Yesterday afternoon, JoJo was concerned because he heard a hurricane might be coming – he saw a kayak on Frosty’s Knoll and Lucy wearing a snorkel. Well, we definitely have a hurricane coming and Lucy was definitely in a snorkel, but I was really proud of her because she was already wearing her EquestriSafe ID collar! We have a ton of things to get done in a short period of time and I’m very thankful that we have collars for the other horses and the dogs.

The hay trailers are empty – we need to make two hay runs and get a load of shavings ASAP in advance of Idalia. If anyone can help we’d really appreciate it. We need to raise $1600.

Please click on the ‘DONATE’ button below if you can assist us at this time. And, see sweet JoJo’s message up close and personal by watching the video below, straight from the donkey’s mouth!

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Thank you, as always, for your love and support.


Last evening, Avie discovered Oasis down and cast in his shelter. She contacted me over the radio and I immediately responded. When I saw him, I knew it was very bad. I called the vet and administered IV medications as instructed, to aid Oasis until the vet arrived. He was able to get up but would immediately go down – he was in excruciating pain. While waiting for Dr. Madera to arrive, Bob prepared the trailer in order to transport Oasis to the hospital.

Once Dr. Madera arrived and assessed Oasis, however, she confirmed what my heart already knew – it was time to let him go.

Oasis, an elegant and proud eighteen year-old Arabian, loved life and made many humans laugh with his antics. He has always been healthy and as he had a strong heart, it took much longer than the norm for the medication to take effect, which would help him to peacefully transition to Rainbow Bridge. However, the longer transition did make it very hard on us humans. The entire time, his best friend, Mo, together with myself, Bob, and Dr. Madera, remained by Oasis’ side.

Our beloved Oasis is now majestically galloping at Rainbow Bridge with all the other members of our herd that have gone before him. He leaves behind all who loved him dearly, especially Mo and his entire Beauty’s Haven family who are beyond devastated. He had a very special place in my heart and always will.

Oasis will truly be missed and his heartbreaking departure leaves an irreplaceable void. Please keep Mo, and all of us here at Beauty’s Haven, in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you, as always, for your love and support.


Maggie came to us last November as a county seizure. She had been living alone in a small sand paddock for many years. The case is still pending, but last week we were advised we had to release her to her previous owner. She was picked up on Saturday. It broke many hearts – especially Gabe’s. I can only hope and pray that there were lessons learned and that Maggie will be loved and properly cared for this time – and that she will have a friend. She truly appreciated having companionship.

Watching Gabe run around and hearing him call for her when she left and her call for him as the trailer drove away broke my heart. Animals certainly do feel happiness, love, pain, sorrow, and even a sense of loss.

Walking her to the transport trailer was a very hard thing to do and I feel like I betrayed her. I had promised her safety, food, and happiness. I’m sure she didn’t understand that we had no choice – we do have to follow the law. We all adore this mare and we cherish the bond that these two horses, each one having lived alone for many years before coming to us, had formed.

Together, Gabe and Maggie flourished. Maggie stays in my heart and in my prayers. The door is always open for her to come back.

Updated to address questions: We know where Maggie went. The State Attorney approved of the boarding facility where she was taken which is a couple of hours away. It’s off the beaten path so there is really no way to check on her by doing a drive-by. There was no restriction put on how long Maggie had to stay at the boarding facility.
