
Hey Everyone, Magic here!

I had a talk with Mommy Theresa this morning and she is really concerned that we will not meet the deadline for our Big Fundraiser. We must raise $2148 before midnight on May 25th so if you would like to help us meet our goal, you may donate here on our website or via our Facebook fundraiser. Please note that it is for the Match Game. Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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All donations will be doubled, so that is a very good thing! If you are unable to donate at this time, that is okay….we truly understand, but you can still help by sharing this with your family and friends. Thank you!


Shadow discovered a lost cat in the paddock this morning. He was such a very good boy – he alerted us to her and then just stood watching over her until we arrived. The poor cat appeared to be blind and/or in shock. Since she looks like a little girl, we are referring to her as a “she.”

A few months ago, when she was an older kitten, approximately three months of age, we saw her go under one of the storage buildings, and, being unable to trap her, we have been leaving out food nightly. And then today, not being familiar with her surroundings, she ran into a corner.

Thanks to Shadow, we were able to catch her and bring her inside, free from the danger of being injured by another animal or being hit by speeding cars and trucks.

One of her ears seems to have been tipped ever so slightly, so she may have very well been a TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) cat at one time. She is very thin, but thankfully she did eat some wet food. Her ears are full of mites and she has fleas. She’s not comfortable being handled, so we are going to let her rest for now.

We need to take this sweet kitty to the vet in the morning, but need financial help in order to do so. Of course the initial vetting will be quite costly, so any donation, regardless of the amount, would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate please mark your donation “for the kitten.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

As always, thank you for your love and support.


Oreo is Featured on CUDDLY

If you wish to assist with our sweet boy’s Ear Canal Ablation surgery or send him a gift from his Wish List, you may do so by clicking on Oreo’s image to the left.

Counting Down

We are more than halfway there in our $5000 Match Game! There are only ten days remaining to reach our goal. If you would like to help our beloved herd while doubling your donation at the same time, you may donate here on our website or via our Facebook fundraiser. Please note that it is for the Match Game. Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

We have some very exciting news to share which comes at a perfect time! A very special friend and supporter has offered a most generous $5000 Match Game, whereby all donations up to $5000 will be matched dollar for dollar, provided we can meet our goal by May 25th, 2022.

Once we receive $5000 in donations that are specifically marked for the ‘Match Game,’ the $5000 will morph into $10,000!

As in the past two years, the pandemic continues to play a significant role in our ability to garner donations, and now, coupled with the horrific invasion of Ukraine, many are understandably contributing to the wonderful charities who have boots on the ground in that war-torn nation, to help the brave men, women and children who are so greatly suffering. I so wish that we were in a position to lend assistance to the people of Ukraine as well, but with 35 horses in our care, the majority of which have special needs, and two more returning within the next couple of weeks through no fault of their own, we are simply unable to do so.

Our special needs horses require an abundance of daily care. Some have open tracheas that must be cleaned; horses with respiratory issues and/or who don’t sweat, must be checked multiple times; horses with chronic eye issues must have their eyes cleaned daily, coupled with the constant change of fly masks, and in some cases, medication applied. Boots must be removed and cleaned and feet treated. These are just a few examples of the special attention and care required by our horses, separate from other emergencies which may arise at any time.

What will Match Game Donations Support?

  • Dental care for at least 8 horses, est. $1500.
  • One of the large metal water tanks needs to be replaced: $135
  • Senior grain is now up to $30+ per bag. We go through a bag a day in addition to other feed / hay cubes / forage that is fed.
  • Grazing is what horses do naturally – it’s good for them physically and mentally so we try to keep grass all year around. We try to keep the property free of weeds and we spot treat whenever we can, but with 17+ acres and no time to spare, it is most effective and economical to have the property/paddocks treated by a local company. The cost for this is usually $800 to $1100 depending upon the kind of weeds that are being treated. But this is the time of year that this needs to be accomplished.
  • Items in our medicine cabinet must be replenished at a minimum cost of $1700.
  • The rescue truck needs maintenance at an estimated cost of $1400.
  • The tractor needs maintenance /repairs at an estimated $1500 (at least).
  • The horse and flatbed trailers need maintenance /repairs at an estimated cost of $2000.
  • The back cover of the gooseneck trailer and interior wall / floor mats need to be replaced and /or repaired and routine maintenance needs to be done. Estimated cost is $1400. The roof may also need to be resealed.
  • 8 stall gates (4’) need to be replaced at a cost of $160 per gate.
  • Some paddock gates need to be replaced at a cost of between $225 to $350.
  • The stall mats that line the center aisle of the barn are in need of replacement. They have thankfully, held up well for 12 years, but the corners are turning up which creates a tripping hazard. The cost is approximately $65 per mat. We need 12 including the two at the wash rack.
  • Golf carts are one of the most important tools here and two are in need of servicing, with one needing a new battery at a cost of $750.
  • We need three 20 lb. buckets of psyllium pellets or crumbles each month. Each bucket is about $150.

We depend solely upon the generosity of our supporters to enable us to provide for the needs of all the innocent and beloved animals entrusted to our care. We do apply for grants but with so many needs in the world today, we have not been successful with these for quite some time.

We understand that many of you may not be in a position to donate, but you can still help by sharing our needs with others, and perhaps, with a little testimonial, asking friends and family to offer assistance if they are able to do so. Every dollar makes a difference.

If you wish to assist us in fulfilling our needs, while doubling your contribution at the same time, please click on the “Donate” button below and note it’s for the Match Game.

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the horses and other animals at Beauty’s Haven.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time