Elvis and Ford have hit the jackpot! They have been adopted into a wonderful home with someone who has adopted from us in the past. It’s a true blessing! We really did not want to separate them. Ford is 13 years young and really loves his little pony, Elvis, who is approximately 30 years young. They have had many changes in their life recently, but now, they have sunny days ahead in their new, loving, forever home. Enjoy the sweet video below of the boys happily prancing about in their lovely new paddock!

Thank you Maggie!


The Grass is Getting Greener!

Thanks to all of you we are almost 1/3 of the way to reach our goal for this past weekend’s hay run. The good news is that the grass is getting greener and our hay needs will soon lessen considerably!

If anyone would like to assist us with the remaining balance of $333, please click on the ‘Donate’ button below. Or if you would like to offer a Match Game, it would be so greatly appreciated by both horses and humans alike! Just email us at bhfers@gmail.com.

Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Just Five Days Remaining!

Please help us win $1000 for the horses by clicking on the ‘Vote’ button below each day throughout the month of April. It’s free & easy! We’re currently in 1st place with just five days remaining! Thank you!!!

Nadia and Venus, both purebred Arabians, are truly enchanted with the new fencing. About 300’ of the last section of the 25+ year old rusty fence was replaced yesterday and should be completed today.

Please enjoy the video below of Venus, the bay, who is 35 years young and Nadia, who is in her mid 20’s, happily trotting along the fence line.


MacGyver sure has filled out! He’s looking really good & is a very, very sweet boy. MacGyver is ready to start looking for his forever home.

Ford and Elvis had their teeth taken care of on Thursday which both so desperately needed. While Dr. Bess worked on Ford, Elvis was a very good boy standing patiently just outside the trailer awaiting his turn. We are happy to report that both of these precious boys have settled in nicely.

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday!


Got Hay?

We are less than halfway there to reach our goal for this week’s hay run for a ton of orchard, 21 bales of coastal, two bales of alfalfa and three big half-pasture bales, for a total of $1180.

If anyone would like to help with this need, please click on the ‘Donate’ button below. Or, if you would like to offer a Match Game, it would truly make our hearts sing!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Each morning, I look out the window first thing to see if Peggy Sue is up or down. Peggy Sue can’t get up if she lays on her left side. We just have to roll her over onto her right side and then she is able to get up on her own. Once I get to the barn, I look for Frodo, Beauty and Penny. Lately, Penny has been down in the mornings (hip issue) and she can’t get up without assistance. Penny weighs 1000 lbs. more than Peggy Sue so we can’t simply roll her over.

This morning was one of those mornings when Penny couldn’t get up. We encouraged her, but there wasn’t much more we could do. She’s completely blind and it can be dangerous trying to help her. I gave her some Banamine (IV) and some time. Thankfully she was able to get up after a short while. She enjoyed her breakfast and drank lots of water while Nicky, who is also blind, remained close by.

Having so many here with special needs brings new challenges each day. But we keep the faith and we keep going.

We know that any day could be the day that we have to make the decision for Penny, but she’s not ready to give up.

Other than having trouble getting up at times, her quality of life is still good and she so very much enjoys being with her best friend, Nicky. At Beauty’s Haven, each and every life is precious and deserving.

Please keep our sweet Penny in your thoughts and prayers.


Many of you may remember Kami and her mom, Haley, who had been adopted to good friends of the rescue several years ago. Sadly, Haley passed away during the night a few evenings ago which left a hole in many human hearts. It also left Kami with no other horsey friend.

Kami’s adoptive parents talked to us about the situation, and, as much as they care about her, we agreed that it would be in Kami’s best interest if she returned to Beauty’s Haven.

We are so grateful to Sherry and Kenny for giving the girls a great home and for loving Kami enough to do what is best for her. Sherry and Kenny will be moving closer to the rescue and Sherry will be back to volunteer and see Kami.

Kami Meets Sassy

We all figured Kami and Sassy would either get along great or not at all. They had a good meeting and walked off together after they met. I thought it would take just a little time for the girls to figure out who is the sassiest and, by the end of the day, I think it was decided by Kami that she is the lead princess.

Haley will never be forgotten and she will forever remain in each of our hearts.


These two boys were about to become homeless on Easter and they needed a safe place to land. I don’t know how old Elvis the pony is, but he’s up there in age. He has some eye and dental issues. Ford… well, I’m not sure of his age but hopefully we will know better today after the vet arrives. Both are in need of everything – bloodwork, exams, hooficures, dental, etc.

Elvis and Ford need sponsors for their initial needs as well as monthly sponsors for their ongoing care.

Any amount of a donation is very much appreciated and no amount is ever too small. Donations are tax deductible and can be made by simply clicking on the ‘Donate’ button below, where you may also sign up to become a monthly sponsor for one or both of these precious boys.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you, all, for your love and support.


These two precious souls are about to become homeless and we would like to grant them a safe place to land in time for Easter, but we need your help to achieve this goal.

Please consider making a donation to assist us in bringing these sweet horses to the rescue. They need initial veterinary, dental and farrier care, as well as monthly sponsors for their ongoing needs.

One time donations are also very much appreciated. You may sign up to become a monthly sponsor or to make a one time contribution simply by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

We would like to pick them up, if not today, then tomorrow, at the very latest.

Thank you, all, for your love and support.

Wishing you a Blessed Passover and Easter.
