Betsy Rose’s New Year’s Surprise

"Raggedy Ann you look a little different! Is that a new outfit?"
"On no – I’m not Raggedy Ann, I’m Raggedy Jan – another one of her twin sisters! Surprise and Happy New Year! She has told us all about you and invited us to come! I brought my BFF, Little Brown Bear, too! Want to meet him?"

"Betsy Rose, meet Little Brown Bear! I call him Bear for short. He is so brave and smart! He helped save Moo Cow when her owner was taking her to market and then he saved Quackey Duck from being shot! Freckles gave us a warm welcome this morning before you woke up – she adores you just like a lot of humans do!"

"Thank you Freckles for welcoming our new friends! Why don’t you invite everyone else out to join us before the rains get here?"

Freckles introduced everyone and then they all started to share stories of their life adventures.

Betsy Rose, in her normal tradition, closed her eyes and seemed to say a little prayer of thanks. She is loved, so very much, by so very many, and she knows it! God granted us a miracle with her – she is a true blessing. We will continue to try to make all of her tomorrow’s everything her past should have been. Thank you all for caring about this little mare that BELIEVES!

"Do you all know that 2014 is "The Year of the Horse?" Mommy Theresa says some humans are working hard to ban horse slaughter, to change laws that would protect animals from starvation, abuse, neglect and abandonment. And to not only have laws put in place to protect us but to have them enforced! Yes, it’s going to be a wonderful year! Thank you all for caring about us!"

Happy New Year, Everyone!



Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

1 reply
  1. Gail Susan Burek
    Gail Susan Burek says:

    Looks like she has a nice healthy coat. Wish I could come down and brush her. Lots of snow in Massachusetts.

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