We are reaching out to the community to raise awareness about what we do to help horses – our 6th Annual Celebration of Life / ASPCA Help a Horse Day is coming up on April 25th! Our subject this year is “Kicking Equine Cancer!” However, this past Saturday, many members of the community reached out to us and offered to come help us out! Community helping hands are always appreciated! We made new friends, shared experiences, and made new memories. More information about the upcoming event is at the bottom of this email. |

We had a wonderful day on Saturday with approximately, thirty visitors. Wanda and many members of her wonderful 4H group spent the day giving baths, clipping, and even helping with other chores. It’s always a fun and productive day when they come and we appreciate them so very much! Wanda’s challenge was JoJo! He was a good boy, considering he is JoJo! He doesn’t like to stand still for very long and it was his first (and likely only) body clip. His baby hair was just so thick and that first clip always requires extra assistance! Jazzy will get clipped as well but Daisy’s coat is just fine. |

Rosemary, Vicki, Terri, and Lorilie did a great job clipping many of the horses! This has become an annual event for them that is very much appreciated! That’s Ola in the background giving Little E a hooficure – it was spa day for him! |

Little E wasn’t too happy about waiting on line to get clipped. Look at that face! |

But once the clipping began Little E was quite happy! He’s our eldest here now and is quite precious. |

JoJo now gets to sport his flysheet on sunny days! He didn’t throw himself down and have a fit like he did last year. LOL |

Bouie always loves extra attention. All the mini’s got a good grooming. |

Matilda felt very special with four people clipping her at once! She stood like a pro – she really enjoyed it! |

Sophie was a good girl too and enjoyed getting rid of excess hair, I’m sure! She has Cushings. Just look at that cute smile on her face! |

Our paddocks have even more wonderful hearts now. |

Betsy Rose got lots of attention too. She stayed in the aisle way with Beauty most of the day – thankfully, there was a cool breeze. |

Peaches getting lots of attention and a much needed bath. |

Wanda and CaryLou have a standing annual date for his body clipping. It took a little longer this year – he’s grown a bit. The faces he made were priceless! Caleb did a great job helping his mom, but we very much missed Martina. |

CaryLou’s punk doo always makes me laugh! So, here’s the pretty colors and pattern he hides under his winter coat… |

Members of the UF Equestrian Team also spent much of the day helping out. They met all of the horses and some even got slimed by Aaleyah Belle! Many thanks to the team and to Marie, a much appreciated volunteer (who has been with us for a few years) for all of their hard work and their time! |

Donovan was a BIG hit – everyone loves him! |

Kylie introducing everyone to Matilda. Kylie has been volunteering for a few years now and we appreciate her very much! |

Everyone helped out where needed – it was a great day! |

Willow is doing well but since she’s learned what her legs can do, she hasn’t stopped moving! We were told she’s an Appendix but I wonder – I could swear I saw her doing a four beat ambling gait on Sunday afternoon showing off for Magic. She is a very beautiful, honest, inquisitive, girl that will give someone her all. We are taking applications on her now but she won’t be ready for a few weeks. I’m sure she was pretty amazed with all of the people here on Saturday. She had her first much needed hooficure . |

Beauty stood in the center aisleway of the barn most of the day to oversee all the happenings. She’s still got a ways to go with her front feet but she will get there. She’s the reason Beauty’s Haven came to be. |

Lucy after she was clipped. She’s very cute and I’m sure she feels much better. |

Lucy has Big Head Disease (Bran Disease). Lucy’s head has actually gone down in size since her arrival in March 2012. She had been rescued by Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary and taken to UF where she was treated for colic. She also had trouble eating and breathing. A total tracheotomy was done, but the vets suggested that she be put down – her liver values were horrible and she couldn’t move her jaw to either eat or drink well. Kari had previously asked another rescue if they could offer assistance and they responded that they could help Lucy – they would bury her 3′ under! Kari then contacted us to see if we could help. I went to the hospital to meet Lucy and felt strongly that her body just needed time – she had lots of light in her eyes, eyes that appeared to be screaming for a chance. She was brought to the rescue the following day. We fed her via IV’s and then, after her little veins collapsed, she was fed orally with Wel-Gel. Over the next few days, she improved. The vets from UF called at the end of the first and second weeks to check on Lucy – fearful that she did not survive and when they learned she was still very much alive, and improving, they were both very happy and relieved to say the least! At Beauty’s Haven, we never give up and we truly believe in miracles as we’ve experienced them firsthand! One can clearly see Lucy’s cheekbones now! When she first arrived at the rescue, her head was huge! She’s an incredibly sweet little mare with such a huge presence – everyone loves Lucy! |

Lucy, upon her arrival in March 2012. |

Barbara doing her best to keep the little ones from destroying the sod that was put down last weekend. |


Come to our ASPCA Help a Horse Day event on April 25th and meet Daisy and her awesome care team! Drs. Porter, Mangan, and Simonson will be there! Learn about the way in which to prevent and recognize tumors and what the various diagnostics and treatments are. It could save a life! Please make sure to RSVP!#ASPCA #helpahorse #bhfer #kickingcancer |