We were blessed on Saturday, to welcome members from the GFWC Williston Woman’s Club who visited the farm to meet the horses, together with new volunteers, Tara and Melissa and her husband, TJ. Pam, another of our wonderful volunteers, was also here as she is on every Saturday. We were also so very blessed to receive a most generous donation from the WWC.
On Sunday morning, we awoke to one of the worst sudden storms we’ve had in quite a while – it almost seemed like a microburst. We are grateful that Cindy and Kristi came out to help with the morning chores, once the rains temporarily stopped. Temperatures continued to plummet throughout the day and night on Sunday bringing extremely cold weather, so blankets will likely stay on for the next couple of days. Thankfully, we do have a blanket for each and every member of our little herd. The porch on the storage building where the feral cats visit is also all set up with heat lamps, which I am certain they truly appreciate. As the terrible rains continued throughout Tuesday, while it was still light, we took Mishka and Willow up to a paddock on higher ground as the big guy’s feet would not do well on wet ground for very long.
Flint continues to do very well and he appears to have a renewed sense of purpose as he carries himself with greater confidence. His eyes are brighter and he’s holding his head higher. He is such a precious and very kind soul. He truly enjoyed meeting our visitors on Saturday and he was literally basking in all the love and attention he received! We are deeply grateful for the support he has received. He still has a ways to go, but his future is looking more promising!
Lastly, during the winter months, we go through many tons of hay on a weekly basis so if anyone would like to contribute to this most important need, it would be so greatly appreciated. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below.
Thank you, all, for your love and support and please stay safe and warm!