On Saturday morning, we were faced with yet another medical crisis. Aaleyah went down with colic.
I immediately called the vet and then administered medications. After the vet arrived and passed a tube, she determined that Aaleyah required hospitalization. As we were loading Aaleyah, Chloe become very stressed. Aaleyah and Chloe have been best friends for many years and I was so worried that Chloe, too, might colic. I made the decision, despite a terrible migraine, to remain at the farm while Jenny followed Bob and Aaleyah to the hospital. I gave Chloe a little sedative to calm her down and approximately forty-five minutes later, she felt better and went off with Peaches who is, once again, on ‘friendship’ duty. I’m sure Peaches knows that Chloe needs a new friend while Aaleyah is away.
Once Aaleyah arrived at the hospital, Dr. Hughes called and stated that she felt Aaleyah’s Issue could be managed medically vs surgically – they would treat her and give her some time. As we waited, Jenny stayed in touch and after a bit, she called to say that it would be best if I got to the hospital as soon as possible. My migraine had subsided, Chloe had settled down, and I was very concerned about Aaleyah, so off to the hospital I went. Upon seeing Aaleyah, my little voice told me she needed surgery sooner than later. Jenny then tracked down Dr. Hughes to let her know that I had arrived.
After discussing the issues with Dr. Hughes, I asked that she set the process in motion so Aaleyah could go into surgery immediately – a decision which literally, saved Aaleyah’s life.
During surgery, Dr. Hughes discovered that Aaleyah’s colon had been displaced. However, the blood supply to it was good. The bigger issue was an epiploic foramen entrapment. There is a small slit next to the liver and stomach (which is normal) but somehow, about six feet of Aaleyah’s small intestine had become entrapped in that slit. The blood supply had been cut off but the intestine was not dead so Dr. Hughes opted to put back the section of small intestine where it belonged versus resecting it. Afterwards, she observed the intestine moving and ‘coming back to life.’. She stated that part of the intestine was ‘sick’ but it was not ‘dead,’ and thought it best to let it be. She also said that Aaleyah needs to go on a serious diet! I don’t want to be the one to tell Aaleyah that – she only gets a little Safe Starch Forage with a ration balancer as it is.
When Dr. Hughes called this morning, she stated that Aaleyah had had a bumpy night which was to be expected following major surgery. She promised to call me if there was any change for the worse. Sadly, since I could not be in two places at once and with Jo and Gabe having issues, I opted to remain at the farm today while Jenny went to check in with Aaleyah at the hospital. I was happy to learn Aaleyah had passed a small amount of poop! She is also talking to a cute gelding across from her and her eyes are a bit brighter.
She is not out of the woods yet and will remain at the hospital for at least five to seven days.
How to Help
If anyone would like to help with Aaleyah’s medical/surgical fees, donations may be called directly into Peterson Smith Equine Hospital: 352-861-1251 or 352-237-6151. Account #95501. Donations for her may also be made in a variety of ways by clicking on the button below.
Thank you, all, for your love and support and please continue to keep Aaleyah in your prayers.