BH October 17th to 20th Update
October 17th
Victoria says "Good morning!"
I wish I could say that Victoria is doing great but I can’t. But I can say, she had an ok day. IDK what tomorrow may bring – it’s one day at a time with her. Please keep her in your prayers.
CaryLou thinks he won the hay lottery! LOL
October 18th
Kylie is usually here before the sun comes up on Saturdays. By the time the sun is out, tummies are full.
Today is Hooficure Day!
October 19th
Handsome had another abscess pop in his right front over the weekend. On Saturday Kylie went to get him for Ola to work on and he was only wearing one of his SoftRide boots – he had been wearing both of them at breakfast. Kylie went back out and looked all over for the missing boot – it was nowhere to be found.
We then decided to look once more and guess where we found it? Handsome had TOSSED it over the fence onto the OTHER side of the road! Never a dull day here – this boy has quite the personality!
Victoria being pampered by Katherine.
While Donovan still isn’t 100% yet he is much better. His sweating continues to be sporadic – it’s a good thing cooler temps are coming. Many of the horses like to play in the sprinklers. Bob is always having to fix them. LOL
Kathy helping feed in the morning a few days ago – it was great to see you Kathy! Little E got his cookies!
October 20th
Handsome in the morning sun.
Please help us find Amber a home! She’s a registered 6 yr old TWH that is very sweet.
JoJo has seemed a bit down at times these past few days. He didn’t care to eat his breakfast this am – his temperature has been normal. He’s been staying off to himself a bit when he is turned out around the house which is where CaryLou and Lucy are. He seems better when he’s in the barn. Maybe he’s just wanting a bit more attention. He was munching on Victoria’s forage when I came up to the house this evening. When I left him at the barn it seemed like he wanted to tell me something – he was wearing his flymask so I don’t know it’s not about that.
Barbara came up for the weekend – the weather was perfect! This is Barb trying to convince Handsome to stand still for just a few minutes.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit equine rescue organization that operates totally off of donations from the public. We are not funded by County, State, or Federal funds. Please consider making a one time or monthly donation to help us to continue what we do – we can’t do it alone. Funds are needed for vetting, farrier needs, dental needs, equipment maintenance, and there is so much more. There are various ways you can donate if you visit our ‘Donate’ page on our website (bhfer. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Please share us with friends, family, and co-workers – it takes a village! Thank you!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization