Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
Sincerely, Theresa
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
Jan 15th:Tomorrow is a big day – Dr. Mangan and Dr. Porter will be here to start the treatments on Daisy’s tumors. While they are here, we would like to have x-rays done of Betsy Rose’s feet. She’s been tender footed and we think it’s time for x-rays. Would anyone like to help cover the cost? The cost will be at least $200 – more depending on the number of x-rays taken. |
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If you’d like to help, our PayPal address is bhfer@earthlink.net. If you mark it as a “gift” for Betsy Rose there won’t be fees taken out. There are other ways to donate via our website at www.bhfer.org. Please remember – no amount is too small, all donations are tax deductible, and we appreciate you support very much! Thank you. |
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Website: www.bhfer.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bhfer.tb
New Years Eve 2013
The vet was called out this evening as Betsy Rose was experiencing an episode of Choke. The choke was cleared and Betsy Rose is now on antibiotics but she is ok – although, she’s not happy that she won’t get her midnight mash. Betsy has a history of choke and gets a soft watery mash, but unless we muzzle her, she will pick at the grass. I’ll never forget the first time, 2 months after her arrival here in June 2013,when she was able to finally stand on her own and graze (she had to live in a sling – it truly is a miracle that she survived) – it was glorious to watch! Dr. Bess ( Tune Ups Veterinary Equine Dentistry and Services) checks Betsy often and works on her as needed – she’ll be back again in a week or so to work on others and Betsy is on the list.
Betsy Rose is the strongest little mare I know – yet she is still so fragile. She always will be. For those that don’t know her story here is her beginning with us: and here is a video – she’s the little mare that believes… .
Please keep Betsy Rose in your prayers. Thank you.
January 1st
Betsy Rose is recovering from her choke. She’s still getting soup for meals but hopefully, by tomorrow, she will be able to get a mash vs soup.
As we welcomed in the New Year, little Betsy Rose welcomed in a new friend. A distant relative of Freckles arrived – a cute little donkey named Mani! Freckles and Mani hung out in Betsy’s food dish quite a bit to try to keep her mind off of not being able to eat much yet. Betsy Rose enjoyed listening to them catch up on family stories. Freckles had quite a few stories to tell Mani about life with Betsy Rose too!
Betsy Rose is not allowed to graze but we took turns taking her for walks today.
We have two farriers coming tomorrow so we’re calling it a day here soon. We’ll be setting up the sling in the morning for Peggy Sue’s hooficure. Have a good night everyone and, again, thank you for your continued support! Thank you Eva!
JoJo – my loyal little helper…
Donovan playing with his drum this morning. He started before daylight. LOL
We are so blessed to have wonderful friends and volunteers – including ones with 4 legs! The donkeys were all trying to help with am chores while Duke oversaw everything.
Handsome really is handsome.
Please click on the link below to view our Beauty’s Haven 2014 Smilebox slideshow.
January 2nd
Thank you all so much for voting for me! This is a wonderful way to start the New Year! Sponsored by http://www.alltech.com/equine
“Congratulations to our November Equine Hero Theresa Batchelor!” Alltech
Lizanne Quinn from the United States of America, has nominated Theresa Batchelor as her Equine Hero! Lizanne explains that “I have been a horse owner for my entire life and I have never met anyone like Theresa. Her tireless dedication to the horses starved, abused left for dead has truly amazed me. Theresa is a true equine hero!”
Lizanne goes on to say that “I see a lot of people who say that they rescue horses, but Theresa’s rescue is actually a Heaven on Earth and a last stop for many. For the ones that survive, it is only because of her intervention, love and prayers.” Theresa makes sure that every horse that comes through her door is completely rehabilitated and adoptable or else she won’t let them go.
Sadly, Theresa’s rescue is the last stop for a lot of horses that arrive there. However as upsetting as it is to see the horses arrive so broken, Theresa gives them hope and they know on their last days that they are truly loved. Sometimes it’s too late, but the horses have beautiful surroundings, the best care that can be found and a beautiful heart by their side until they pass away or pull through.
Theresa is truly amazing. I can only imagine what the other horses say to the new ones on their way in. Perhaps they say “don’t worry” or “you are safe now” or “thank goodness you made it here in time” or “we love you and we will see you on the other side”.
Lizanne finishes by saying “thank you Theresa Batchelor and Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue. I nominate you to as my Equine Hero!”
Memories warm the heart…
January 3rd
The year is starting out absolutely wonderful for Attagirl – she left today for her forever home! She’s not far from the rescue and she will be totally loved and spoiled at Heaven Can Wait Farm! Congratulations Attagirl and Suzy!
“Mommy Theresa no worries about those big horses next door coming over here. I’ve told them I’m boss over here and they would have to get my permission. So no worries, ok? I got this!” CaryLou is a hoot!
Mishka really is a big teddy bear.
Simply stunning.
Wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
December 15th – 29th, 2014 Update
December 15th
Donkey fun in the morning!
Beauty’s Haven Equine Rescue in action!
December 19th
Cookie visiting with Dr. Mangan today. He was her ophthalmologist/surgeon at UF for her cancer earlier this year. Cookie is doing great! He was at the rescue today to assess Daisy.
Hollie and Starbuck – both found loving forever homes last year.
December 22nd
Betsy Rose getting her little foot treated. We think she has a little abscess brewing.
A beautiful gift from a beautiful and dear friend. It needs no words. Gentleman may not be physically with us this year but I promise you – his spirit is strong and will never leave us. Sometimes, I can almost feel him breathing over my shoulder. I just wish I could turn around and hug him and never let go.
It’s very satisfying to see Betsy Rose tucked in and slurping away on her mash under the heat lamps. I’ll be back in the office in the morning to work on the calendar and, hopefully, I’ll finish it up. Good night everyone.
December 23rd
Joshua making sure Betsy Rose eats all of her dinner. It’s always nice when the kids come home.
JoJo and CaryLou both wanted all of Ruth’s attention today.
Peaches is doing well. There is still issue with her front right but she seems happy and comfortable and glad to be home.
December 24th
At this time last year, Ceri and Garan left for their forever home where they are truly loved. Thank you Cindy for opening your heart and home to these two lovely Arabians!
JoJo is truly amazed with the tree and its ornaments. Watching them learn new things, just like our kids did when they were little, is an awesome experinece. It’s truly a blessing to have the opportunity to help these donkeys and horses. Thank you all for your support and for being part of our Village!
A little Donkey Christmas ‘tail!’
December 26th
Betsy Rose doesn’t want Christmas to be over.
December 28th
The weekend is over and I still haven’t been able to sit long enough to put out an update. CaryLou thinks he’s as big as Mishka. lol
December 29th
It’s been so busy over the last few days even JoJo reported to the office a few times to help out.
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
This is old news but I found it in my “Draft” folder – I never sent it out! I’m sorry! If some of you already received it I’m sorry for the dupe!
December 6th
Bella took part in the traditional Tree Getting at her home in Wisconsin!! She was the 2014 official tree puller!
December 7th
CaryLou thinking about coming up the office stairs.
December 8th
Ginger is going home! Lucky girl!
Ginger is now leaving for her adoptive home! A home for the holidays!
Little E sporting his new under blanket!
December 10th
Donovan’s got a big backside! He got a treatment by Dr. Julia yesterday.
Silly baby mini donks JoJo and Jazzy are full of themselves today!
Daisy the mini donkey that is battling cancer around both eyes. She’s full of life and is so sweet!!
Daisy is never very far from the boys. They are quite the trio. Add in CaryLou and it’s, well, never a dull minute.
December 11th
Pam and I are on our way to UF with Baby Girl and Cookie for their scheduled check ups. Please pray for only good news!
The good news is that Cookie is doing great – her eyes and area around them looks great and we’re supposed to “keep doing what we’ve been doing” because it’s working! She will always have to have special attention to her eyes but she is good about having solution or meds put in them and she’s great about having her face cleaned daily and lotion applied. She’ll always be a stay out of the sun mare but that’s ok. She goes out after the sun goes down. She’s a cancer survivor and a happy girl.
After Pam and I got the girls settled in at the hospital we had to rush back to the farm to pickup Peaches. She looked distended when we left and I called Dr. Julia out. When she examined Peaches, she determined that Peaches needed to go to the hospital.
At the hospital she was examined and ultrasounded – they believe she has a displacement of the colon with an impaction. They do not believe that her gut has twisted or that any part of her intestines have died. They are giving her some time to try to resolve but, if she does not resolve within the next hour or so, she needs surgery. We’re told that her chances are very good if she needs surgery – so, we wait and pray for a miracle in the next hour. We ask for your prayers and good thoughts too.
Peaches is a wonderful little mare that used to get hit in the head a lot before we got her. If she didn’t do what she was asked to do at just the right time (she was a games pony) she’d get bopped in the head between her ears. It was very sad. She’s full of life and deserves a chance. It was very hard to leave Peaches at the hospital this evening. Katie went to visit with her late this evening and we’ll be back there in the morning.
Dr. Porter (PHD Veterinary Service) came out this afternoon to check on a few of the horses. The best news is that he believes that Daisy, the mini donkey that came to us several months ago with cancer around both eyes, has a chance of beating it! He is referring Daisy to the same vet (ophthalmologist) that took care of Cookie’s cancer that was on her 3rd eyelids and around her eyes – and he did her reconstructive surgery! Daisy has had some surgeries over the last several months and both eyes look so much better. But, so far, the cancer keeps returning. Daisy’s left eye will likely need to be removed but that’s ok – she can’t see much out of it now. She’s only 4 years old and deserves a chance. We also hope to incorporate holistic care into Daisy’s treatment plan. She runs around here with the boys and is just in everyone’s pockets. Everyone loves Daisy! We keep a protective hard cup mesh mask on her and during the day she wears a UV mask on top of the mesh mask. Oh, and Daisy is VERY vocal. I mean very.
Dr. Porter also visited with Baby Girl when he was here. He was a key team player in her recovery. Baby Girl is another little filly that believed and she overcame the odds – her recovery was nothing short of a miracle! For those that don’t know Baby Girl’s story here is a link to an article:
Baby Girl will be going back to her adoptive home in a few weeks. She only came back to FL in order for her to go back to UF to be seen by Dr. Morton. But x-rays and her exam showed nothing to be alarmed of. There is scar tissue impinging some nerves that is causing some tics around her eye. She has arthritis in her jaw but that was expected. We ride her in a bitless bridle that was made by Skips Bitless Bridles and she does just fine. We wouldn’t dream of taking her back from a family that adores her unless there a medical or other issue that would make it in her best interest. Dr. Bess will be doing her teeth in a few days.
December 12th
Prayers are working! Please keep them coming for Peaches! Peaches passed poop and gas just before Dr. Bauck and Dr. Morton were planning to operate so they opted to continue to give her one more round of meds to try to keep her comfortable to buy her a little more time. It appears they made the right decision – they are awesome! BTW – Dr. Morton is the surgeon that operated on Baby Girl. Peaches tummy has gone down – she’s up and has light in her eyes. Her poop is better and she’s got a little appetite this morning! They plan to remove the IV fluids today and monitoring her. I didn’t sleep last night for worry and what little I did sleep I had horrible dreams. I shouldn’t let my faith waiver, I know, but I’m human. We’ve had so many losses – I just couldn’t believe we were at risk of losing Peaches too. But she is showing signs of improvement and if she continues to improve she’ll likely be able to come home over the weekend.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support for Peaches. The financial burden of this is going to be around $1500 or a little more. I’ve asked Jeanne to figure out where we are with donations for Peaches and she’ll update later today but I’m sure we’re several hundred dollars short. But right now I’m going to go say a prayer of thanks and try to grab a little sleep while Kylie is here – and Lisa is on her way in. Bob had to go to the doctor this morning so I need to call and let him know about Peaches. This is such a relief – oh – and I need to call Katie! God bless and have a wonderful day everyone! Please continue to send good thoughts for Peaches and pray she continues to improve! Thank you!!!!
What a difference since last night! Peaches is feeling much better!
December 13th
It’s really great to have Peaches back at the rescue – thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. Some have asked where we stand with funds to cover her vet bill – I’ll figure that out on Monday. For now, I’d really like to just bask in the relief knowing that she’s recovering and is home. She’s tucked in for the night. Hopefully, we’ll all sleep a bit better tonight.
I was very happy that Angelo dropped by to help out at the farm for awhile today. Bob had to run a lot of errands to get hay, etc. Roxy and Paul were also here today – they volunteer every other Saturday. They are the adopter’s of Skye and Morgan – two of our horses that are living a great life getting lots of TLC.
Now, if we could only find a great home for Bryce and Serenity.
Jazzy is getting better about being handled. He actually walks up to me now and then and turns sideways to ask for scratches. I had to get some goobers out of his eye this morning. He’s got the cutest little itty bitty eyes.
Dr. Porter took another set of x-rays of Donovan’s feet and we were so happy to see improvement! It’s just going to take some time to get them where they need to be.
I came across this photo of Gentleman tonight that was taken in 2012. I sure do miss him. Good night everyone. I wish everyone sweet dreams…
Beauty’s Haven Farm & Equine Rescue, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization