BH update for the last few days…
We hope everyone had a really nice weekend. It was very busy here but a lot got done. We had a few extra helping hands which helped a lot!
Narissa has put a little weight on but right now we’d be happy for her to just maintain until we can get her feet more healthy. She had her feet worked on again by Laura, one of our equine podiatrists. Narissa seems comfy and very content in her stall during the day and out around the barn at night with her slippers on her front feet. She gets a lot of attention and seems to really appreciate it!
Lacey had a hooficure too – we really don’t want her putting on anymore weight either! She’s got another 6 weeks to go.
Ruby also had a hooficure. She’s as sweet as ever.
We enjoyed meeting and spending time with members of a church youth group that spent a couple of days with us – we hope they will come back again soon. It gave a perfect opportunity for some of the horses to get a good bath and then body clipped. The temps have been in the mid 80’s and we have a few horses that don’t shed out their winter coats very well and appreciate our help with this. Little Lily is one of them – I think she decided she likes the windblown look!
Lily and her mom, Ebony, sharing some grooming time after Lily’s clip.
Frodo, Bouie, and Kami also got body clipped. They really needed it – they were fur balls. They are all getting hooficures tomorrow.
It’s always great to see others interacting with the horses – and having fun and learning about proper care of the horses.
Bouie managed to “escape” when the boys went to put him back into his paddock after his clip. It was a really nice couple of days of work and fun with a lot getting accomplished with the much appreciated extra hands helping!
I made time to give Beauty a bath a few days ago. Of course, as soon as she was dry and turned back out – she rolled. J
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More hooficures were done at the Paso farm this weekend and the vet was out to do more coggins and vaccinations.
We still have many mares that need to find homes ASAP. If anyone is interested please contact us via email at unica77. These mares are some of 34 horses that were abandoned in Marion County a few weeks ago. We’ve worked hard to care for, and place, these horses – to those that have donated to help with their care – thank you. And to the volunteers that have been diligently helping to care for them – thank you! We need to continue to feed and care for them until all of them are placed – we can’t let the momentum down. The remaining mares are living in stalls at the Paso farm – if we turn them back out we won’t be able to easily catch them for viewing when a potential adopter comes to meet them. They lived as feral horses for 2.5+ years, without human intervention and now, to be living in stalls, well they don’t like it and it makes me feel terrible. Please help us to find them good homes.
This is Briosa, mare #4. She is young (4 yrs old) and very unsure of people. She will need someone willing to take the time it will take to help her learn to trust humans. We don’t believe she has any training at all. She was one of the ones that was starved the most. She’s put on some much needed weight and is ready for her own human and home.
This is Princessa, mare #20. She is a liver chestnut and is another young mare (4 yrs old) that will need a human to help her learn to trust. I love them all but this mare is one of my favorites. A look in her eyes kind of reminds me of my Arabian mare, Beauty, when I first met her years ago.
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I’m happy to report that Gentleman appears to be doing better on his new medication. The three “kids” – Baby Girl, Indy, and Morning Star are all doing well. Baby Girl, as sad as we will be to see her go, is ready for her own human and home. She’s a very special girl that will make her own human very happy. Ghost, a 15 yr old Paso Fino, is still looking for a forever home. Nikole is doing ok – she also got body clipped. She has Cushings which leaves her with a thick coat year around. Haley and Kami are doing great – they are also looking for a forever home (together).
The last thing we need to do ask for help, again. This afternoon someone emailed me about a mini mare that is listed on CraigsList for free to see if we could help her. The mare is approximately 15 years old and one leg is shorter than the others. We would like to help this little girl but we need approximately $300 in contributions to cover her initial vetting, x-rays, coggins, dental needs, and initial assessment by one of our equine podiatrists. We are hoping to raise the funds ASAP because the podiatrist will be here tomorrow until about 3 pm and the dentist will be here on Tuesday. This little girl is in our area and we would like to get her here in time for the podiatrist to evaluate her tomorrow and possibly make her a little more comfortable until x-rays can be done. Here is the little mare. The back feet appear overgrown and the left hip looks turned out. Can’t see the front very well.
We hope everyone has a very happy and blessed week. I’ll update when I can – no later than tomorrow night at least about the mini mare if we are able to help her. Please consider helping us to help this girl. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. No donation amount is ever too small. God bless and thank you all for your continued support!
the full email address for information on the Pasos is: