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Around the Farm at Beauty’s Haven

We caught another kitten yesterday, from the feral colony that stays around our storage buildings. She is about seven months old. A growth was sadly discovered under her tongue so she was scheduled for surgery today in order to have it removed. She is now back home after doing just fine during the course of her surgery, spay, examination and vaccine administration, and she will be ready to rejoin her friends in a couple of days. If anyone would like to assist with the veterinary expenses ($452) of this precious little kitten, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button below.

On Sunday, I took twenty minutes from my very busy schedule for some much needed ‘me’ time! It was so wonderful to be back in the saddle, riding past Mo, Walker, Aaleyah Belle, Dancer, Jo, and Danni who were all out and about enjoying the beautiful weather.

Sweet Flint is always smiling! He is just a ‘makes you feel good’ kind of guy! Flint is in charge of this month’s hooficure fundraiser so please assist him in raising the necessary funds, so all his friends here at Beauty’s Haven will have ‘Happy Feet.’ The average cost per hooficure is $45, so if you are in a position to help, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button below.

Lastly, for your enjoyment, a video of CaryLou, who is always in the ‘ready, set, go’ mode,’ which can be viewed by clicking on the image above. At the start of the video, notice how CaryLou stops for a few seconds and stares right into the lens of the camera to make certain that all eyes are upon him! CaryLou has always been and will forever be, such a hoot!

Thank you, all, for your continued love and support!
