Wednesday was a big day for Hope! I took her to Ocala Equine Hospital for an evaluation and x-rays by Dr. Lugo to determine if she would be a candidate for DynaSplints which would hopefully, help her contracted tendons.
Dr. Lugo and his staff did a great job in successfully operating on little Harvey a few years ago to put his kneecap back where it belonged – he had been born with his kneecap out of place. More than a year ago, Emma had bullets and bullet fragments removed at Ocala Equine Hospital almost a month after she had been shot multiple times. They are truly amazing! Please CLICK HERE to learn more about Dr. Lugo and Ocala Equine Hospital.
To learn more about DynaSplints, please CLICK HERE.

Hope is always great for road trips. Freckles travels with her.
Everyone at the hospital loved her!
Hope was great for the trip – she’s always a very good girl for road trips. Once we arrived at the hospital, she had a bit of a welcoming committee. She unloaded onto a nice thick mat and got comfortable. She then basked in all the attention that was being showered upon her.
The evaluation, multiple x-rays, and measurements took a couple of hours, but Hope cooperated the entire time. It was determined that she is a candidate for DynaSplints! There is no guarantee they will work but there is a good possibility that they will. We discussed the possible outcomes and her quality of life and we all believe that she truly, deserves a chance.
Hope cooperated – totally. She seemed to know we are all trying to help her.
Dr. Lugo feels we should try the Dynasplints and that Hope has a chance to live a comfortable life.
In addition to the contracted tendons, there is some abnormality in one knee but Dr. Lugo said that we can address that later, if needed. Before leaving the hospital, more people appeared to have a photo taken with Hope – she simply loved it! However, she was totally exhausted by the time we departed for the rescue. She curled up with Freckles and rested on the way home as she had an appointment with Dr. Mangan that same afternoon.
Thank you all for having faith in our little Hope and for helping her. I will update tomorrow regarding Dr. Mangan’s assessment of Hope which, hopefully, will help explain her other issues.
Please keep Hope in your prayers – she’s such a precious little girl who really seems to understand, and appreciate, that we are trying to help her.
Hope seemed to pose for photos – she knows she is “all that!”
So many people came by to take photos with Hope. I’m sure she felt like a movie star!
I was so proud of this little girl.
Hope is quite the determined little calf.
A tired little girl on the way home. Hope curled up with Freckles and napped on the way back to the rescue.
Our precious little sleepy head.