BHFER Update 09/16/12 evening
I want to at least share some photos taken over the past several days. I wanted to give more info on what’s been going on here but I need to get to bed soon – tomorrow is another busy day.
Warrior and Ouiji have gone to their new home – they are next door neighbors to Kami and Haley!
Alyse and her new human. A match we’ve waited on for a long time and Alyse won’t be far from the rescue! We had an application pending and the family visited today and it was like they’d known each other for quite awhile. Everyone was smiles!
Darling little Penny.
Melissa on HighTower.
Visitors came bearing carrots – the horses adored them (the humans and the carrots!)
Met a very nice mare yesterday – she’s looking for just the right home.
Great food and friends over the weekend!
Two very nice horses looking for a home. One is an Appendix and the other a TB.
And two adorable mini’s looking for homes.
Morgan LaFaye is quite the sweet mare. She’s ready for a home.
Everyone loves little Penny!
Dora is absolutely beautiful and will be ready for weaning soon.
If anyone is interested in any of the horses looking for homes please contact Melissa at
Thank you all for your continued support – have a blessed week everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
I was just thinking of little Kami and her parents? I thought they were still with you, have they been adopted? Just love that little girl. Also, did my Sept. donation check arrive?
I hear the sounds of heavenly hoofbeats…..