June is a very special month for us here at the rescue. Betsy Rose, a very special pony, came to us on June 14th, 2013 and JoJo and Jazzy’s birthdays are in June. We usually have a birthday party each year to honor Betsy Rose as well as to recognize JoJo and Jazzy’s birthday, but this year, we didn’t have time to put it together. For those who do not know Betsy Rose, and her story, there is a link on our website blog where you can learn about the day she arrived as well as the years we had with her. https://bhfer.org/pony-mare-update/
Betsy Rose was much more than that one special horse who comes into your life – she was a friend, teacher, comic, helper, healer and a heroine. Her story about overcoming incredible odds is one that should never be forgotten – she will never be forgotten.
Betsy, literally, helped many people to believe in themselves, to overcome, and to never give up. Sadly, we lost Betsy on December 22nd, 2017, due to her inability to swallow. With tears flowing, I held her tightly as she peacefully transitioned to Rainbow Bridge while I promised her that her legacy would forever live on.
Recently, one of our supporters notified us about a pony mare that desperately needed help. As she viewed the photo of the pony, she immediately thought of Betsy Rose. The pony had been run through multiple auctions as a no-sale and her next stop would have been Mexico where horses are slaughtered for human consumption . When I saw a photo of the mare, my heart skipped a few beats and memories of our Betsy Rose came flooding back. In honor of our Betsy, we quickly made the decision to rescue this precious little pony mare providing she was able to make the trip here. And with that, a new story begins.
We named her Dusti Rose. She arrived thin, her coat was unhealthy, her mane and tail unkept, and her feet had not been trimmed in months. Like Betsy, she has vision loss in her right eye. She had multiple auction stickers and/or glue from old stickers in her mane, on her backside, and in her tail.
Dusti’s personality is so sweet – she’s almost like a younger version of Betsy. She warms the heart and is good for the soul. And like Betsy Rose, she appreciates everything done for her. She really enjoyed her first bath.
With all of the losses we have had over the past year or so, the toll it has taken on my heart has been great. I’m still trying to accept the loss of my heart horse, Beauty. There are times that the tears flow and nothing takes away the pain. But I do believe that, sometimes, God puts people, and animals, in our lives just when we need them (or they need us) the most. I think we needed little Dusti as much as she needed us. From the moment I met her, she had my heart. We have promised her that we will make all of her tomorrows everything her past should have been.
We have much going on here, 24/7, and it’s challenging to post updates which impacts our presence on social media which in turn, impacts donations. It’s a very stressful time. Grants are hard to come by, but we constantly apply.
However, we do have some good news! A couple of dear friends and supporters have joined together to offer a $6000 Match Game!
All donations up to $6000 will be matched dollar for dollar… $5 will morph into $10, $50 will morph into $100, and so on. These funds are desperately needed and can help us recover from vet, facility, maintenance and equipment repairs, as well as other expenses. We also need assistance with the ongoing expenses for the feral cat colony that lives on the farm.
If you would like to play the Match Game, you can contribute via the ‘Donate’ button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. We will be posting a thermometer on our social media pages on a daily basis, and in upcoming emails, that will indicate the total amount of donations received across all platforms (BHFER website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) as of that day/time. We would also ask that you please share this out to family and friends.
A very special “Thank You” to our dear friends who are making this Match Game possible.
We thank all of you for your continued generosity, love and support.