BHFER Update 08/05/12

Just a short recap of the last few days. Dr. Bess came out and did some of the mini’s teeth. We had a horrible thunderstorm with torrential rains while she was here – lots of erosion. We’ll have to order a truckload of sand this week and a couple of pallets of sod. Due to the storm, Dr. Bess didn’t get to do all of the mini’s that needed to be done but she’ll be back soon to finish them up.

Several of the horses had pedicures and we’ve had visitors and some much needed extra help now then.

Penelope likes to serenade us each morning – she really loves her breakfast, and lunch, and dinner, and in-between snacks.

Little Penny is much smaller than she looks in her pictures! She’s tiny and seems so fragile – she’s only about 45 lbs. It’s hard to believe she’s the same age as Domino. Hopefully someday in the not too distant future they can play together.

Like momma, like daughter – both cute as a button!

Penny wasn’t very thrilled about getting a bath yesterday by Melissa and Jenny. We had lots going on here at the time but when I looked over at them during the bath time I wasn’t sure who was bathing who.

Melissa wanted me to look at the freshly bathed Penny and that is when we found them – lice! So then we had to ask poor little Penny to stand for over another hour or so in order to be clipped. But she was a very – she stood for us better than most horses her would have. She is thin – I’m sure having lice has something to do with her being anemic. We checked out her momma but I didn’t see any lice but she’ll get treated too. Penelope walked a little tender footed on her front feet after the rains. The farrier will be out soon to work on both of them. Penny’s feet are so long and her soles are very soft. I can’t wait until both her and her mom are feeling good.

Starbuck and Bella are doing very well. Bella is putting on weight but her topline is going to take some time. She’s about 20 years young and we suspect she’s had a few babies in her lifetime. She’s getting medication for being anemic and it seems to be helping. She’s more active and vocal.

And at the end of the yesterday I stopped and gave thanks for all of our many blessings when I saw a beautiful rainbow after the rain.

LadyBug looks great. She does, and likely always will, have a prominent top line. She’s had quite a few babies and muscling up in that area always seems to be the hardest on an older horse, IMO. She had been seen by a vet this past Thursday and was given vaccines – she was doing great. I took this picture of LadyBug this past Friday when I visited with her – she really looked good. Seeing her on Saturday morning was a different story – she looked to be very uncomfortable, even after giving her meds as instructed by Dr. Adam. Once he arrived and examined her treated her with fluids and more meds but the meds didn’t last long – he sent us to the hospital. There, she was given more fluids and observed for the rest of the day.

Late yesterday evening it was really good to get the phone call we’d been waiting for – Dr. Hughes called and said we could come pickup LadyBug! Today she passed oil, quite a bit of it, and this evening she went home (which is only about 5 minutes from the rescue). Thank all of you for your prayers.

On Saturday we had a cake for Kylie – one of our volunteers – she turned sweet 16 today!

It’s actually a little cool here this evening. Hopefully the temperatures this week won’t be as hot and humid as they have been. We’ve had quite a bit of rain – the grass is so beautiful. I wish it were like this all year around. But it won’t be and soon we’ll be starting fundraisers to help with winter hay. It’s going to be quite expensive.

We hope everyone has a wonderful week and I’ll try to update again in a couple of days. I’m off to bed early – I feel like I got run over by a truck and ache from head to toe. A good night’s sleep will likely do me good. I hope all of you have a good night too. And thank all of you for your prayers, good thoughts, and continued support!

Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization