Earlier this year, Cookie appeared to be depressed – she just wasn’t herself. With her history of cancer, well, I was just concerned. Dr. Specht ran some blood work and some values were all over the place. Then Cookie developed chronic imflammation in her left eye and was put on eye medications which didn’t seem to help. Dr. Specht did a biopsy which came back negative (for cancer). We continued treatments but still didn’t see any improvement over the next couple of weeks. In fact, the eye worsened with the development of an an ulcer.

Dr. Mangan repeated the biopsy and it also came back negative for SCC – whew! A lavage was placed, which helped to enable us to continue treatment of the eye around the clock with various medications. Still, the eye didn’t respond. Dr. Mangan examined her a few more times, medications were adjusted, and Dr. Specht did another blood test to see how she was doing overall. Her blood test values are thankfully, much better. Dr. Mangan was out again this past weekend and Cookie’s eye has worsened. Her diagnosis – immune mediated marginal ulcerative keratitis. We regrouped and discussed options.
We truly, want what is best for Cookie. Over the course of the past several weeks she’s been adjusting to losing sight in that eye – and she is still adjusting. Since this issue started, we’ve prayed a lot while doing all we can to help the eye heal, but it’s time – we’ve made the decision to have the eye removed. We want Cookie to be comfortable and there are much worse things than losing an eye. Horses adapt and most do just fine. Dr. Mangan will be removing Cookie’s eye next week.

Please keep Cookie in your prayers – good thoughts would also be greatly appreciated.

With just one week remaining until our 8th Annual Celebration of Life/ASPCA Help A Horse Day event on April 22nd, we are hoping that our Village will come forth once again to help us meet our goal of raising $8000. These funds will be used to help pay for Cookie’s surgical/vet fees, spring vaccinations and other needs of our rescue herd, while competing for a chance to win up to $10,000 in grant prizes.
Donations are tax deductible and can be made via our website. Our PayPal address: bhfer@earthlink.net. If donating via PayPal, please designate your donation for ‘Help A Horse Day.’ If you select the tab for ‘Friends or Family,’ no fees will be deducted from your contribution.
We currently have a $2000 MATCH GAME in progress with $875 still available in matching funds. Once we raise $875, our $2000 Match Game will be complete and will instantly morph into $4000 which is halfway to our targeted goal of $8000! Can we do it? We BELIEVE we can!
As always, thank you all so very much for your love and support.
#helpahorse #bhfer #cookie #donate #matchgame #aspca #believe #ittakesavillage #wecandothis