Walker and Waylen did great for their eye exams last week. Walker has some old scarring in his left eye but, thankfully it doesn’t bother him. Both of these very sweet boys have gained weight and are looking good!

Jo, however, could use some good thoughts and prayers today. Her dementia was on full display this morning. She has been given medication and is being hosed down. Her best friend of thirty-plus years, Dancer, is never far away. I’ve spoken to the vet and I’ve done everything I could. If Jo takes a turn for the worse, the vet will be called out. Jo, presently, is swallowing, so we’re on the right track.

Jo’s Symptoms: Dazed, aimless wandering when she did move, standing looking lost, confusion, staggering, withdrawn, not swallowing, unable to pull her tongue back into her mouth, a moment of being totally startled as if she’d just come out of a period of “nothingness.”

Jo’s Treatment: Banamine, craniosacral massage – bending the neck to get release, using what I call a ‘thumper’ adjusting tool on her and observation time.

Thank you!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Walker and Waylen got to spend some time around the barn today in order to get acclimated before Dr. Mangan’s visit to examine their eyes. Walker’s favorite spot is right outside the feed room door. These very sweet boys are feeling so much better. They have gained weight and are much more animated each and every day. Please enjoy the short video of my little ‘discussion’ with Walker, a ‘very good boy.’

Match Game!

Lastly, just when we had given up all hope in regard to our farrier fundraiser, a dear friend and supporter has come forth and has offered to match all donations up to $200! If you would like to participate, just click on the ‘DONATE’ button below where you can contribute in a variety of ways. All donations are so greatly appreciated by horses and humans alike and no amount is ever too small! If forwarding your donation via PayPal, please note that your contribution is for ‘Happy Feet.’

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you!


We have had yet another very busy week at Beauty’s Haven. I’ve spent a day in court as well as countless hours doing paperwork to ensure that sweet Maggie’s future is the best that it can be – we could most certainly use prayers to make this happen. I have also responded to several calls regarding horses that needed help, but sadly, the outcomes for those horses did not end well. We simply cannot take them all which truly breaks my heart, but with so many special needs horses here at the rescue who require extra care, we are just not in a position to do so.

Today, we have the next round of hooficures commencing, but still have not raised adequate funds to cover the last round of hooficures. Thankfully, a number of donations have been received via our One Dollar Farrier campaign, but there are still a number of horses who do not have sponsorships.

The total cost for the farrier, who trims every four weeks, is approximately $1,000 monthly. While some horses can be trimmed every five weeks, most need to be done more frequently.

Additionally, we have testing for Warrior, Peaches, Bouie, Nickers and Cloud Dancer. These tests are for Cushing’s, Thyroid, Coggins, Chemistry, ACTH, Insulin, CBC, etc. I am once again asking our amazing village of supporters for additional assistance to cover this cost which averages $350 per horse. While these tests are quite costly, please be assured that they are most necessary to ensure the overall health and well-being of our beloved little herd.

We would be forever grateful for any assistance you can offer to help keep our ‘Velvet Nosers’ healthy and happy. Just click on the ‘DONATE’ button below where you can contribute in a variety of ways.

Thank you!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

JoJo here again! I hope you all had a very happy Easter and Passover! Everyone here at the rescue had a very nice day although some of my friends were a bit sad as only a few of us were able to have ‘Happy Feet’ in time for Easter.

As you know, we had so many needs arise all at once – Mommy Theresa’s birthday fundraiser; little Warrior’s frightening and serious health issue; and Pearle, my little cat sister’s sad and unexpected delivery of premature kittens. We are so very grateful for all the prayers and contributions that came in during that time and truly understand why helping us have ‘Happy Feet,’ was the least important thing on your list. Sadly, though, things like hooficures and hay are a necessary and ongoing need to keep us all healthy and happy.

So, I was thinking if each of our many supporters could send just one dollar, it would add up so very quickly and before you know it, everyone will have ‘Happy Feet!’

If you can, just click on the ‘DONATE’ button below where you can contribute in a variety of ways. And, if you cannot donate at this time, we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing this with your family and friends.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you!


Thank you for being a blessing in our lives, not only at Easter time but all the year through.

Theresa, Bob, and the Beauty’s Haven Family

Warrior, one of our precious little minis, was not feeling well yesterday morning and refused to eat his meal. We immediately called the vet who came out and pulled some blood. Warrior’s vitals were all normal and he did have a bowel movement.

Last evening, however, Warrior appeared to be just fine but he seemed to strain when he had to urinate. We thought perhaps he might have a urinary tract issue, but since he hadn’t had another bowel movement, we wondered whether it may be colic. The vet did not believe this to be the case.

Warrior had three bowel movements during the night and urinated at least four times, and he certainly looks like he feels much better today. The change of weather with high temperatures coupled with allergies can be quite tough on some of the horses.

We will be keeping Warrior on Ulcer Guard for two weeks and I have added this product to both our Chewy and Amazon Wish Lists in case anyone would like to gift him a tube. While I don’t have the vet bill as yet and we may still need to run additional tests, any donations toward such would be so greatly appreciated. Just go to our Donate page where you can contribute in a variety of ways.

Please keep Warrior in your prayers. He’s such a precious soul.

Thank you!


Please help Beauty’s Haven win a grant from MyGivingCircle. It costs nothing to vote once per week and if you donate, you can vote as often as you wish. MyGivingCircle will add one vote for every $1 in a one-time donation and more if you commit to a monthly recurring donation. To receive a grant, a charity must receive a minimum of 2,000 votes.

The current grants round will end on June 30th and the top 20 charities with the most votes will receive a share of $500,000, which is awarded annually.

We are very confident that our wonderful little village of supporters can do this, so just click on the button below to cast your vote and please share!

Thank you!
