Beauty Update

I’m very happy to report that Beauty is better! An abscess finally worked its way out of the bottom of her foot and thankfully, this morning, another blew out from her coronet band so hopefully, she is now, well on the road to recovery.

We also discovered Frodo camped out in Beauty’s stall this morning. Beauty was standing at the feed room door – something she hasn’t done in days. It’s great to see her feeling better.

Kitty Cat

Kitty Cat was given approximately 2 months to live several months ago due to a mast cell tumor that had metastasized. I love that he’s doing well and still greets me at the golf cart every morning. Do I believe in miracles? Always.

Sweet Dreams

“Wishing everyone a Good Night! We hope you have a terrific Thursday!”


In Loving Memory

On Monday afternoon, the vet was called out to the farm to treat our precious Cricket for colic. After doing all that could be done and being unsuccessful with clearing her impaction, and surgery not an option, it was decided that we could no longer let her suffer. She was simply in too much pain. Cricket was such a wise and brave little mare to the very end and she even enjoyed some time with her dear friend, Tilly. The vet returned last evening and Cricket was peacefully transitioned to Rainbow Bridge at 9:00pm, surrounded by all who loved her so dearly.

We know in our hearts that her beloved Jiminy was awaiting her arrival, and both, with youth restored and free of pain, crossed the Rainbow Bridge together.

We love you, sweet Cricket, forever & always.

Hi Everyone,

Thank you, all, for your messages of condolence during this most difficult time. Cricket was so very blessed to have experienced such an inordinate amount of love and joy in recent years. She was truly, a very wise old soul and I am certain that she had many stories to tell during the course of her thirty-five years here on earth. We do find comfort with the knowledge that Cricket has been reunited with her beloved companion, Jiminy, who went to Rainbow Bridge just a few months ago.

While the vet was here to care for Cricket, bloodwork was also done on Bria, and we are currently, awaiting the results.

While we never like to ask for funds, especially during this time of heartbreak and sorrow, we do need assistance for Bria’s testing as well as for both visits from the vet yesterday.

The first to help resolve Crickets’s colic, and the second, an evening emergency visit, to assist with her peaceful transition to Rainbow Bridge. We also are asking for assistance to cover Cricket’s burial fees.

If you would like to assist with these fees, which we estimate to be in the range of $600, you may forward your donation via various means here on our secure website or via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Bria’ and/or ‘Cricket.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.

Lastly, please keep Beauty in your prayers.

Thank you all, so very much, for your love and support.


Hi Everyone,
I hope this newsletter finds you all safe during these most challenging times. We have been hunkered down here at the farm as we practice social distancing with our wonderful team of volunteers who bravely, come out to assist us with the herd. It is with great hope that you will find some peace and joy as you read this update about our beloved ‘Velvet Nosers.’


PICTURED: Penny, our adoptable Belgian mare. For more info on her, click here.

The Friendship Tree

This tree has been home to many friendships. These are some of our seniors – Little E, Niña, Peggy Sue, and Bria having a post breakfast gathering.

Bria’s Happy Feet

Bria is very beautiful and a very sweet mare. She still has to wear her SoftRides 24/6 but she doesn’t seem to mind at all.

Keeping Cool

Little Tilly has COPD. She hangs out at the barn on the days that are a bit challenging for her. She has a Portacool available to her but she prefers the shade of the tree.

Warrior, on the other hand, really appreciates the Portacoolers since he doesn’t sweat at times and also has seasonal airway issues.


We are really appreciating the Carryall 700 that was donated to the rescue a couple of months ago. It saves a lot of time since we only have to make one trip to give out hay instead of 2 or 3 with a golf cart.


Lastly, what would an update be without featuring Shadow!

Shadow was recently gifted a cooling mat which he truly loves! His training has been going very well. He is such an awesome dog who is always smiling for the camera!

“Don’t give up just because of the obstacles. Regardless of what obstacles face you, just keep going! Go through, go around, or go over or under – but never give up!”

In Memory of our beloved Betsy Rose, we are offering a set of four coasters featuring a sweet image of our beloved little mare with the flaxen mane. Betsy Rose touched the lives of people throughout the world and even though she sadly, is no longer with us physically, she continues to inspire us each and every day. Betsy taught us perseverance, courage, compassion, patience, wisdom and to believe. She proved that miracles do happen and to never give up despite the obstacles we face, and those obstacles are now clearly, in front of us during this most devastating pandemic.

Starting immediately, for each suggested donation of $5 that is designated for “Betsy’s Raffle,” you will receive one chance to become the lucky recipient of this adorable set of coasters.

Donations may be submitted via various means here on our website or via PayPalMe. All proceeds will be applied to our upcoming hay needs.

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Donation Total: $5.00 One Time

A name will be selected at Beauty’s Haven Farm and Equine Rescue, Inc., located in Morriston, FL, on 30 April 2020, at 6:00pm.

Hey Everyone!

Aaleyah Belle here, letting you all know that it is Hooficure week once again! We hope to raise $475, so if anyone would like to donate toward ‘Happy Feet’ for me and my horsey friends, it would truly make our hearts sing! There are many ways in which to donate. You may forward your contribution via various means here on our website or via PayPalMe. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation to ‘Happy Feet.’ If you select the tab, ‘Send Money to Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is ever too small.
Thank you & please stay safe!

Hugs and Slimy Kisses,
Aaleyah Belle

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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time


Niña is looking much better. When she lays down now, she’s strong enough to get up on her own. Niña recently, managed to injure her lip, but she was such a good girl and great patient when getting her wound cleaned and treated.

Penny’s Happy Mouth

Dr. Bess Darrow (Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services) worked on Penny’s teeth last week. Penny had recently started to quid. Penny is a blind 30+ year old Belgian. Elyza Rose is her seeing eye pony and BFF.

Bria’s Happy Feet

“Got treats?”

Bria is holding her own and is most comfortable in her SoftRides boots. Take them off and it’s a different story – she has thin soles and some rotation in both front feet. But you can sometimes see her sprinting around looking for Little E or Cricket.