It seems like forever since I hugged Betsy Rose. I’ve asked myself many times – what could we have done differently? But I know there was nothing more that we could have done. Betsy wasn’t a “normal” pony. She was angelic with a divine presence and there are just no words to describe her essence. This may not make sense to some, but when Betsy left, I felt lost and abandoned. Why did she have to go so soon? Why our Betsy Rose? How do I keep going? How will things ever get back to normal? I know Betsy is still here with us in spirit, but it’s not the same – I can’t touch and hug her. I miss her whinnies. I miss everything about her. When she went to the Rainbow Bridge, I wanted to melt into nowhere or go anywhere where the sense of overwhelming loss and hurt wouldn’t follow me. But there is nowhere.
As we announced at the end of December, we made the decision to downsize until we relocate closer to Gainesville where we would get more volunteers which are desperately needed. But then, I received a message – “Please can you take her? Some of her pasture mates didn’t make it – she needs your special care.” And then came a photo which knocked me to my knees and took my breath away. I went into a panic – emotional overload hit me like a freight train.
I put my phone away, ignoring the message and hoping it had been my imagination. But, later, when I checked my phone, she was still there and I just lost it.
I prayed about the request and at first the answer didn’t come. Well, when the answer finally came, I’m ashamed to say, I tried to bury it. But I couldn’t.
Betsy Rose and I had a very strong connection and before Dr. Specht helped her to the Bridge, I promised Betsy that her legacy would live on. I know Betsy Rose would want us to help this little mare – perhaps she even had a hand in this. I do believe, sometimes, that God puts people, and animals, in our lives just when we need them (or they need us) the most. Bob will be returning with this mare in a couple of hours. My emotions will be all over the place but I’m going to be #BetsyRoseStrong. Just like the promise we made and kept with Betsy Rose – we will make all of this mare’s tomorrows everything her past should have been.
We need help from our amazing village of supporters. The vet will be coming this evening to do a full physical on this little mare. She needs both her teeth and feet taken care of, etc. We still have a Match Game in progress for other needs, but now we have an additional need to help this mare. Donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Donations can be made through PayPal at and there are various ways to contribute via our website at Please mark your donations for “Pony Mare” and know that we appreciate your help. And I’d appreciate some good thoughts and prayers for all of us as well. Thank you.
#BetsyRoseStrong #believe #bhfer