Donks At The Stairs and More!
July 14th – 15th, 2013
Sunday: Betsy Rose has been with us 4 weeks today (she arrived June 14th). She was too weak to stand the day she arrived and for a few days after. The sling has been her life line. It’s taken a lot of time and effort but she is now able to take short walks out of the sling. She needs to build muscle and stamina. She has a long rehab ahead of her but that’s ok – we believe in her! Her positive “can-do!” attitude is helping her every step of the way – we’re very proud of her baby steps!
This photo was taken a couple of days after her arrival. She was too weak to stand or to hold her head up.
Betsy Rose still stays in the sling but we take her out for a few minutes multiple times each day (weather permitting) for some physical therapy.
Betsy Rose has a full cataract in her right eye and sees shadows. She has a small cataract in her left eye. She has great hearing – the door to the feed room squeaks just a tad and when she hears that she perks up and asks for room service!
With all of the real grass around the house to eat why does Penny still insist on trying to eat the fake grass door mat?
After tossing the mat she decided we don’t need a boot cleaner at the bottom of the stairs either. So she picked it up and carried it away!
Our daughter, Katie, with CaryLou – everyone loves this little guy! We are naughty here – we teach the horses to give kisses!
Ariel and Celesta will be going to their new home on Monday. It’s always bittersweet when horses go to their new homes – but this is what we do. I’m very glad they will be staying together. I call Celesta my “little reindeer” because she loves to try to take off like she’s about to fly a sleigh! She is a lap baby but she’s getting too big for that!
It was pouring rain in this picture with the sun shining down on our boys!
Cookie and Ruby on Sunday.
New hats and t-shirts are available to help BHFER! The hats are military style and adjustable – they are adorned with genuine Swarovski crystals. The t-shirts are printed with glitter vinyl and have genuine Swarovski crystals sprinkled thru out. We have limited sizes available right now but will have more available soon. For those of you that have questions, please feel free to contact Valerie at and for those of you that don’t – place your orders thru the BHFER store! We are confident that you will love these new items and appreciate your support in helping BHFER, continue to help animals in need – 100% of the proceeds go to helping the horses! To order visit our online store at This initial production is a “test” run so to speak and we will have more available soon.
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Have a great day, Everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization