
Matilda ~ a precious senior mammoth mule that had been failed by humans, including “rescue organizations,” multiple times over the years. In late summer of 2013 we received a call from authorities along with the question – could we take Matilda, and two of her friends that were also in bad shape, if they were seized by the court and turned over to us? Of course, we would do all we could to help these poor souls! The neglect they had endured at the hands of humans, time and time again, was nothing short of a crime.

We couldn’t take away their horrible past, but we could do our best to make sure all of their tomorrows would be everything their past should have been. And that was a promise we made to all of them.

Matilda’s rehab went smoothly. She received the best of care including holistic treatments, SmartPak supplements to help with her digestive system and overall health, and other supplements. But repeated starvation and stress can take a toll on the body. Sadly, we lost Matilda suddenly on April 16th, 2016 suddenly to endotoximia. Our gentle giant got her wings.

Matilda was a kind, wise, and loving soul. Someday we’ll see that bright shining face and her beautiful long ears on the other side of the Bridge with others that have gone before us. What a reunion that will be! Until then, she runs free in green pastures along with her friends, Gentleman and Solace, where there is no suffering. Many thanks to all that have helped us to help her. I assure you, she was loved by many.

We hope that those that know the background and story of Matilda will never forget her. We hope that by posting updates as we did, and this video, that someone will have learned about what starvation and neglect can do to a body – we pray it prevents others from enduring what Matilda did before she came to our rescue.

Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes.
A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
And meeting again, after moments or lifetime,
is certain for those who are friends.

~Richard Bach