Introducing Misti, senior mini in honor of Betty White

Thank you, all, for your love and most thoughtful generosity to Beauty’s Haven during the course of the #BettyWhiteChallenge, in celebration of this very special lady’s 100th Birthday.

In Loving Memory of Betty, we thought that it would be a most fitting tribute to add a sweet little soul to our beloved little herd, a 30 year-old mini mare we’ve named Misti, who was in need of a safe place to land. We are most certain that Betty will approve.

If anyone would like to sponsor Misti, please click the button below, where you can opt to donate monthly. (Please note that it’s for Misti.)

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Donation Total: $50 One Time



Thank you to everyone who voted daily and responded to our last minute plea to rally the troops! We are so very blessed to have such an amazing little village of supporters! You all rock!