BH Oct 5 2014 Weekend Update
I didn’t realize this was still in my pending box – it should have gone out last Monday!
Many thanks to Eva Ponko and her son, Delaney, Sue Sefscik and Diane Gregoli Marchand for manning our booth at the Williston Peanut Festival this past Saturday! And many thanks to those that donated to help! We have some new really nice shirts that we will be putting on the storefront on the website this week. Many thanks to Lynn Lawrence, Deborah Hill, and everyone that made this possible!
Delaney and Katherine gave Cookie a much needed bath today. The weather today was perfect!
Katherine and Delaney took care of cleaning Lucy’s trach area this morning. We try to keep the area around it clipped – it’s easier to keep it clean.
Dr. Julia Simonson did a nerve block on Peaches to try to better define where the issue in her right front shoulder/leg is. We had x-rays done a couple of weeks ago and it was thought she had a soft tissue injury. And she likely did – this may be a different issue. In any event – the current issue is in her foot. Classy’s right front also has an abscess. The abscessing isn’t just happening here – the periods of heavy rains keeping the ground saturated has caused many to have issues. So much so, that when the vet called to place an order for AnimalIntex this past week, it was out of stock!
Barbara trying to have some quality time with Peaches today but JoJo wasn’t about to let that happen.
JoJo happily, finally found his fly mask! [youtube]
JoJo was determined to help me pack/wrap Classy’s foot today. LOL
The boys are constantly into something. Always.
We make it a habit to look over into the paddock where Peggy Sue lives often. When she lays down on her left side she can’t get back up. Most of the time she will lay on her right side but sometimes I guess she forgets and feels so good she wants to roll – and roll she does! All the way over onto her left side. Then she can’t get up or roll back over. Her back left leg is straight out – she doesn’t bend it . Her pelvic area suffered a few fractures many years ago when humans tried to pull her baby out. She gets around just fine. She just can’t get up from the left side and we have to roll her back over.
We were told the area where the mass was removed from Attagirl’s ear would get worse before it gets better. Well, so far, it’s looking pretty good.
Cookie is just beautiful.
Remember Missy and Hightower? They are doing great and are SO very much loved! It’s so awesome that these two are together – they have been best friends for a long time.
Good night everyone! This is JoJo making sure he is the center of attention. What a kid! And yes, the clouds were here at the time so no flymask required.
Have a great week, everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization