An Update on Sisco

This is Sisco grazing around the house with his old friends, Chloe and Aaleyah Belle, just over the fence. They chatted for a bit and then Sisco went off to graze.
Unfortunately, this isn’t a good update. Sisco’s cancer has spread and he also has navicular syndrome. He’s lived 30+ years and, at his age, we just can’t ask him to go through multiple treatments, in multiple places, over an unknown amount of time. The most humane thing we can do for Sisco is to let him join others from our herd that have gone to Rainbow Bridge before him.
Every horse owner has a responsibility to always provide the best for those in their care, to include letting them go in order to prevent unnecessary suffering. Making the decision is never easy – we love our animals so much we want to hold on to them forever. But it’s not about us – it’s about the animals that depend on us.
Loving Sisco enough to let him go to Rainbow Bridge is the most unselfish act of love that we can offer. The vet will be out later this week but, until then, Sisco will continue to get medication to help him be comfortable, lots of TLC, and lots of soaked orchard hay (which he loves).
We’ve had way too many losses this year and we hope and pray this is the last for a long time. Although, I’m sad to share that Kitty Cat has more tumors and Max’s hips are failing him. Thankfully, it’s not their time yet but we are taking it day to day and each day we are given is a blessing. And as for us humans here, our hearts break more with each loss. Prayers and good thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you.