Hello from freezing Florida! And it’s is going to be another really cold one today – the winds here make it pretty bad, but at least it’s not raining. Last night it dipped down to 19°. Thankfully all the horses were warm and snuggly in their blankets. Many thanks to Jenny, Avi, and Cindy for helping to blanket the 30+ horses yesterday!

Did you know horses burn 30-35% more calories to stay warm when the cold temps arrive? This means they need more hay!

We need to make a run as soon as possible for four large compressed 1/2 pasture bales for the horses in our four southern paddocks so the horses will have them for tonight. Each bale weighs approximately 500 pounds. This will cost at least $525 to procure these four bales. Can anyone help with this need? We have enough of the regular size bales to last us for a couple more days.

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No amount is too small and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Candace and her mom, Lady Sophia, are doing well at the trainer’s. They’re making new friends and Candace is becoming a bit more independent each day. Amanda Hill (Legacy Hill Sport Horses) is working with Sophia to figure out what she will be happy and comfortable doing. It’s just not the same here at the farm without them, but they are where they need to be to prepare for the next chapter in their life.

We are now accepting adoption applications for Lady Sophia and Candace (to be adopted together) even though they are not yet ready for adoption. Applicants must be experienced with foals and be able to demonstrate their ability to work with both of the girls (natural horsemanship methods only) and continue with their training. Boarding situations will not be considered. Both Candace and Lady Sophia are healthy, kind, smart, honest, and willing to learn. They will make their adoptive human very proud.

Considering the condition we found them in, we were very blessed Lady Sophia’s and Candace’s rehabilitation went well. There were bumps along the way but we were very attentive to their care and kept the faith, and they both grew healthy and strong. (To learn more about their rescue and rehab journey, click here.) Lady Sophia is a great mom and she loves Candace so much. Both are very smart, intuitive, and a pleasure to work with.

Now, on to the next phase for these two! Today, the girls left this week to go to Legacy Hill Sport Horses where Amanda will be working with them. We want to figure out what it is that Lady Sophia is comfortable doing under saddle, while Candace will get daily hands-on. We were so proud of Candace, she walked right on Amanda’s trailer like she owned it! In the past, when she was transported to and from the veterinary hospital, it took awhile to get her on the trailer.

Our ultimate goal is to find the right home for Lady Sophia and Candace, together.

We’re grateful to all of you for your support. And we’re also very thankful for Amanda helping us with Candace and Lady Sophia, and looking forward to watching their progress. They’re not quite ready for adoption yet but we ARE accepting applications: go to https://bhfer.org/adoption-requirements-considerations/.

Thank you, all, for your love and most thoughtful generosity to Beauty’s Haven during the course of the #BettyWhiteChallenge, in celebration of this very special lady’s 100th Birthday.

In Loving Memory of Betty, we thought that it would be a most fitting tribute to add a sweet little soul to our beloved little herd, a 30 year-old mini mare we’ve named Misti, who was in need of a safe place to land. We are most certain that Betty will approve.

If anyone would like to sponsor Misti, please click the button below, where you can opt to donate monthly. (Please note that it’s for Misti.)

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Thank you to everyone who voted daily and responded to our last minute plea to rally the troops! We are so very blessed to have such an amazing little village of supporters! You all rock!

Gabriel is a sweet gelding we brought in on Monday, whose owners could no longer give him the care he needs while dealing with their own serious health issues. We were told he’s 20 years old and that he had lived with them for 17 of those years; he had another equine pal until 8 years ago when that horse went to Rainbow Bridge, and the poor boy has been alone since. I don’t think he’s a Quarter Horse or a Thoroughbred, perhaps a Saddlebred cross based on his physical characteristics and demeanor (the vet agreed). Though his owners weren’t able to physically do much for him, they made sure he had hay and got grain twice a day.

Gabriel is quite the looker despite arriving with a snotty nose, elevated temperature, and labored breathing. We gave him Banamine but opted to hold off on antibiotics until our vet examined him.

When the time came to be checked out, he was a true gentleman. His temperature was normal, but some crackling was heard in his lungs so he got his first dose of Excede. He’s a bit underweight; his appetite has been okay but could improve after getting dental work. Hopefully Dr. Bess can work him into her busy schedule soon. When she comes, we’ll be able to confirm his age.

Gabe took a good nap after the vet left and wasn’t sure if he wanted to get up for his “hooficure”. We finally coaxed him up and he was great for the farrier. He’s got a good size crack that runs almost to the coronary band in one of his front feet that we will be monitoring, fortunately it wasn’t painful upon palpation.

When we get the blood test results back, we will post an update.

We estimate initial expenses for Gabriel to be at least $600, and would appreciate sponsors to cover them as well as his follow-up and routine expenses. 

Thank you for your compassion and support!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Or, visit our Donations page for a variety of giving options at https://bhfer.org/donate/.

Contest Update!

Although we have been doing extremely well, we have fallen from second place to third place by a steadily rising number of votes.

Winning $10,000 of free advertising in the K-Country & Wind FM Champions 4 Charity Contest would be a true godsend to Beauty’s Haven as it would bring a much-needed awareness to the plight of all the beloved equines who suffer daily, either through abuse, neglect, sheer ignorance or an unfortunate change of circumstance in the life of their human through no fault of their own. It would give a voice to all the innocent beings who are unable to speak for themselves.

A win would also bring much needed publicity to Beauty’s Haven and perhaps attract potential volunteers and contributors, both of which are greatly needed during these most difficult times. It would also give us an opportunity to highlight how we make a difference and showcase some of the horses that we have been able to help because of support from others. Without support from others, we simply could not do what we do.

Please help us by voting once daily through 16 January 2022 and by sharing this contest amongst family and friends.

As always, we have great confidence that with the support of our amazing little village, we can do this. Just click on the image above or the button below to cast your vote.

Thank you, everyone!


This is worth all the days of trying to keep Mishka comfortable while working through abscesses in both front feet. There’s about 2000 lbs of horse on those feet! The stocks helped tremendously.

Our gentle giant made a new friend while he stayed in a different paddock closer to the barn – Valley Girl. Today they were turned out together in one of the larger paddocks. They loved it, and we loved watching them!

Thank you to all who contributed toward the stocks, you truly made a difference!



As we near the end of 2021, we have so much for which to be thankful.

We are thankful to our wonderful village of supporters as well as our amazing team of volunteers, who worked tirelessly to afford us the opportunity of granting a second chance at life to these 21 precious souls who have brought us such an inordinate amount of happiness and joy: Valley Girl, Buckshot, Remi, a precious newborn donkey; Allie, our mischievous Marmalade Tabby; Simba; Elvis and Ford; Miles, who without a doubt was sent to us through the intervention of our beloved Penny; Scooter; Kiah, the sweet little pup who was found scared and alone in the middle of the night with a badly injured paw; Ace, our beautiful Selle Francais; Belle Star; Lady Sophia and Candace; Piper, our sweet little dumpster kitten; three precious bunnies; our Christmas saves, Lennie and Michele; and lastly, Shai, our final rescue of 2021.

But as in the Circle of Life, our joy was tinged with sadness when our beloved Penny, Ace, Nash, Haley, Jasmin and Cleo, a precious newborn kitten, transitioned to Rainbow Bridge, where we know deep in our hearts, that they are all now happily romping about with the Heavenly Herd.

Beauty’s Haven unfortunately had a number of horses returned to the rescue this year, through no fault of their own. We are thankful that they are home with us and we have promised them that they will always be forever safe and loved.

We are so truly honored by your love and support which enables us to be the voice of those sweet and innocent souls who are unable to speak for themselves. And for that, we remain eternally grateful.

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.