Mishka has been having some worrisome issues. Sometimes his feet get packed after it rains which can cause him to become tender footed. We dread this because when we are able to pick up a front foot, he tends to throw it forward rather abruptly which makes it dangerous for the human tending to his needs. And, if we’re lucky enough to get a foot up, we can’t make him keep it up. Trying to maintain proper balance in his feet has always been quite challenging and proper balance is very important.

After a recent rain storm, we discovered Mishka to be lame the next day – he simply would not cooperate in order for us to examine and clean out his feet. After a couple of days, we moved him into Penny’s paddock with Peaches, which is closer to the barn where we could keep a better eye on him and ensure he was drinking enough water. Because the lameness issue arose suddenly, an abscess was suspected – his pulses were not elevated and there was no heat in his feet.

The day before the farrier was to arrive, as I was trimming hair around Mishka’s coronary band, I poked around above his left coronary band a bit with my fingers to see if I’d get a response from him and suddenly, an abscess opened up at his heel. The smell was horrible! While he may have gotten some relief, he wasn’t close to being much better. Because Mishka had been bearing more weight on his right foot due to the abscess in his left, we placed icepacks around the right foot as a precaution. Bearing most of the weight on the right foot could cause laminitis.

We scheduled the vet to come out to do x-rays and we are quite concerned with the findings. Mishka’s front right does have rotation and his side bone has gotten worse in both feet.

Bloodwork done which indicated he was slightly dehydrated. Results from one blood test will not be ready until next week. The farrier came yesterday and, as always, Andrew did the best he could, but to do the job right, and to provide Mishka with balanced feet and shoes, we need stocks. Using boots isn’t an option because we can’t keep his feet up long enough to put them on. Stocks not only enable the handler to restrain a horse without hurting him, but prevent injury to the handler as well.

We have needed stocks for a long time, but now, it is an absolute necessity as we want to keep Mishka as comfortable as possible so he can be with us for many more years.

This isn’t going to be an inexpensive investment but we have faith that, with help from others, we will be able to procure the needed stocks and raise enough funds to cover Mishka’s present and future vet bills and x-rays. We don’t have the recent vet bill yet but Mishka will need additional x-rays and more “hooficures” to make adjustments over the next several weeks. The stocks are about $2400 which includes shipping – other horses will benefit from them as well.

A very dear friend and supporter is offering a most generous Match Game whereby all donations up to $1000 will be matched dollar for dollar!

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Thank you, all, for your love and support,