Alyse to Rainbow Bridge, Sunset and TB Mare Arrive, and More
Update: 12/30/12
Last week was tough and losing Alyse was heartbreaking. On Friday morning I received a call from Dr. Clark – Alyse had taken a turn for the worse. Her HR went higher – to about 120 and her WBC had gone up. The meds were not keeping her comfortable. Dr. Clark had spent days running tests and consulting with others about the ulcerations and other issues – they could not determine what was causing her to be sick but they did feel it was a combination of things. One being the blisters in her mouth, on her tongue, and in her nose. They had scoped her earlier in the week and did not see any blisters past the esophagus and believed they likely stopped there (we later learned there was a large ulcer in her colon). The second issue being an unknown factor at the time that was causing increased HR and temperature. We agreed from the beginning that should it get to the point where Alyse couldn’t be kept comfortable while trying to maintain her for the blisters to heal, and trying to identify and treat a secondary issue, we would not allow her to suffer. A necropsy was done and we found that she did have a large ulceration in her colon and her gut was about to rupture – keeping her with us any longer would have been inhumane. We gave her all the time we could and I am so thankful to the Dr. Clark and everyone at Peterson and Smith for everything they did for her.
I was with Alyse when she crossed – her head across my knees in my lap – she knows she was loved. Dr. Clark said Alyse was a strong willed mare and had given it her best. And her care givers had done their best. Alyse was a beautiful and proud Arabian mare that was loved by many but God needed her more than we did and we must accept that.
Alyce in the Hospital
Letting them go takes a lot out of me – out of all of us here that are hands on at the rescue. And I’m sure it hurts others that love and care for the horses here from a distance too – the horses are truly blessed to have so many that care for them. I am so very sorry we could not save Alyse. Alyse and I had shared many spontaneous rides together which I’ll never forget. Those rides helped me put worries aside for a few minutes – they were very refreshing for the mind and body. After I left the hospital Friday I found I needed to stop in a parking lot and let the tears flow and try to regroup. Then I went to Burger King drive through to get a drink. I had left home without breakfast or anything to drink after Dr. Clark called to tell me Alyse was worse – I wanted to get to the hospital ASAP. After getting a soda I stopped by the feed store to buy a few things. While at the feed store I decided that while on my way back to the rescue I’d go by the location where the 3 Thoroughbred horses were that we had taken hay to last Wednesday night. I tried to go there on Thursday but on my way there that evening I got a phone call that one of the horses here looked to be trying to colic so I turned around and came back. By the time I checked on the horse it was dark and I didn’t want to go the location of the 3 horses by myself. So, after leaving the feed store on Friday, I did go there and I found one bay mare down and looking at her tummy. She went sternum and stretched out – she looked very uncomfortable. I tried to get her up and she did get up with some prompting but then she went down again. I called Dr. Ryan and he suggested we get her to the rescue since he would be on his way there as soon as he could to assess the incoming Percheron mare. I called Bob and had him hook up the trailer and come meet me to load the mare and we went back to the rescue.
The Percheron mare arrived shortly after we got the sick OTTB mare to the rescue. Dr. Ryan arrived and examined both mares. We named the OTTB mare PrimaBelle and she was treated for a gas colic. She is Momma Sue’s daughter – she was born a year before Aaleyah Belle. Prima means first and Belle means beautiful = “born first and beautiful”. PrimaBelle was born a year before Aaleyah Belle and they are full sisters. Aaleyah Belle’s name means “beautiful gift from God”. Like her momma and sister, PrimaBelle is a very nice girl with a pleasant disposition. She raced and won about $12,000. She had a very gassy tummy on Friday which made her very uncomfortable. She felt better after receiving medications and has been feeling ok since. We had a family come to meet PrimaBelle today – a family that has adopted Mia from us this past year that lives not far from the rescue. PrimaBelle still needs to get her teeth done, vaccinations need to be done, etc. She will be up to date on everything and she needs to put some weight on before leaving for a new home. There are still 2 horses where we picked her up from that we are providing hay for that need homes.
I named the 25 year old Percheron mare “Sunset”. She arrived during a beautiful sunset and it came to mind that she is in her sunset years. She’ll be able to live them without worry and with a full tummy and much deserved TLC. She is underweight and has skin issues. She has large lumps in her left ear described by Dr. Ryan as “cauliflower ears” likely caused from trauma which causes fluid to collect and separates cartilage causing it to die which causes fibrous tissue. She has the number “33” branded on her left hip – the number of her stall from her PMU years. She is a smaller Percheron – not quite as tall as Gentleman. It will be a few weeks before she is ready to leave here but we are expecting an adoption application for her to be received by tomorrow. If approved, Sunset will have a home not far from the rescue. Before she leaves, her wounds will have healed, she will have had her dental work done, she will be up to date on vaccines, etc. It will take awhile to get to that point but her road to a happy and healthy retirement has begun. She has the sweetest face and very kind eyes. Her ears don’t stand up but that’s ok – she is still beautiful!
Yesterday both mares had hooficures. PrimaBelle was a good girl. This was her front right before her hooficure. We had Dr. Ryan x-ray it on Friday to make sure her coffin bone wasn’t affected and it wasn’t, thankfully. Sunset was a little challenging – she didn’t want to stand still but she’s in a new place with new faces.
It was going to go into the 20’s last night so we blanketed both mares. PrimaBelle was an angel for her blanket to be put on – she stood perfectly still and seemed to truly adore it. Sunset was a little hesitant – I don’t think she’d likely ever had one. She moved away at first but with a little time and introduction she stood still. And after it was on she still there for quite awhile – at least 30 minutes! The blanket is short on her sides and left about 6” of her butt exposed but she loves it. I am ordering one to fit her tomorrow. She will also be getting a new fly mask.
Solace is about the same – he still has congestion in his lungs and is still coughing. Dr. Ryan examined him again on Friday. He will be out again late in the week to assess him again and to see if we need to modify his treatment plan. HIs appetite remains good. Solace really is an amazing horse. Let’s continue to pray that he recovers. Believe…
Holly is doing very well – what a sweet mare she is!
The Christmas trio are all doing well. Gentleman and some others had their teeth done last week. I’ll include those pictures in my next update – I’m really tired and have much to do. To everyone that has sent a message or email regarding the loss of Alyse – thank you. I appreciate your good thoughts and prayers. I am behind on emails and PM’s but hope to get caught up on some this coming week.
Tomorrow will be very busy – more hooficures are being done in the morning. God bless and thank you all for your continued support.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: Facebook:
Never think for one minute that there aren’t people you’ve never met that don’t think about you and your horses almost on a daily basis. By including us in their/your stories, you widen our understanding of horse related things we may never had known about, despite years of riding and loving them, but not owning or rescuing. You make us a family, Theresa. You inspire me to persevere with life.
Thank you for taking the time out of your hectic life to up-date us on the loved ones
that’s very nice of you
like said many times I do wish I lived closer so that I could come groom or just give hugs….but I live in Washington state….again thank you so much
thank you for taking the time from all your work and caring and emotions to update us all. We are all also getting a truer appreciation for all you and your rescue do both physically and mentally. where are the words to tell you how remarkable you are? I guess the horses do that to a degree. whether they can be saved or not, they know warmth, and love, and a full stomach – what more is there?
I love all your horses and I love you for loving and giving them the love they need
I was just thinking about you and found this. I too thank you for taking time and sharing with us. My goodness that’s a lot to do and go through. And then the love and comfort and blankies too. It’s wonderful. Your compassion and care is such an inspiration. Keep taking care, you and all the animals are in our thoughts and prayers.
God bess you for what you do for the horses. So many people are out here that can only help with word. I hope that helps some. The words come from the heart. I truely thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do that I cannot do and wish to God that there were more that I could do.
Teresa is what I call the “Mother Teresa” of the horse world. She has a very important purpose on this Earth. Despite all the heartache that can be associated with horse rescue, she and her loving volunteers make sure that each animal that comes to Beauty’s Haven, know they are loved and will be well cared for. Most importantly, let’s never lose sight of all the success stories, also.
So many prayers have been said for everyone at Beauty’s Haven and the horses that are given a second chance to live a life with a full stomach and know the love, once again, of the human voice and touch. Teresa is definitely the “Horse Whisperer.”
I am so, so sorry that Alyse could not recover; but as Teresa said, “she knew that she was deeply loved.” My heart aches for all of you at Beauty’s Haven and you’re in my prayers. God Bless all of you that are doing God’s work and give it your all, to save every “discarded” horse. Those horses deserve all the love and overwhelming care, that can be given.
May 2013 be the most successful year ever, for Beauty’s Haven and Equine Rescue. Thanks to all of you that give your time and financial assistance, to help Teresa, the volunteers and most of all, the horses that depend on each and every one of us….May God continue to bless all of you.
I am so sorry about Alyse. What a fighter she was. As I’m reading this chapter of Beauty’s Haven I’m at aw of the wonderful things you do. I must say you are a fighter sent by God. I have never seen anyone as committed as you. Even as you are grieving a tremendous loss your only thought is to rescue more horses in need. Amazing!! If I could only be there to take some of the burden of your shoulders I would. I’m seriously considering moving closer so that I can help. God Bless.
Bless you for all that you do. Sunset already looks to have a brighter eye. I am so happy for her.