BH October 12th to 16th Update
October 12th
HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY LEGACY! Thank you Jan for giving him the kind of life he so very much deserves – he is SO loved! This is Legs eating his birthday cake!
Yesterday was a really nice day and some horses got a much needed bath. This is Serenity – we are going to have Dr. Julia palpate her this coming week just to make sure she isn’t pregnant. She was the worst out of many horses we took in this past January – she was going to be shot because she was in such bad shape. She has not gone into estrus since she has been with us and we’re just seeing a couple of things that make us wonder. She’s such a sweet mare and has come a long way!
Remember Lace? I love to see our horses making others smile! Well, Lace and Mackenzie are both smiling – and they should be! What a great accomplishment – they placed 4th in Showmanship this weekend! Congratulations girls!
Remember Magnum? He’s doing great! I just love to see our horses bring smiles to others!
October 13th
I was informed tonight that we have been entered into the new Fall 2014 Shelter Challenge that just started today! So, here we go – please vote daily and help the horses! It’s over on 11/23/14 and the 1st place winner gets $500!
October 14th
Matilda in the morning.
Eva and Magic cleaning up his paddock. He’s "selectively comfortable" around some humans – he picks and chooses. Some can rub his face, some his neck, and some can even scratch his withers and part of his back. He will, however, take carrots from most. LOL If he isn’t comfortable he will not approach the human or he will just walk away. But if anyone tries to restrain him or approach him with a rope/lead he will retreat – and I dare anyone to try to go after him! He’s a happy boy and that’s what matters the most. He’s got his own safety bubble and that’s just fine. He lets me do what is needed and it took awhile to build up that trust – I’ll never betray it. Trust is key to a relationship with a horse – especially one like Magic. I adore him and he knows he is safe here.
Roxy with Ginger
Peggy Sue getting a hooficure a few days ago. We have to put her in a sling because of her back leg not being able to bend.
Remember Handsome? The first pic is the day he came to Beauty’s Haven in Aug. He had a hero for a vet that saw too much life in him to do what was being asked. He had serious thrush and his shoes were too small for him. After a little time of recovery here at the rescue, second photo below is Handsome meeting Santana, another gelding, for the first time. Handsome had been a lone horse for 5 years, and it was breathtaking for us to see this this meeting occur. Handsome needs some diagnostics: labs/testing done on a lump on his elbow, and he doesn’t have sponsors for any of his care or upkeep. Please let us know if you can help sponsor Handsome…
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Handsome. His name fits him well.
Why is it when we get inquiries about gaited horses we have none and now we have 2 and we can’t find them homes? Ginger is a VERY sweet mare that is ready for a forever home. She was born in 1997 and is very good under saddle. She’s a registered TWH that is not quite 14 hh.
Amber is coming back to the rescue from her foster home. She NEEDS shade. Isn’t there anyone that is looking for a nice TWH mare? She was born in 2008 and is registered.
JoJo escorting Auntie Ruth to her car. He’s a good boy.
October 15th
Classy is walking more comfortably today.
JoJo wanted lots of attention this am. I walked up the stairs to go into the office and looked down behind me and there he was. LOL "Mommy Theresa can I go to work with you in the office for a little while? Um, I can’t find my flymask and the clouds are gone."
And CaryLou wasn’t far behind JoJo! Mini see – mini do! LOL
Victoria is still holding her own. She had an acupuncture treatment today. Bob and Dave removed the boards between two stalls last evening in order to open up the birthing stall for her. I just did not want her out in the rains and I thought the 12 x 12 stalls were too small. She had a shelter but I’m not sure she would have stayed in it. And we had some really torrential rains through the night.
October 16th
Well, the golf cart that we use to pull the poop spreader is broke again.
CaryLou learning to tap dance. LOL
He’s back…. [youtube]
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit equine rescue organization that operates totally off of donations from the public. We are not funded by County, State, or Federal funds. Please consider making a one time or monthly donation to help us to continue what we do – we can’t do it alone. Funds are needed for vetting, farrier needs, dental needs, equipment maintenance, and there is so much more. There are various ways you can donate if you visit our "Donate" page on our website (bhfer. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small. Please share us with friends, family, and co-workers – it takes a village! Thank you!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
I have been having a rough time lately and had not checked my email in awhile. I finally just deleted the whole works and started over. I so looked forward to once again seeing pix and stories about the sweet little pony, Betsy Rose, who believes. I have not seen her in the past couple of emails. I must know, is she OK? …or has she gone to rest? Her stories and will helped me to keep going when my farm was close to foreclosure. She is an inspiration and I thank you for sharing her story. Sue Qualls in Jonesville, Florida