Aliquam pellentesque pellentesque turpis, ut bibendum sapien sollicitudin nec. Pellentesque posuere ornare placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque massa tortor, tristique non tristique at, luctus sed massa. Donec libero eros, mollis ac fringilla eu, vestibulum sed lorem. Aenean aliquet tempor purus, sit amet ultricies neque bibendum venenatis. Suspendisse pulvinar massa sed odio semper mattis. Pellentesque vel nunc arcu, id rhoncus magna. Maecenas quis tempus ligula. Nunc ac tortor diam. Phasellus tincidunt rutrum diam, eget elementum lorem sagittis eget.
Integer faucibus magna vitae augue suscipit a varius sem scelerisque. Nunc scelerisque tempus nunc in euismod. In sagittis congue sodales. Cras sit amet est nibh. Suspendisse eget ligula in nulla iaculis interdum nec a odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras massa odio, facilisis tincidunt blandit semper, lacinia semper dui. Donec viverra eros quis urna congue facilisis. Vivamus convallis imperdiet porta. Aliquam a nisi risus, vitae faucibus sem.
[one_half last=last]
Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis id quam nec justo eleifend gravida. In fermentum ornare mauris at ornare. Sed a suscipit nibh. Nullam aliquam vehicula nibh et condimentum. Aliquam dictum, lorem eget cursus iaculis, lectus erat egestas dolor, at cursus felis tellus sit amet turpis. Sed id neque leo, ut scelerisque mi. Pellentesque fermentum ipsum nec nisl varius aliquet. Aliquam scelerisque cursus turpis a cursus. Fusce pharetra nisi eu ante dapibus a ullamcorper nisi tristique. Etiam sed mi ut leo euismod adipiscing. [/one_half]
Integer mauris tortor, laoreet ut elementum non, elementum a velit. Fusce vel diam nec justo mollis dignissim vitae eget est. Curabitur ligula nisl, cursus quis tincidunt vitae, fermentum ut erat. Aenean at ligula at quam vulputate pellentesque ac in ipsum. Quisque pharetra hendrerit est at placerat. Praesent euismod rutrum pulvinar. Suspendisse lorem orci, adipiscing a vulputate vel, dictum ut justo. Pellentesque sit amet purus eu justo rutrum iaculis. Suspendisse vel consectetur arcu. Aliquam dolor velit, feugiat non commodo in, gravida pharetra eros.
Warrior Update
I just got off the phone with Dr. Ryan. The blood work came back and his prognosis for Warrior is very poor.
Starvation has taken a toll on his little body. We are doing all we can for him and more.
I wanted to share this picture. It is the only one out of several taken that these little dots showed up in.
Some say the little dots are orbs – spirits of those surrounding him. Please pray for this little guy.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Mini stud update Thursday am
Warrior is about the same this morning. It was dark when he arrived last night but we made him comfortable while Dr. Nathan examined him. No blood or other tests had been done so Dr. Nathan pulled blood and we are awaiting results. Warrior’s heart rate was high – 80! He got IV fluids – vitamins and supplements to help boost his RBC and immune system. He is eating – no problem there!
When he lays on his left side he can go sternum. But he can’t manage to do it if he is laying on his right side. He still has not moved his tail and we get no response when we try to move it. Likely some nerve damage. We don’t know what the future holds but now we are on the road to diagnosing if there is any damage do to his internal organs and to come up with a treatment plan to help him get through all of this and to be able to stand and support himself. He has no fat, no muscle. The body feeds off of itself – after it feeds off the muscle and fat the organs are next. Let’s all pray he can make it.
On my way back down now to run more fluids. Will update later. Warrior needs sponsors to help with his vetting needs. Please consider helping – no amount is too small and donations are tax deductible. His vetting from last night sere at least $300 but everything that was done was necessary and needed to be done right away in order to diagnose his condition and to come up with a treatment plan to meet his needs. Currently, he has had a donation of $10 which is a start that we appreciate very much. Please share with friends and family – we need help to help him. God bless and thank you so much.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Mini Warrior
Here are a few pictures of the mini. He is skin on bones – so very sad.
Dr. Ryan was out of the area today but Dr. Nathan came out. We’ll have blood work results back in the morning. A catheter was put in and fluids with all sorts of healthy things were run. There does appear to be some nerve damage – we have yet to see him move his tail. He is passing poop though – that is a very good thing.
Some sores we’ll be treating and keeping an eye on.
My camera battery died again but he took a nap after Dr. Nathan left and he got something in his tummy. I’m sure he is exhausted.
We’re all exhausted and are going to get a couple of hours of sleep. It’s going to be very busy tomorrow but I’ll update when I can. His name is Warrior. Please keep him in your prayers.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Prayer Request
We hope everyone is having a wonderful 4th of July. We got through the town’s fireworks display last night with only a few horses getting a bit antsy. Tonight it will be surrounding farms and those are the ones we worry about the most.
I’d like to ask for prayers in advance – we have an incoming mini that has been severely neglected and was found down and close to death. He’d gone down a couple of days before someone found out about him and did something. I don’t have the whole story yet but I know it isn’t a good one. Dr. Nathan will be out as soon as we give him a call upon the mini’s arrival. The sling and stall are ready – he can’t stand on his own. He is very thin – skin draped on bones. I’d also like to ask for prayers for Peggy Sue. She seems to be having a tough time with her back leg. The good news is that Spirit is no worse. It’s miserably hot and she’d rather not be in a stall but the sun is too much for her at this time.
Thank you – I’ll update more later.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Post with custom slideshow, full width layout
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla convallis egestas rhoncus. Donec facilisis fermentum sem, ac viverra ante luctus vel. Donec vel mauris quam. Aliquam pellentesque pellentesque turpis, ut bibendum sapien sollicitudin nec. Pellentesque posuere ornare placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque massa tortor, tristique non tristique at, luctus sed massa. Donec libero eros, mollis ac fringilla eu, vestibulum sed lorem. Aenean aliquet tempor purus, sit amet ultricies neque bibendum venenatis. Suspendisse pulvinar massa sed odio semper mattis. Pellentesque vel nunc arcu, id rhoncus magna. Maecenas quis tempus ligula. Nunc ac tortor diam. Phasellus tincidunt rutrum diam, eget elementum lorem sagittis eget.
Integer faucibus magna vitae augue suscipit a varius sem scelerisque. Nunc scelerisque tempus nunc in euismod. In sagittis congue sodales. Cras sit amet est nibh. Suspendisse eget ligula in nulla iaculis interdum nec a odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras massa odio, facilisis tincidunt blandit semper, lacinia semper dui. Donec viverra eros quis urna congue facilisis. Vivamus convallis imperdiet porta. Aliquam a nisi risus, vitae faucibus sem.
[one_half last=last]
Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis id quam nec justo eleifend gravida. In fermentum ornare mauris at ornare. Sed a suscipit nibh. Nullam aliquam vehicula nibh et condimentum. Aliquam dictum, lorem eget cursus iaculis, lectus erat egestas dolor, at cursus felis tellus sit amet turpis. Sed id neque leo, ut scelerisque mi. Pellentesque fermentum ipsum nec nisl varius aliquet. Aliquam scelerisque cursus turpis a cursus. Fusce pharetra nisi eu ante dapibus a ullamcorper nisi tristique. Etiam sed mi ut leo euismod adipiscing. [/one_half]
Integer mauris tortor, laoreet ut elementum non, elementum a velit. Fusce vel diam nec justo mollis dignissim vitae eget est. Curabitur ligula nisl, cursus quis tincidunt vitae, fermentum ut erat. Aenean at ligula at quam vulputate pellentesque ac in ipsum. Quisque pharetra hendrerit est at placerat. Praesent euismod rutrum pulvinar. Suspendisse lorem orci, adipiscing a vulputate vel, dictum ut justo. Pellentesque sit amet purus eu justo rutrum iaculis. Suspendisse vel consectetur arcu. Aliquam dolor velit, feugiat non commodo in, gravida pharetra eros.
Spirit update and Domino donkey ears!
I want to share a quick update on Spirit and share a few pictures from today.
Dr. Ryan examined Spirit today and said he thinks her injuries look better but we all know it is going to take quite awhile for them to heal. She will be getting some laser light therapy which will help in many ways. She is sore and sunburned in areas so massage is out of the question for awhile.
Dr. Ryan examined her eyes again and is going to talk with associates at Peterson & Smith to see if there is any surgical procedure that could potentially help Spirit’s left eye. We are holding onto hope that something can be done. She’s very cooperative when being examined and when her wounds are being treated.
She was taking a siesta after eating her hay.
When I saw storms coming late this evening I asked Marie to spray water on the roof over Spirit’s stall while I was in there with her so she could get used to the noise and know that it was ok. It’s hard to hear anything when it rains due to the rain hitting the metal roof. Spirit seemed a little unsure at first so I talked to her and told her it was ok – just water hitting the roof – and she went back to eating. And then the storms hit – very bad thunder and lightning – but she was fine. I did stay with her for a bit longer and when I left her she was content.
I have to share this picture of Domino and her ears – she’s so cute! I’ve been concerned about Lacey’s weight and appetite. She’s also been getting a little pushy with Dora so I want to try to figure out what is going on. Dr. Ryan pulled blood today to rule out some things and Domino was so curious!
If you have time we encourage you to visit the Horse & Man blog – it’s very informative and this month Spirit is featured!! Thank you Dawn and everyone helping Spirit!
Please keep Spirit in your prayers. God bless and thank you!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Post with custom sidebar, right layout
“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?”
1914 translation by H. Rackham
“But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?
Others Pictures
And a few pictures of others here…
Baby Girl. She’s amazingly beautiful!
Dora and Domino playing together.
Domino sneaks in a good back kick at Dora.
Then Dora went back to grazing with her mom.
And Domino couldn’t understand why Dora didn’t want to play anymore. J She doesn’t realize how lethal her back kicks are – I wouldn’t want to play either!
“I can do the cricket dance too!”
Gentleman snoozing.
Domino having a talk with Oreo.
Peggy Sue in the sling for her most recent hooficure.
Lady Jane and Gentleman. GMan still loves to stand by the water sprinklers.
Gentleman, Aaleyah Belle, and Amadeus gathered around a sprinkler.
Have a great night everyone. Please keep Spirit in your prayers – she has a long way to go.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Spirit today – 06/30/12
Just a quick update because the day is almost over and there is still so much to do here!
Spirit got a hooficure today – she was a very good girl. Her feet need more work but Cindy will be doing a little bit each time. Spirit is sore and has open injuries that can cause her discomfort so we were very careful with her.
Spirit had visitors today! Abigail, a friend of the rescue, recently had her 11th birthday party and asked for donations in lieu of gifts. Today, Abi, along with her family, visited so that Abi could personally give Spirit her gift of donations! What a kind and generous thing for Abi to do – thank you Abigail! Abigail’s gift will provide shavings for Spirit. Spirit is pretty messy in her stall but that’s ok. We appreciate Abigail and her mom, dad, and brother all helping out today.
Robin and Don also visited – they also think Spirit is a sweet and lovely mare.
Spirits injuries look horrible and are painful but I have to say that her demeanor, personality, and love for life shines through and you can feel her positive energy which makes you feel really good despite her injuries. Kylie hand walked Spirit some today and Spirit finally went down and rolled!!! We had been waiting for this for a couple of days now and it brought lots of “awe’s” and smiles. Now, if she would feel comfortable enough to lay down and rest. She does have injuries from nose to tail and she is sore all over but especially on her left side.
Spirit shines through!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Spirit update 06/29/12
Is this not a beautiful face? It is a very lovely face and Spirit has a heart of gold! She had a good day – she got hand walked many times and she also got a much needed bath. Injuries were treated and she was even a little vocal.
She really enjoyed her bath. I gave up on the tangles in her tail – we will have to work on this more tomorrow. Her back has many scars and open wounds.
She’s a very good patient. I truly believe she knows we are helping her. She has a long way to go but she has a positive attitude.
Supposedly her right eye was small when she was born and she could not see out of it. She may be able to see a small slit of light out of her left.
What is there not to love about this kind and sweet mare? How could we have walked away from her? We couldn’t. Thank you all for helping us to help her.
Tucked in for the night.
Our job helping Spirit isn’t over yet – the rest of her herd needs help. Spirit needed medical help ASAP – I was strongly drawn to her even though it was the others the owner was trying to show us. I seem to always be drawn to the ones needing help the most. Spirit was our initial focus because of her injuries while at the same time I’ve been trying to find homes for others. The herd is on a total of about 30 acres contained in three paddocks – one large paddock and two smaller ones. The larger paddock has a stud that is beautiful and nice – just protective of his herd. If he were to find a home I think it would help in catching the rest of the herd in that paddock. In that paddock there are mares and babies (which haven’t been handled). There are yearlings and others – most unhandled. There are mostly colts/studs in the smaller paddocks. The most in need now is a white mare with a baby by her side. She has sunburn from nose to tail. What little shade they had is now water logged from Tropical Storm Debby. The mare is likely pregnant. I’ve made many calls and was told today that the mare/baby may have found a home – I will try to verify this tomorrow. I will also try to post pictures tomorrow – I just haven’t had time at the computer and we have been extra short on volunteers. As soon as at least two volunteers come in tomorrow I will try to get back to the office to do some work. I would like to help find homes for the rest of the herd – I worry about them.
Please continue to keep Spirit in your prayers. The podiatrist is coming tomorrow – Spirit may have a hooficure. We’ll see how she feels about that – we don’t like to do too much too soon. But she seems to be handling changes well. God bless – have a good night everyone. Again, thank you for caring about Spirit.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization