Ambrosia 9/5 pm update – graphic pics at bottom of update
I spent the most part of today at UF with Ambrosia. She developed a thrombosis in her neck so the catheter had to be removed. The other side of her neck already had a thrombosis in it so that side can’t be used either. They have switched her over to oral antibiotics. When I got there this morning they were already in the process of flushing out the cavity (they had to remove a good part of her rib in order to get to the abscess). This will need to be done daily. She was a good girl, as always.
Dr. Stieler was off today (she deserved it!) but came in any way for the flushing of Ambrosia’s cavity and to check up on her. Everyone is so good to Ambrosia – it’s like home away from home except there she is in AC without flies!
Waiting for her to fully wake up from sedation after having the cavity flushed.
Her appetite was good and she’s drinking fine. She devoured her treats today.
Listening intently to little Billy “baaa” to everyone.
At times she looks very tired but that’s very understandable. She does have swelling in her legs – especially the back ones.
There was almost an aura about her this afternoon – the light in her eyes shines on.
Just being around Ambrosia makes you feel good. While you can see the effects that neglect has taken on her you can also see past them – you see the beauty she is both inside and outside. Her heart is full of gold. She has the right attitude and is very tolerant of what is being done to her – a huge plus to get her through this. She has another surgery coming up on the other side – possibly at the end of the week.
Please continue to keep Ambrosia in your prayers. There are still many things that can go wrong but we don’t, and won’t, dwell on them. Her care team monitors her closely. I can’t thank Dr. Stieler, Dr. MacKay, Dr. Freeman and Dr. Dymock (lead surgeon’s), Dr. Husted, Erik and all of the wonderful people at UF enough – from the minute you walk into the main office you feel welcome.
Ambrosia is in ICU and she has eyes on her 24/7. It’s comforting to know that there are many people that care about this wonderful mare that was kicked to the streets to fend for herself – neglected, sick, and all alone. But she now knows that she is loved and that she matters. We are all making a difference to Ambrosia.
Some have asked for pictures from yesterday. I’ve included a couple below but be forewarned – some may consider them graphic. One includes the rib upon removal.
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Please don’t forget to share the link to Horse and Man – a very informative blog at bhfer.melissa. We have a long way to go to raise enough funds to cover her expenses. In addition to the hospital expenses there will be aftercare – medications, follow-ups at UF, etc. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small.
Thank you all – God bless and have a good night everyone!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Such a brave and beautiful mare. Bless you all for helping her and continued prayers and vibes being sent.