Early last evening our beloved Ruby went down, and sadly did not attempt to get up. She was very peaceful and did not appear to be in pain. As we were awaiting the arrival of the veterinarian, we placed a pillow beneath her head and took the canopy out of the storage shed to shield her from the falling rain. I sat and softly talked with her about many things. Even though she appeared to be fine all day, I feared that this could be her time to leave us.

Then at 8:33 pm, while cradled in my arms, our beloved Ruby peacefully transitioned to Rainbow Bridge.

What a joyous reunion it must have been as Cookie and all of her other old friends greeted Ruby at Rainbow Bridge, but it sure leaves a big hole in the hearts of everyone in our Beauty’s Haven family. Ruby was such a very special mare, at approximately 30 years of age she was a very wise old soul. She had been with us for many years, and knew that we all loved her beyond measure.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers during this most devastating time.

Grief is truly the price we pay for love.


In Honor of Betty

Betty White, who sadly passed away on 31 December 2021 at the age of 99, was a friend and advocate to countless animals throughout her legendary life. Inspired by her legacy and lifelong devotion to creatures both great and small, Betty’s fans encouraged compassionate hearts across the country and throughout the world to honor her by contributing to an animal rescue organization of their choice on 17 January 2022, the day that would have been Betty’s 100th birthday. And once again this year, many organizations will uphold this wonderful tradition in celebration of this remarkable woman and her incessant love for animals, on 17 January 2023, the anniversary of her 101st birthday.

Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc. is truly honored to commemorate the life of this amazing woman through our participation in the second annual Betty White Challenge. Please consider keeping the legacy and memory of the late, great Betty White alive with a donation in her honor by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button below. Please indicate that your contribution is “In Memory of Betty.”

May her radiant light forever shine.

Thank you all for your love and support.

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Donation Total: $5.00 One Time

Here we go again! The “feels like” temperatures are dropping below freezing, and coupled with the high winds, it becomes nearly unbearable to say the least. We need to get a load of coastal and some alfalfa hay ASAP which will cost about $925.

If you can pitch in, please click the “Donate” button below, or visit our Donations page for all options to contribute.

I know the horses would really appreciate it, digesting hay helps them stay warm!


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

As we enter 2023, the first round of “Hooficures” has begun! The average cost per horse is $44, so if you would like to sponsor a farrier visit for your favorite Beauty’s Haven equine, just click on the “Donate” button below, or go to bhfer.org/donate for more options. Please note the name of the horse that you wish to sponsor. If you have no preference, please designate your donation to “January Happy Feet.”

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and wonderful New Year.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

It was wonderful seeing Gabe and Maggie (a recent county seizure) together exploring new places and making new friends. They are both such very sweet horses. Gabe has COPD, which we are trying to manage, whilst sweet Maggie does not sweat at times. Maggie’s neglect case is still pending with the county but her owner has been charged. Maggie and Gabe both need sponsors for their care including hay, grain, farrier work, etc., so if you would like to sponsor or help either horse, please click on the ‘DONATE’ button at the bottom of this post where you can make a one-time contribution or sign up for monthly automatic donations which help tremendously.

ABOVE: Gabe and Maggie experiencing the innate joy of just being horses.

Nadia is still searching for a perfect friend since we lost Venus in November. Nadia and Venus had been together for twenty-five plus years. A few weeks after Venus passed, Peaches sensed that Nadia was grieving and remained by her side. Peaches has always helped others cope with the loss of a friend, but since she has always been a loner, her comfort to others is only temporary and after a few weeks of giving the other horse time to adjust, Peaches is ready for the other horse to move on. Nadia has Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (DSLD), a progressive condition that leads to chronic breakdown of tendons and ligaments. Her condition will only worsen and at some point, we will have to make the decision to let her join Venus. We will keep her comfortable for as long as possible, but in the meantime, we will continue our quest to find Nadia another very best friend from within our herd.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Batchelor Family group photo with happy new year message