Peggy Sue has a back leg that she is unable to bend (the humans in her previous home had tried to ‘help’ her deliver her baby years ago and her pelvis fractured in several places), so we have to place her in a sling for her hooficures. As you can see in the above image, she is such a very good girl for the farrier. Peggy Sue is just one member of our little herd who is on the farrier list this week. Others scheduled to receive a hooficure within the next few days, include Bouie, Frodo, Ebony, Lily, CaryLou, Lucy, Luigi, Warrior, Misti, Sassy, Simba, JoJo and Jazzy.

The average cost of a farrier visit per horse/ donkey is $33.

If you wish to contribute to this most important and necessary need, you may do so by clicking on the DONATE button below. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small. Thank you!

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Oreo Needs You

We still have quite a ways to go to achieve our goal for Oreo’s ear canal ablation surgery. If you wish to assist with our sweet boy’s surgery, you may do so via GivingGrid by clicking here or on the photo of Oreo.

Thank you!

Peggy Sue, Luiji, Cloud, Nickers and Lucy are on the dental treatment list (Dr. Bess Darrow of Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry). Nadia, Venus, and many other members of our little herd will also be scheduled for their dental examinations in the upcoming week. We estimate each treatment to be approximately $125 to $200 per horse depending upon the work that needs to be performed, coupled with the amount of sedation required. Any donations beyond the amount needed for the upcoming visit will be set aside in our “Happy Teeth Fund,” an escrow account for future dental needs.

If you would like to assist with this need, donations may be forwarded in a variety of ways here on our website, simply CLICK HERE. If donating via PayPal, please designate your contribution for “Happy Teeth Fund.” Thank you all for your love and support!


Oreo was a kitten when rescued 15 years ago from a taped up cardboard box left in a parking lot. He settled in at our rescue with another rescued kitten, Kitty Cat. Both were barn mousers. Oreo is friends with all 35 of our rescued equines and our volunteers simply adore him.

When we lost Kitty Cat last year to mast cell tumors, Oreo became deeply depressed. Afterwards, he lost much weight due to hyperthyroidism which was successfully treated. He was doing well, but then developed an ear infection which has been treated over many months.

After additional testing, it was determined that Oreo needs surgery to remove a tumor from his ear canal. His prognosis with this surgery is excellent.

If you wish to donate to assist with Oreo’s surgery you may do so via GivingGrid or here on our website by clicking the button below.

Thank you all, so very much.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time