BH July 30th – August 3rd 2014 Update
Wednesday, July 30th
Victoria is so sweet. I just wish I could snap my fingers and she would be well again. She is still recovering from an indirect lightening strike. We hope she will recover completely – only time will tell.
JoJo threw another fit this morning. He did NOT want to put his flymask on!
JoJo is so demanding! He’s a hoot!
Finding Buck standing first thing each morning is a relief. The fact that he’s eating is a plus. One day at a time.
Thursday, July 31st
Buck greeted me with a whinny this morning! Its the first time we’ve heard a peep out of him! Prayers seem to be working please keep them coming!
Not only did we find Buck standing this am but he’s more active and steady on his feet!
Friday, August 1st
"JoJo why is your bottle and bottle holder on the floor?"
"It wasn’t me Mommy Theresa! It was Oreo – this cat is nuts! I wanna come out now!"
Saturday, August 2nd
Bella is leaving to go to her new home tomorrow – this is so bittersweet. She is one of the most loving horses you could meet. Here, her breathing issues would have continued to take a toll on her. The limerock dust that blows off our road is bad for her. Dr. Ryan advised that if we could find a home for her in a northern state like Wisconsin she would have a better quality of life. That’s when Nonnie reached out and offered to give Bella that home. Pollycalled me to tell me that Nonnie was only a few minutes from her – she could do the site check and help in making this happen. Polly has known Nonnie for many years. This is an answer to many prayers and I do believe in the power of prayers.
Polly and The Windchill Legacy helped us in the past – they provided us a much needed sling for a filly named Smarty Pants. She had been down for days and was too weak to stand but we dragged her into the trailer just like we did Mollie. God gave Smarty Pants a few days with us but the gross neglect she endured had taken too much of a toll on her frail little body. But she left this world knowing that she mattered and that humans cared about her. She didn’t lay on the ground and die, alone and afraid. But that sling, well, it’s helped many more – including Betsy Rose and Mollie.
Bella is making that long journey home starting tomorrow and Pamela Zarem of Double B Equine Transport, L.L.C. – thank you Pam for always taking are of our horses. I want to thank Kim Furse and Jody Adache Burnett and Lesley Osborn for helping and fostering Bella over the last several months.
Our "Village" enables us to help the horses – without you we would couldn’t do what we do. I’m proud of all of you and our accomplishments – together we make things happen for those thatcan’t speak for themselves.
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Buck had a good day yesterday – he was more alert, talkative, and active. But his appetite is no better. Dr. Julia examined him today and gave him Well-Gel via nasogastric tube. The ulcer in his eye is a little better. This evening he is less active and more unsteady when he walks – still no appetite. We will continue supportive treatment and on Monday the blood tests that were done here on 7/27 will be repeated to determine if the values are any better. He did get a bath today. Please keep Buck in your prayers.
This little dove found a comfy place out of the storm.
Frodo – he thinks he’s the biggest horse on the farm.
Roxy has been learning how to care for the whole horse to prepare for Skye’s adoption. Sheath cleaning included. This is Dr. Julia coaching her today. I love this. Today’s youth are the horse owners of tomorrow!
Sunday, August 3rd
Betsy Rose was a bit stiff yesterday. It appears that she may have struggled to get up sometime through the night. She’s moving worse today. I would like to have her treated with acupuncture, chiro, and/or massage when Dr. Julia comes tomorrow to pull blood on Buck.
Bella is such a sweet soul.
Now we pray for a non-eventful trip for Bella. She’s in great hands – Pam will take great care of her on her journey, I know that. And I know this is in her best interest but still, it’s very hard – it’s just so far away. Nonnie and Polly our Bella is headed your way (with a couple of stops in between). We love you Bella!
Ok, so it’s a triple bittersweet day. Gracie and Harvey left for their new home today too. They won’t be far away though. I’m so glad they are staying together! God does answer prayers!
When orphan baby donk JoJo meets rescue little doggy Presley – adorable!
Would anyone like to help us resupply our hay and some other items such as shampoo, horse size double Velcro latch flymasks (short), supplements, etc.? Donations can be sent to PayPal address bhfer or via various methods on the "Donate" page of our website We can also take donations with a credit card over the phone now! Thank you!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization