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Welcoming Gabriel, a gelding in need

Gabriel is a sweet gelding we brought in on Monday, whose owners could no longer give him the care he needs while dealing with their own serious health issues. We were told he’s 20 years old and that he had lived with them for 17 of those years; he had another equine pal until 8 years ago when that horse went to Rainbow Bridge, and the poor boy has been alone since. I don’t think he’s a Quarter Horse or a Thoroughbred, perhaps a Saddlebred cross based on his physical characteristics and demeanor (the vet agreed). Though his owners weren’t able to physically do much for him, they made sure he had hay and got grain twice a day.

Gabriel is quite the looker despite arriving with a snotty nose, elevated temperature, and labored breathing. We gave him Banamine but opted to hold off on antibiotics until our vet examined him.

When the time came to be checked out, he was a true gentleman. His temperature was normal, but some crackling was heard in his lungs so he got his first dose of Excede. He’s a bit underweight; his appetite has been okay but could improve after getting dental work. Hopefully Dr. Bess can work him into her busy schedule soon. When she comes, we’ll be able to confirm his age.

Gabe took a good nap after the vet left and wasn’t sure if he wanted to get up for his “hooficure”. We finally coaxed him up and he was great for the farrier. He’s got a good size crack that runs almost to the coronary band in one of his front feet that we will be monitoring, fortunately it wasn’t painful upon palpation.

When we get the blood test results back, we will post an update.

We estimate initial expenses for Gabriel to be at least $600, and would appreciate sponsors to cover them as well as his follow-up and routine expenses. 

Thank you for your compassion and support!

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