I can’t tell you how grateful we are for our amazing team of volunteers. I don’t know what we would have done without them yesterday. The little one had a pretty good day on Thursday. She’s latching onto her bottle really well now, but she still has a long way to go. Please keep her in your prayers.

This little one is going to make it. She just is.

Thank you.


Hi Everyone,

The baby had a quiet night. Her temperature is down, but not as yet within normal limits. Her blood test results indicate she’s a very sick (septic) little girl. The vet was here earlier and the baby’s medications were adjusted/changed accordingly.

We truly need a miracle.

Please keep this precious baby girl in your prayers and if you would like to assist with her sizable veterinary fees, you may do so via the ‘Donate’ button below. Please designate your donation to ‘Baby Donkey.’

Thank you, all, for your love and support.


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Orphan Newborn Donkey Needs Special Care

The vet has arrived and this sweet little one is a baby girl. Although she has a temperature, she did take a little milk. The plasma the vet had on her truck wasn’t guaranteed to be suitable for donkeys so another bag should be arriving at the farm any minute now. She did get some fluids and antibiotics have been started. We’ve haven’t lost a dummy foal yet and hopefully, this won’t be our first. I’m choosing to believe that this little girl is a fighter and will be just fine. I’ll update after the plasma is administered.


It’s me, Hope! Did you know that on Thursday, a ‘controlled burn’ happened next door and went out of control and flames came over to our farm? It was so scary because it was very windy. I became less scared when Mommy Theresa told me that I did a great job helping to raise money for our hay run last week! It made me feel really good so I asked Auntie Jeanne if I could help again this week and she said, ‘Yes!’ We go through lots of hay during the wintertime because the grass does not grow so, if anyone would like to help with this week’s hay run, it would make me and all of my horsey and donkey friends (and Mommy Theresa) so very happy! And guess what? A very special Auntie has offered to match all donations up to $500!



Our “Velvet Nosers” are in need of 24 bales of orchard @ $750, 4 big compressed 1/2 pasture bales @ $425 and 2 compressed alfalfa bales @ $80 for a total of $1255, so if anyone would like to help with this need, while doubling your donation at the same time, it would be so greatly appreciated. You may forward your donation via various means on our website, CLICK HERE. If donating via PayPal, please select, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please also note that your donation is for the ‘Hay Match Game.’

Thank you!

Guess what everyone? Yesterday, after breakfast, Mommy Theresa surprised me with three different halters and said I could pick out which one I wanted to wear, so I picked the red one! After the sun came out, and the winds went away, it warmed up and guess what happened? I got to take off my blankie and wear my birthday suit!! I rolled all around and got to get just a little bit dirty and it felt great!

But wait – it gets better! I was watching the minis that live way over there on the other side of the big horse paddock and then it happened – Mommy Theresa put my new halter on me and said we were going on an adventure! We walked around the big horse paddock and wandered over to the other side so I could meet the minis! I met Bouie, Lily, Ebony, Lucy, and CaryLou. I met the two mini donkeys too – Jazzy and JoJo – they’re a hoot! Did you know that they are all bigger than me? It was fun to meet them and one day, maybe, I’ll get to play with them. I still have to be “confined” for a few more weeks because my tummy needs to heal really good. But I’ve decided that I like to go on adventures! Hopefully we’ll go on another one soon.

Well, that’s my story for today.


Introducing Valley Girl & Buckshot

Valley Girl and Buckshot, our newest arrivals, have settled in really well. As Hope shared in our last email, these two precious horses arrived late Friday evening. Sadly, their human mom passed away and they needed a place to go. Valley Girl is an Arabian/Thoroughbred cross with some health issues that we are presently addressing and Buckshot is a very sweet Paint.

A New Friendship

It’s bittersweet seeing MacGyver under the Friendship Tree. Peggy Sue is just on the other side of Mac in the first photo above.

The bottom photo includes Tilly, Cricket, Little E, Bria, and Nina gathered around the Friendship Tree. We sadly, lost them all last year – they are all gathered at Rainbow Bridge now. We are blessed that Peggy Sue is still with us and we are so very happy that she and Mac have become fast friends.


I have an announcement to make!!!! Are you ready to listen up? Did you know that I have a new big brother and a big sister? I do! They arrived last night and I can’t wait to meet them! Mommy Theresa said they’re really nice. Their human mommy passed away and they needed a place to go – isn’t that sad? We’ll make them feel right at home. Stay tuned – I’ll tell you more about them after the morning busys around here! That means it will probably be late afternoon. We’ll post pictures too!


Uh Oh!

JoJo just discovered that the golf cart was broken and so it has therefore, been sent to the repair shop. When a wonderful friend and supporter learned of this latest setback, she came forth to offer a $300 Match Game to assist with the repairs. If anyone would like to help get the golf cart ‘on the road again,’ it would truly, make two little donkeys, as well as all the humans here at Beauty’s Haven, very happy indeed! You may forward your donation via various means here on our website’s Donation Page. Please note that your donation is for the ‘Golf Cart Match Game.’

Thank you for your continued generosity & support!


Hi Everyone, JoJo here helping Mommy Theresa again! She wanted me to let you all know that we have already gone through last week’s hay supply so it is time for Daddy Bob to make another hay run! Won’t you please help?


P.S. One of my very special aunties will match all donations up to $200!


Our ‘Velvet Nosers’ are in need of 22 bales of orchard hay @ $785 (a little more than a ton) as well as four bales of alfalfa ($18 each), so if anyone would like to help with this need, it would be so greatly appreciated.

You may forward your donation via various means on our website by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below. If donating via PayPal, please select, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family’ and no fees will be deducted from your contribution. Please also note that your donation is for the ‘Hay Match Game.’

Thank you!

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Recent Rescue Settles In

We have named our precious new arrival “MacGyver,” an 18-20 year old Warmblood cross who is such a love. Dr. Templeton came out on Thursday to examine Mac and perform bloodwork, and on Saturday we gave him a much needed bath. Mac is quite thin under his shaggy coat and he has horrible dander from head to tail, but I am most certain that he is feeling so much better following his bath! The farrier was here on Sunday to assess his feet.

Mac has settled in really well and he reminds me so much of Doc, another of our wise old souls, who sadly went to Rainbow Bridge many years ago. 

Mac does need sponsors to help with his initial and ongoing needs. If you would like to sign up to become a monthly sponsor for this precious boy, you may do so for as little as five dollars a month, simply click here. If you prefer, you may also make a one time donation. Please remember that all donations are always so greatly appreciated and no amount is ever too small.

Aries & Raz Adopted!

While Dr. Templeton was here, she also checked on Raz and Aries and was beyond thrilled to see their improvements. They both have gained a substantial amount of weight and their rain rot is much better. They have spunk and the light in their eyes is much brighter.

The year started out in a great way for them – they were adopted to a wonderful forever home where they will want for nothing and will be so very loved.

We’re so grateful, it was truly a blessing. We wouldn’t have separated them, they are full sisters and are very bonded to one another. Thank you all, for helping these very special mares!
