We know Hope has dwarfism characteristics, contracted tendons, cataracts and neurological deficits. But, she also has a bright spirit and a determination that we can’t, and won’t, ignore. She’s a precious and wonderful living being who deserves a chance.
We have seen an improvement in her tendons due to the Dynasplints, but she still has not been very active. Her muscles need to be put to work – she needs to do weight bearing exercises and build stamina. We had to find a way for her to get moving on her own as part of a good rehabilitation program in order for her to become more self sufficient.
Remember – Hope laid on the ground, almost 24 hours a day, every day for more than a month. We plan to take one step at a time, through support and physical therapy. Yes, it will take a great deal of our time, but since I have been in a somewhat similar situation due to a spinal cord injury (I was a quadriplegic), I can attest to the fact, that with the right tools, therapists, tons of determination, a wonderful support system, and much faith, I did overcome the odds and am able to use my limbs again (although I’m an incomplete quad with no feeling or proprioception below my neck). I am not saying that Hope will do so as well, but unless we give her a chance, we will never know.
We did some research and found a wheelchair from Walkin’ Wheels that is absolutely perfect! The wheelchair isn’t meant to be a permanent solution, but rather, a tool.
As we pray for a good outcome for Hope, if it turns out it is not meant to be, we will find peace with the knowledge that we gave her the chance that she so justly deserves and she will leave this world knowing that she was very much loved – she will be surrounded by those who love her and she won’t die alone in a field. Miracles do happen and we have borne witness to many.
This VIDEO was taken last night after I removed Hope’s Dynasplints in order to clean them, prior to tucking her in. Hope’s back legs were not supported in the wheelchair but her front legs were – but she used them to move herself forward which is a very good thing!

As I mentioned in our last update, a majority of our horses are scheduled for hooficures this week so we need to raise $820. In addition, the arthritis in Chloe’s knees has worsened to the point where she needed injections. Dr. Cardona was here this week to take x-rays and administer the injections. We currently need $400 for Chloe’s veterinary fees. We also need to make a Hay Run this weekend, for three large compressed bales of hay at a cost of $330, plus a ton of three string orchard hay bales at cost of $610 for a total of $940.
Any help for these needs would be so greatly appreciated. Donations can be made via various means on our secure DONATION PAGE. Please note in the comments section that your donation is for ‘Happy Feet,’ ‘Chloe’ or ‘Hay.’ All donations are tax deductible and please be assured, that no amount is ever too small.
Thank you to our wonderful friends and supporters who have already donated!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!