
Amira Hospitalized While We Weather the Hurricane

Please click on the image above to view a most joyful video of Amira and her dear friend, Waylon.

After Dr. Stolsworth arrived yesterday to examine Amira, it was determined that she needed to go to the hospital where there is a camera which will be better able to scope her. Once at the hospital, Amira’s blockage was successfully cleared but she does have pneumonia. She will be staying at the hospital for a few days and she is now officially, on a soft food diet.

Amira was scoped once again today and everything looks good – no ulcers, polyps, etc., and her esophagus is fine. She has been taken off the IV and she has passed poop. The vet confirmed what we already knew – Amira is a mare with much life still left in her. She feels so good that she was actually making eyes at a colt across the aisle from her!

When Amira came to us over a year ago, she was in very bad shape. It was obvious that her needs had been neglected for quite some time. Even though she’s up there in age, we saw a light in her eyes that clearly said she was grateful for a chance to start a new chapter in her life.

Being an elder horse should not be a death sentence – there simply was no justified reason to euthanize her yesterday.

We were concerned that Amira had lost her ability to swallow, just as Betsy Rose did, and that would have changed the outcome. But that wasn’t the case. We are very grateful for our care team members who take everything into consideration, listen to the horse, and don’t call it too soon. Amira may come home tomorrow – depending on the weather and what is going on here.

A Very Long Night

We’re doing okay though we did lose power for a few hours. Thankfully the generators did come on. Jenny is staying with me at the barn tonight, together with the kittens and littles. We sent Bob home to get some sleep – it’s been a very long day. The winds are pretty bad. The horses out in the paddocks who are all sporting their EquestriSafe ID collars, will be checked at daylight.

Please keep our beloved little herd in your prayers.


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