Remi, our baby donkey, came to me several days ago with a special request from Hope. At some point either Freckles or Jerry the Giraffe told Remi and Hope about our precious baby calf, also named Hope, who arrived at Beauty’s Haven in April, 2019. Everyone adored Baby Hope, a spirited little calf who had an incredible will to live. A link to Chapter One of her story can be found by clicking HERE.

When Hope, our little mini filly, arrived this past December it took me quite some time to call her by her name without thinking about our little calf, Baby Hope. At times it made me very sad as precious Baby Hope meant the world to us and we miss her so very much to this very day. She was so truly loved.

Hope the mini’s personality began to shine as she was recovering from her colic surgery and I couldn’t help but think how incredibly spirited, bold, carefree, and independent she is.

Volunteers oftentimes comment about how sassy she is. I frequently tell her that she’s our “Little Sassy Pants!”

Back to Remi’s special request from Hope. Hope wants to know if we can just call her “Sassy.” It works for the rest of us and it truly fits her perfectly. So Sassy it is, and she already responds to her new name!

If you click on Miss Sassy Pants’s image above, you will see a video which perfectly captures her amazing spirit, made possible by each and every one of you, who helped grant her a second chance at life. Sassy is yet another Beauty’s Haven miracle!

A New Match Game

A wonderful friend and supporter has come forth to assist with our farrier and hay needs. We are so very thankful, as due to these precarious times, donations have been down for quite some time. The good news is that all donations up to $500 will be matched dollar-for-dollar, so if you wish to help sponsor a “hooficure” or contribute toward our hay needs, it would be so very much appreciated by horses, donkeys and humans alike. Just click on the ‘Donate’ button below and note that your donation is for our “Hooficures” and/or “Hay Match Game.”

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

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Thank you, all, so very much!


Forever in our Hearts

Just prior to Christmas, our beloved Kitty Cat went to Rainbow Bridge. He had sadly, been fighting cancer for quite some time. Although Kitty Cat had a number of surgeries, his quality of life was not what it should have been and we just couldn’t ask anymore of our beautiful boy. We thereby, made the decision that it was time to let him go to a place where he would once again, become young and forever free from pain, a place where he could chase butterflies throughout the verdant fields of heaven with all of his beloved friends who have gone before him.

We loved Kitty Cat so very much and the farm has just not been the same without him.

It has been particularly hard, however, on his best friend, Oreo, who has been quite depressed since Kitty Cat’s passing. We recently, decided that it was time to find a new friend and companion for Oreo to help heal his broken heart. And then, we discovered Allie.

We’ve had way too many losses in 2020 and I hope and pray that 2021 will bring about good things. I don’t know how much more my heart can take before it just shatters into a million pieces.


Allie arrived at Beauty’s Haven on Wednesday, however Oreo will have to wait just a few more days to meet his new friend. Since Allie presented with signs of respiratory infection, we immediately took her to the vet. The poor girl is missing quite a few teeth in her left jaw and she recently recovered from a terrible case of scabies. She is now on antibiotics and will have to return to the vet in two weeks. Hopefully she will be able to meet Oreo after the visit.

Prior to her rescue, Allie had been living on the streets, trying desperately to survive. As per the vet, she is about four years old.

Please keep Oreo and Allie in your prayers.


Guess what everybody? A special day called Valentine’s Day is coming! It’s is a day when humans show appreciation for loved ones, family, and friends by giving them Valentine’s Day cards. Some also give candy, flowers, and other gifts but it would be okay to give things like treats and hay too!

It would make all of our herd really happy if each one of us were someone’s Valentine. Can we be yours? You could choose any one (or more) of us! Just send an email to mommy Theresa stating which horse, donkey, dog or kitty cat you would like to have as your valentine and she will place a heart next to our name(s).

Valentine’s Day kind of crept up on us this year – it’s only days away so we didn’t ask for cards. But, if you could help by sending a suggested donation of $5 per Valentine (or any amount) we’d really appreciate it! Donations can be sent by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button below. If you can’t donate at this time, it’s really okay but we still want each and every one of you to be our Valentine because you’re all very special to us!

Thank you!

Aaleyah Belle, Beauty, Buckshot, CaryLou, Chloe, Dancer, Ebony, Frodo, Hope, Jazzy, JoJo, Jo, Lily, Lucy, Luiji, Magic, Mishka, Mo, Nadia, Nash, Nicky, Oasis, Peaches, Peggy Sue, Penny, Remi, Ruby, Valley Girl, Venus, Warrior, Shadow, Presley & Oreo

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Remi here! Mommy Theresa just told me that my horsey and donkey friends need four big compressed half pasture bales of hay and she asked me if I would like to help her raise money for this need. I was so happy to be Mommy’s little helper that I simply jumped for joy! We are more than halfway there with just $224 to go so if you would like to help, just click on the ‘Donate’ button below!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Thank you!


P.S. Thank you all for helping me get better.

We are all on the “Happy Feet” list this week so if anyone would like to help sponsor a “hooficure,” simply click on the Donate button below. If there is no place in which to designate the horse or donkey that you would like to sponsor, please send an email to to indicate your preference.

The total amount needed for the farrier this week is $325.

Thank you!

Bouie, *Frodo, Jazzy, Nadia, Nash, Nicky, Oasis, *Peaches, Ruby & Venus

*Frodo & Peaches have been covered.

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time