BHFER Update
Another quick update. Still trying to get over my sickness so I can return to normal function – it’s been way too long. I was at Dr.’s. again yesterday – more x-rays and blood tests. Still having a tough time even wanting to eat or drink. No energy.
Pam picked Sisco (the Paint gelding with the melanoma) up this morning and brought him to the rescue. His human mom that surrendered him, Linda, followed to make sure he got settled in ok and that he was comfortable. Sisco is 20+ years young and he had large melanoma under his tail and was going to be put to sleep at the end of January if a home had not been found. We offered to take him provided we could find a home for a couple of the horses here – Blackie and Lace went to their new home together and have settled in nicely. The set of pictures under this set may be graphic for some.
Stacy Ferris did some great networking and was able to raise enough in donations to have the melanoma removed last week and hay/grain provided to SIsco, and his feet were trimmed yesterday. A biopsy is being done on the mass that was removed from under his tail and we are awaiting results. The picture on the left was taken today. The one on the right was taken last week before the mass was removed.
Dr. Ryan checked Sisco out and did some blood work. We hope to have the mass biopsy results back next week so we can figure out our course of action. Sisco is a very nice boy – very expressive and sweet. Sisco needs sponsors – would anyone like to help him? The dentist will be here on Monday to do his teeth.
While Dr. Ryan was here he checked on Solice. He’s doing ok but did have a drippy nose this evening – he’s still on antibiotics. He’s been prancing around looking like he’s feeling pretty good. His appetite is good and his temperature has remained normal. Another CBC was done today. When Dr. Ryan went back out to his truck he found that little Penny had started taking the supplies in his truck apart. J
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We need your help! We bought a ton of hay earlier this week and we need to buy another ton tomorrow from Larson’s. We need about a dozen horse size double Velcro fly masks. We need $230 for 60 bags of shavings – the vet bill is pretty high. Since I’ve been sick and not getting updates out donations have gone down. I hope to get better and start sharing more info again soon but in the mean time – please don’t forget about us and know that we need your help now as much as ever. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Donations can be made via our “Donate” page on our website at: Donations can also be called into the vet’s office at 352-237-6151. Donations towards the purchase of hay can be called into Quality Hay at 352-529-0888. God bless and have a wonderful weekend.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Sending $50.00 in honor of CISCO. Praying for him.
Donna Powell