A Valentine’s Day Wish
The ‘Velvet Nosers’ here at Beauty’s Haven are eagerly awaiting Valentine’s Day and they truly hope that each of their ‘Aunties’ and ‘Uncles’ will send them a ‘Virtual Valentine!’ All you have to do is forward a $10 donation with the name of the equine, dog or cat who you would very much love to be your Valentine. Of course, you may send a Valentine to more than one member of our beloved herd and if you wish to forward a donation greater than $10, that would be so very much appreciated as well.
Our beloved little herd is comprised of: Aaleyah Belle, Addi, Amira, Arabian Mare, Bouie, CaryLou, Dancer, Dani, Ebony, Elka, Flint, Ford, Frodo, Jazzy, JoJo, Jo, Lily, Lucy, Luiji, Magic, Mishka, Mo, Peaches, Sassy, Tobias, Valley Girl, Walker, Warrior, Willow, Shadow, Allie, Gizmo, Oreo & Pearle.
So, if you would like to make one of our ‘Velvet Nosers’ truly happy this Valentine’s Day, just click on the ‘DONATE’ button below and please include the name of your very special Valentine.