Betsy Rose’s 25th Birthday Celebration
June 13th
Tomorrow is Betsy’s 25th birthday and the boys 1st but we’re celebrating today!
Betsy Rose is watching all the activity as the party preparations have begun!!
Cleaning Betsy’s suite on her birthday morning!
The kids are so anxious!
JoJo says it’s his birthday and he doesn’t have to wear his mask!
Even Duke wants to help get ready for the party!
Vermont Bear is just hanging around waiting for the party.
Lynn is mowing to make sure the barn looks nice for the party.
Some of Betsy Rose’s friends have arrived for the celebration!!
Our little miracle girl had quite a surprise for her birthday! Freckles, Raggedy Anne, Andy, and Vermont Bear had invited some guests that arrived the day before. We kept everyone comfortable and hidden in the office – we didn’t want to spoil the surprise for the party!
Elizabeth and Bri had given her a spa treatment. A nice bath, towel dried, mane braided. And they added bows – we couldn’t forget the bows.
“Come on Betsy Rose – it’s your birthday and there’s a surprise for you!”
Meanwhile, at the front of the barn, we all heard Freckles say “Shhhhh! Everyone quiet please! She’s coming!”
And then there was silence. Lol
I stayed on Betsy’s good eye side so she couldn’t see what was behind me (she can’t see out of her right eye). Once we got there I let her go and we all watched her eyes light up as she realized there were some new faces!
“Oh my gosh Freckles! Where did all of these dolls come from? They are precious! All of them!”
“Betsy Rose they were all hand made out of love and they came from far away! On their journey here, they all heard about you and just couldn’t wait to meet you in person! Do you know what people from all around the world call you? “Betsy Rose – the little mare that believes!”
“Well, thank you all for coming! You’re going to love it here – you can all bunk with me and Freckles and the others, ok? My suite is big enough for all of us! Besides, we don’t want one of the doggies or donkeys to pick you up and run away with you. Oh my gosh – look at the birthday cake that Auntie Blodwyn made for me! She always makes the bestest cakes!”
“Well, go ahead Betsy Rose and eat your cake! We’re going to sing “Happy Birthday” to you! Enjoy!”
You could just see the look of “Oh my gosh this is going to be delicious!” all over Betsy’s face!
We made a promise to Betsy Rose when she first arrived here that we would make all of her tomorrows everything her past should have been and we intend to keep that promise. We loved watching her meeting her new friends and enjoying her cake. She’s a bundle of blessings!
“Are you all sure you don’t want any of my birthday cake? Because it’s really yummy!”
“No thanks Betsy Rose – there’s another big cake for all the humans that we can share. This cake is all yours!”
“Freckles it was good to almost the last drop. But the last drop is stuck to the plate! I think I need Mommy Theresa to come hold the plate a little lower so I can get it.”
Betsy Rose doesn’t have to ask twice! I was happy to comply!
“Freckles this is a great birthday! I can’t wait to hear everyone’s stories about where they came from and all about them – can they stay for awhile?”
“Oh yes, they will be here for a few weeks and they want to hear your stories about life too. Everyone loves you Betsy Rose.”
“Mommy Theresa can you please load up all my new friends into the wagon and bring them to the shade of the tree? We’re going to start those stories today after my party! Thank you, and all my human friends, for making my birthday special. Oh, and don’t forget that the boys birthday is coming up a little later today – we can all have fun at that too! Just don’t let the boys leave with any of my friends, ok? You know that JoJo loves to run off with things!”
And so, new friendships are made and new stories will begin. Stay tuned for updates about Betsy Rose and her friends!
We had a wonderful day today – the birthday party was somewhat quick once it got started – it’s hard to keep the attention of Betsy and the boys for very long! I have pictures I’ll post tomorrow. I’ll be singing “Celebration” in my head for days to come! Lol
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